Forums > General discussion

REcords by dt

(1/2) > >>

* Lowest karma ever

* most annoying swedish person ever

* swedish persons with most quotes on wqdb

* worst ctf map ever

* Most bans from wormsite and wormnat ever

* Most warned person on Wn

* Wos worst member (destroying tourneys by reporting fake acount)

* Faker of the year 2008

* Most lauged at person of the year

* Spammer of the year

* caused most trouble ag has ever seen

Theese are pretty good credentials huh. with a negative 80 in karma i have placed my self in the history of worms. The only way to get me out of there is to get my karma back to 0

For the grand questiosn

IS doubletime the worst worms player ever ? Is he the bastard of 2008 `? Disscuss

Stop it. Why do you waste your time for such senseless posts? You only want to annoy us. I cannot believe that you not do this deliberately.

that is true. The idea of this topic was to try to get people to aplaud me just so my karma wouldnt be to evil

lol, ur life must be so sad to try to be important at worms community with that shit attempts, friendsless ne1?!


--- Quote from: doubletime on December 29, 2008, 02:21 PM ---* Wos worst member (destroying tourneys by reporting fake acount)

* Faker of the year
--- End quote ---

you should probably watch what you say with all these fakers on tus


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