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It's me again

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After abandoning this site in disgust and anger, and being forced to download firefox to retireve my password since this site has a minimum 8 character password and ... so on... HI!

Still as grumpy as usual, if not more.

Hey, do another elite world cup or whatever that thing was!

good news!!!  ;D
nobody to blame -.-

No hard feelings about the elite cup if you meant that.

Welcome back Rio :)


--- Quote from: MonkeyIsland on March 04, 2010, 04:52 AM ---No hard feelings about the elite cup if you meant that.

--- End quote ---

Well if 75% of the population didn't have the impatience of... a very very impatient person who wants things done three seconds ago, that may have not happened.

Things happen, life goes on.


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