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Author Topic: Are snooper users all violating the rules?  (Read 2130 times)

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Re: Are snooper users all violating the rules?
« Reply #15 on: January 04, 2013, 05:09 AM »
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be explaining here. All I meant to say was that no, an unauthorised client is simply a client that hasn't been authorised in the sense that WA.exe is authorised. The note was put there back when (or shortly after) there was an actual official authorised snooper being maintained by Team17, so apart from the game itself, it was what players were supposed to be using to connect to WormNet.

Obviously T17 don't go around banning third party snooper and IRC client users very often anymore, but they had some pretty good reasons for doing it back when ranks still meant something, in the age of script kiddies and flooding bots and other assorted scripts. Whether the note was left there because nobody bothered to take it down or because it still technically applies would be a question for Volcane/Volcadmin/ServerAdminDave.

Offline StepS

Re: Are snooper users all violating the rules?
« Reply #16 on: January 04, 2013, 07:10 PM »
thanks for the explanation on the motd note.
still curious if someone knows about ChanServ's namesake kick reason.
Dec 30 2013 23:59:44 <StepS> windowed mode isn't the only thing you need about frontend
Dec 30 2013 23:59:49 <StepS> you need it to be actually bigger
Dec 31 2013 00:00:13 <StepS> it actually is very small on my 15-inch full HD screen
Dec 31 2013 00:00:25 <StepS> while running at 640x480 or stretched mode makes it fuzzy
Dec 31 2013 00:00:44 <StepS> this problem has been around since the Worms Armageddon's release and no one has even tried to beat it