Forums > Leagues Complaints

[SOLVED] MagiC alias Doritos/f0rest/dieg0, joined as cybercan in o2...u can be the next

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i made this thaed in xtc forum a 3 days ago, but since he knows gonna be banned looks like he moved to here and startd playing in tus.
well, magic just aliasd dieg0(ex.bOr) and played clanner by bor and lost, also did the same with f0rest when he was in GoR. and the last tried was a 4 days ago when he joined with doritos and almost did clanner vs TaG, he just convef to zogger (tag) in lobby thats he was doritos.
how u see there he dnt say no, he is just mad with zogger, this is the first prove, secnd zogg and f0rest postd there and siad thats true.
this stupid kid dnt deservt be in any league. thats why im here, to see this mofo banned of all leagus. he did many shit to my clan and u all can figur how i feel about this nerd.
so tus stuff should make something, cose in my pont he dnt deserv play any league!
he is unsportif, alias, unfair. must nerd i ever saw in my wn life, can even be worst then dt.
third prove, its a game thats was send to me by a SwaT guy (clan when was magic) after he tryed alis doritos. ill add the replay and tranlat what mater from there.

--- Quote from:  from replay ---[00:09:51.44] [MagiC-Suati-] fal em doritos, eu entrei de dritos pra zua beer   ->about doritos, i joined by dortios to fuk up beer
[00:10:05.70] [f0rest] vo fala pro dori   -> ill tell that to dori
[00:10:16.62] [diih-SwaT-] vc é burro cara?  -> are u stupid man?
[00:10:23.14] [diih-SwaT-] lol
[00:10:43.22] [f0rest] dori é bem bravo  ->dori gonna be really mad
[00:10:44.88] [diih-SwaT-] agora q tu não joga mais clanner mesmo..  -> u dnt play more clanner by us for real
[00:11:15.00] [MagiC-Suati-] beer eh um merda   -> beer is a shit
[00:11:19.44] [MagiC-Suati-] ele nao tem voz de comando an xtc  -> he cant do nothing in xtc
[00:11:20.12] [MagiC-Suati-] xD
[00:11:20.50] [MagiC-Suati-] tenho amigos mods la   -> ive got mod friends there
[00:11:45.58] [MagiC-Suati-] veg eh um cocozinho  -> veg is a little shit
[00:11:51.16] [f0rest] vai leva ban dele  -> u gonna be baned by him
[00:11:51.16] [diih-SwaT-] haha magic se fudeu   -> haha magic u are fuked
[00:11:59.06] [f0rest] kkkkkkk 
[00:12:02.42] [f0rest] fica sem joga xts -> without playing xts
[00:12:02.42] [f0rest] foda  -> sucks
[00:12:02.42] [diih-SwaT-] nao sabe fazer alias nao faz porra  -> u dunno how alias, dnt try. porra
[00:12:02.42] [diih-SwaT-] lol
[00:12:31.28] [MagiC-Suati-] sabe pq diego -> know why diego (diego=dihh)
[00:12:35.50] [MagiC-Suati-] eu faço tudo certo  -> i do evrything right
[00:12:39.54] [MagiC-Suati-] mas eu contei   -> but i said
[00:12:43.96] [MagiC-Suati-] pra um amigo meu de confiança  -> to a  friend
[00:12:48.60] [MagiC-Suati-] q ia joga clanner  -> that i was gonna clanner
[00:12:51.00] [diih-SwaT-] sei...  -> know...
[00:12:51.00] [MagiC-Suati-] o filho da pulta do zogger deduro eu  -> and that mofo of zogger fuked me uo hard

--- End quote ---,175.0.html (worms brazillian forum, there he confirst all thats things, but its ll in portugues)

ps, sorry for the engish


--- Quote from: Magic ---WHY DID ME ??? LOOL

i only fake doritos and diego

if I had the fake penguim, I would have assumed, also I did with diego and Doritos, in addition, I do not know penguim
--- End quote ---

lmao "i only fake 2 guys," XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD what smartzillian
lies, anyway now i dnt need proves since he say. that. anyway. ill prov for all this mofo is cyber too

I agree on banning him.

Well out of the evidence, yea we can say this about him.

But I can't ban someone when he hasn't done anything here.

so i can alias u, try play tus. say shit in ag. and dnt happen nothing to me? ill be able to come here and play this league?
this is my pont.
edit: how one guy like him can be albe to play leagues?


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