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Author Topic: Grenade Wars after the current trl season  (Read 264 times)

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Offline Peja

Grenade Wars after the current trl season
« on: April 28, 2024, 02:13 PM »
Like many others i got hooked on that scheme and would love to keep playing it after this season ends.
Dont know if a seperate GW league makes sense considering the overall league activity but it shouldnt be a problem to replace ctf with it in free league.
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Offline Lupastic

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Re: Grenade Wars after the current trl season
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2024, 02:30 PM »
or just host a cup for this

Offline Triad

Re: Grenade Wars after the current trl season
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2024, 02:33 PM »
I also support adding GW to TFL.

Offline TheKomodo

Re: Grenade Wars after the current trl season
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2024, 03:17 PM »
Edit - Putting this at the start this time... We already have multiple scheme, schemes in TUS Allround, Team17 has like 3 schemes I believe? Island, Cavern and then Deadcodes variant or something, we have at least 2, I know that much!

I actually believe it's good enough to be in a main league, but I'm not sure I even want that right now as the choice we have is already overwhelming.

The scheme as it is, due to the nature of how it plays out, is not balanced yet for 2v2. I believe we need 2 schemes, 1 for 1v1 and the 2nd for 2v2. 2v2 should be 6 or 8 worms per player and I'd give either 6 or 8 teleports(6 for 6 worms and 8 for 8 worms) per team. I feel like 6 worms each, and 6 teles per team is great.

In Hysteria or Aerial even if you get poor hides you are mobile from the very first turn and have options... You pretty much ALWAYS get a chance to save at least 1 worm out of 2 and last a while.

In Grenade Wars, it's random positions, random turn order and added to that is anchored worms with teleports on a 5 turn delay.

Generally speaking when the game begins in 1v1 regardless of starting positions you only need to save 1 or 2 of your worms in reality so the strat is that you just kill as many worms as possible until teleports are available and then if you don't already have 1 or 2 really good positions, if there are a few good spots on the map you might take 1 or 2 then leave the rest of the teleports as long as possible.

It's ok if you lose 2, 3, 4 or even 5 worms in the first 5 turns if you have at least 1 or 2 worms in decent positions... THAT is when the game changes from random close quarters shots to more about what makes Grenade Wars skill based.

It's all about adapting to the first 5 turns with positioning, trying to keep more teles than your opponent, trying to find angles you can hit them but they can't hit you.

In 2v2, with only 4 worms each, it's actually fairly common to see at least 1 player get bad placements and actually lose all their worms before teleports are even available, and sometimes even lose all their worms before even getting a turn... For example... In 2v2 BnG, historically it was "KKF - Kill Komo First!"Which is fine because you need to hit me at least 5 times so I'd get at least 2 shots and was at least part of the game... In GW though, it's possible to kill someone before they even get a turn if they have the 4th turn and bad positions, which is a lot more possible in Grenade Wars than pretty much any other scheme.

At least IF we choose to play that way, which to be fair, we do pretty often at least in serious matches, if we have 6 worms rather than 4 it's just more balanced.

With 6 worms per team you should pretty much always be guaranteed at least a few turns to play!

Though... One could argue that it makes teamwork even more important, and I'd agree lol, though I feel part of the point of playing is to actually be able to play lol.

If you have a competitive game where you don't even get a chance to play, it's flawed if it's not extremely rare cases lol.

Offline TheWalrus

Re: Grenade Wars after the current trl season
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2024, 05:32 PM »
For some reason this season of TRL it doesn't pull up on seasons information, wanted to see how many games played for each scheme.  I have a feeling grenade wars would be overwhelmingly in the lead.  It's definitely free league worthy, although I think its not quite ready for allround, there is already a lot of schemes there.

Offline Peja

Re: Grenade Wars after the current trl season
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2024, 05:35 PM »
For some reason this season of TRL it doesn't pull up on seasons information, wanted to see how many games played for each scheme.  I have a feeling grenade wars would be overwhelmingly in the lead.  It's definitely free league worthy, although I think its not quite ready for allround, there is already a lot of schemes there.

Grenade Wars - 115 games - 51 %
Elite - 63 games - 28 %
Big RR - 46 games - 20 %

korydex posted them in the other topic
VoK: i have now beer so my rope will be perfect.
 VoK: will do ttrr every map under 30s