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How to play Kaos
« on: September 28, 2012, 01:59 PM »
Hello, not much people aware of kaos, and much less people played it at all. So let me tell you a little about this scheme.
Kaos will seems the most intresting to elite/inter player. All start from normal, and then when somebody try elite it seems much less dynamic then normal does, because while on normal you are trying to kill as much as possible, on elite you are mostly hiding, and doing poor attacks, then, when player will get into the scheme he'll find it much more complicated cuz of different tactics and moves he didnt saw on the begining of playing it. And whats on kaos? Kaos is much more dynamic then normal.. with multikills and high damage attacks, after all Kaos contains the tactics, elements and also strategies that are almost not used in the elite at all.
Whats the difference between strategies, elements and tactics? Kaos strategies its global tactic for the whole round. Kaos tactics its just tactical moves to get advantages and make round harder for opponent. Elements its just small moves, mostly used with 1-3 weapons they are available only on kaos because well, you cant use sdet (attack doesnt end turn) on inter or elite, let me show you some:
Cant say if its lame enough or not to beat hysteria darksiding but the fact is that this is the most popular strategy. You dont need to be skilled in kaos to know it. How it is working, you turn on invisible, and collecting weapons without attacking, for opponent its much harder to kill you so he'll probably will waste weapons harder. When you get enough weapons and x2 (double damage) or especially x2+dt (double time) you just kill all you see, its very risky because you can get 1 worm alive and this worm finish off everything left of you. Still this strategy makes less skilled player win.
Players rare start round with this strategy on, mostly they are switch to it when they loosing chances to win. This one is simple, you loose round to win next two. How it is working, you dont attack at all, maximum is pushing worms from top so they cant collect weapons much, and hiding the way opponent cant plop (on kaos kill = 99% plop), if you'll do all right opponent will keep waste more then collect meanwhile you'll get fat with alot of different weapons that gives you advantages on next round. The best is to use this strategy when your turn was 2nd.
*Blitzkrieg or Fast War
Just as Hitler strategy to waste all but win fast. The same for kaos. Its useful mostly when your turn is 1st, and after round where you used defending  strategy. How to: you wasting weaps hard but killing as much worms as possible, some games takes 1 turn, or 3 (2 yours and 1 opponent between them), Example (-6 worms on 1st turn, -2 on the next) of such strategy:
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*Total Control
The most important here is not killing, but make the game so that your opponent cant get crates, pushing down, blocking, special saving of opponent worms where they cant go for crates. If you'll do all perfect final stage of strategy is: opponent have 1-2 worms, all of them are blocked, and opponent dont have weapons to unblock himself and also cant get crates to do that. Be careful with this because opponent can save weap to unblock himself when around map will spawn tons of crates, but if he really doesnt he'll just surrender to stop your crates collecting.
Tactics: (with crates)
*Pushing worms from crate spawn.
Crate spawns the most on top of map obviosuly. If on last turn opponent made powerful explosion there is big chance crate will spawn on the place where boom was, crates also spawn on the most flat parts of map and on places where  y max coordinate located very low.
*Spawn simulation.
You can make spawn on place where its hard to get for opponent, make boom on on this place, if possible its very useful to put big girder with angle 0 or 180 degrees on place where is almost no terrain (because girder is flat ofc)
Tactics: (attacking)
no need to comment this I guess.
*Side moving
you push worms to one side and move to another, if you get x2 you can kill all worms pretty fast but opponent can do it as well with you.
There is alot of others, now Im kinda terrible with using it all tho and dont remember most of the cool stuff :)
Tactic: (defending)
1st turn blockage.
Sometimes players get girders on 1st turn of game but use them to get crates and hide. Thats wrong, you need to block all opponent worms from crate spawn place, if you'll do it right just after 1st turn when opponent have nothing its automatically means win if you dont f@#! up such advantage. Still when less skilled player do that opponent always find the exit
Element everybody know about, you build small bridge with bow so you can keep moving
*Worm Bridge
you cant get jump up or somewhere also, have sw (select worm) and have around another worm. You put your worm around the spot sw another worm and climb on it.
*Boom Race (Zook/homing jump bird jump, sheep jump, holy jump, nade jump, etc)
Some are from boom race, grenade jump skill is mostly from roper, holy jump from holy war uses the same way as on kaos. They are all elements too. but obviously you need to be careful and look your hp before turn.
I cant tell you about all elements, there are tons of them such as Shotgun+mine plop. you cant plop worm with mine because he located too low so you place mine above him and when its 0.5 sec before boom you shoot and push worm up with shotgun just so he will plop. Smooth stuff, never made it on league games tho.

Many people think kaos dont have rules. Kaos have one and very important rule: who control top - control the game. By controling top of map you automatically control crate spawn, sometimes opponent can surrender after 1st 4-5 turn when he undestand he cant actually do anything

thats all for now boys, vote for kaos harder and ill write much more (probably using of every weap in kaos). If kaos become trl scheme ill finish this guide and write absolutely all from my knowlege there
« Last Edit: September 28, 2012, 02:01 PM by Impossible »

Re: How to play Kaos
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2012, 02:20 PM »
So let me tell you a little about this scheme.


dt`wreckz: zooks are effected my win

Re: How to play Kaos
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2012, 02:45 PM »
Umm statik, this is 1% of what I can write about kaos, thats why "a little" :P

Offline Hussar

Re: How to play Kaos
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2012, 02:51 PM »
cool tutorial.