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Author Topic: Still can't believe this nade...  (Read 3305 times)

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Offline TOMT

Re: Still can't believe this nade...
« Reply #30 on: January 10, 2014, 01:04 AM »
Woahh!!  hardcore of pixels.

It reminded me of one case. (OFF TOPIC)

Once, in summer cottage, where i spent my holyday 10 years ago. Good evening, dark streets, light of moon...
I just went to the russian bath, which was 50 meters to home. when i come out, i closed the door, where was something like this -->

Next i just came to my home, and my mother said: "did u turned off lights in the bath ? "
I answered: "OMG. I forget mom, and i'm going to do it now..."

When i came again to the bath i was surprised! I was didnt able to open the f@#!ing door! I afraid, my first idea was something like it: "WTFH?!SOMEONE  PENETRATED IN MY GARDEN, CLOSED DOOR, AND WANNA KILL ME!!!" 

So, i ran back to home.
-Mooooooooooooooom, i cant open  door like someone staying there!!!"
-wtf rogi?!! u r noob nd go try again...

i f@#!ed up! And i... yes... I DIDNT OPENED IT! I was scared a much... But after all this shit, all realized, that it's just accident with this lock inside the door. And we broken this lock ;O
1 of 100000000000000000000000 chance... I dont understnd how the f@#! it was closed... seems like it(imagine) jumped and locked automticly xD LOl
"Still can't believe..."

And yes, manufacturer of locks must to write chance % for automatic closing, on the pack. ;D ;D ;D
Automticly, sounds like something I would do!