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wrong replay, Viewed 192 Time(s)

Classic #24
February 13, 2012, 07:26 PM
Average 1489 in Roper before the game. Gained 32|22 points
Beginner 1092 in Roper before the game. Lost 22|22 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
9 - 1
13 - 2
30 - 13
47 - 22
Information Game scheme: Roper
Scheme pick: Loser's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 25 time(s).
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Game Map(s)

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1920 x 696, BIT, 3.66 KB, Downloaded 4 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
mm`barman [gl hf]
[bb`sCorp] não
[bb`sCorp] berria caiu
[bb`PT] lol
[bb`sCorp] what did u?
avirex`mm..mm`barman: lol, yeah!
[avirex`mm] nice turn
[bb`NoCry] nah
[bb`sCorp] well...
[bb`sCorp] goo
[bb`sCorp] good
[bb`NoCry] fail shot
[avirex`mm] hit though land
[bb`sCorp] u didnt wait
[avirex`mm] lol
[bb`NoCry] damn scorpus laggar
[avirex`mm] lots of whisper
[avirex`mm] xspeed
[mm`barman] haha
[bb`NoCry] I know you love my maps ^^
[bb`sCorp] nah
[bb`sCorp] i hate
[bb`sCorp] :D
[bb`NoCry] xD
[mm`barman] gud
[avirex`mm] thnx
[bb`sCorp] bolinha do gud :D
[bb`NoCry] damn
avirex`mm..mm`barman: i can fd him, or u
[bb`NoCry] hmmmm
[bb`NoCry] nd
[avirex`mm] gj bar
[mm`barman] t
[bb`NoCry] 73 ufff
[mm`barman] maximum possible :d
[avirex`mm] thats w2roper fd ;D
[bb`sCorp] omg
[avirex`mm] ouch
[bb`sCorp] what a fail
[mm`barman] n
[bb`NoCry] 53
[bb`NoCry] gj
[avirex`mm] ty
[bb`NoCry] 50 xd
[bb`sCorp] lol
[bb`NoCry] damn cr8
[avirex`mm] nice retreat, at least ;D
[bb`PT] vou buscar meus bbs na escola flw, volto as 17 35
[bb`sCorp] ok
[bb`sCorp] ur maps!
[avirex`mm] lol
[bb`NoCry] mother fcuker
[bb`NoCry] pff
[avirex`mm] fd kings
[mm`barman] huah
[bb`NoCry] you lose this match xd
[bb`NoCry] and cr8s too
[mm`barman] that's a lottery map
[avirex`mm] actually, id say the host lost this map
[mm`barman] cr8s decide the game
[bb`NoCry] bah
[avirex`mm] first thing barman said was this map is a lottery to me in PM
[avirex`mm] you should have never hosted this map.
[bb`sCorp] indeed
[bb`NoCry] lottery?
[avirex`mm] meaning, the cr8s are all a luck
[bb`NoCry] if you are good roper
[bb`NoCry] isnt a lottery
[avirex`mm] well, scorp has more health then you...
[avirex`mm] just saying :D
[bb`NoCry] its just a bit hard than mablak maps
[avirex`mm] hahahah
[bb`NoCry] lol
[mm`barman] lmao
[mm`barman] cow
[mm`barman] skip pls
[mm`barman] XD
[avirex`mm] now, lets see how good a roper you are with that cr8
[avirex`mm] 50% of all cr8s on this map are impossible
[bb`sCorp] u f@#!ed ur turn
[avirex`mm] point proven
[bb`NoCry] lol
[bb`NoCry] that isnt impossibl
[avirex`mm] ill bet
[bb`NoCry] he just sux
[bb`NoCry] :C
[avirex`mm] i think u suck.
[bb`NoCry] Ye me too
[mm`barman] gj
[bb`NoCry] omg
[avirex`mm] see? ;D
[avirex`mm] awww, nt barman
[mm`barman] t
[avirex`mm] lol nice determination
[mm`barman] xd
[bb`NoCry] gogo
[bb`NoCry] easy cr8 finally
[mm`barman] didn't wanna him to try to knock the mine
[avirex`mm] he wont attack
[bb`NoCry] yes he will
[avirex`mm] no
[avirex`mm] he wont
[bb`NoCry] ...
avirex`mm..mm`barman: lmfao
[bb`sCorp] OMG
[bb`sCorp] im sux a lot
[bb`sCorp] i was playing well...and now i sux! -.-
[mm`barman] porra xd
[avirex`mm] ooops
[avirex`mm] its still ok, such a lead
[avirex`mm] go easy
[avirex`mm] barman just lost the lottery
[bb`NoCry] easy
[bb`NoCry] you can
[bb`NoCry] he is on top
[avirex`mm] he wont
[bb`NoCry] gogogo
[avirex`mm] he wont make it
avirex`mm..mm`barman: hahaha
[bb`NoCry] Pff
[avirex`mm] uber fail
[bb`NoCry] if he dont attack ill quit
[avirex`mm] lol, see ya!
[avirex`mm] hahahah
[mm`barman] well he attacked
avirex`mm..mm`barman: lmao
[mm`barman] but missed
[bb`sCorp] pfff
[avirex`mm] its true
[bb`NoCry] a nt c@#!s xD
[avirex`mm] he did attack
[bb`sCorp] dont quit!
[bb`NoCry] c'mon scopa
[bb`NoCry] scorpa
avirex`mm..mm`barman: gah
avirex`mm..mm`barman: i agree
avirex`mm..mm`barman: k
[avirex`mm] nice attack
[bb`NoCry] pf
[mm`barman] derp
[avirex`mm] u keep insulting ur clan mate, but ur not doing much better
[bb`NoCry] just bl drop T_T+
[bb`NoCry] 0o
[mm`barman] oops
[bb`NoCry] uuhhh
[bb`NoCry] phew
[bb`NoCry] OK
[avirex`mm] he wont
[bb`NoCry] or i really wll wuit
[avirex`mm] lol
[avirex`mm] he miss again
[bb`NoCry] phew
[mm`barman] 3
[mm`barman] 2
[mm`barman] 1
[avirex`mm] :D
[mm`barman] gud
[avirex`mm] pile ur clan mate
[mm`barman] last second though
[mm`barman] XD
[bb`NoCry] ok gj xd
[bb`NoCry] gj
[avirex`mm] ty
[avirex`mm] through land
avirex`mm..mm`barman: we cant keep hiding up top man... the cr8s can still own us.. we r just leaving outselv to be owned
[bb`NoCry] hmm
[bb`NoCry] gogo you can
[bb`NoCry] i know
[avirex`mm] now he surely wont attack this one
[avirex`mm] thats a fact
[bb`NoCry] :/
[mm`barman] nomore
[avirex`mm] lol
[bb`sCorp] aljnhpkjdpal~scbndoafvcbAPBKDCVABVFA[] POFVA
[bb`sCorp] [DFV
[bb`sCorp] [ASDV
[bb`sCorp] NASDV
[avirex`mm] lol
[bb`sCorp] NASDNV
[bb`sCorp] AS
[bb`sCorp] DGFV
[bb`sCorp] ASDFG
[bb`sCorp] ASDGVAS
[bb`sCorp] GV
[bb`sCorp] ASDG
[bb`sCorp] ASDF
[bb`NoCry] ...
[bb`sCorp] GAS
[bb`sCorp] FG
[bb`sCorp] ASFDG
[bb`sCorp] ASD
[bb`sCorp] GASD
[bb`sCorp] GAS
[bb`sCorp] DG
[bb`sCorp] ASDG
[bb`sCorp] SAD
[bb`sCorp] GSA
[bb`sCorp] DG
[bb`sCorp] ASDFG
[bb`sCorp] SAF
[bb`sCorp] NGSA
[bb`sCorp] FDGASDG
[bb`sCorp] ASDG
avirex`mm..mm`barman: this is hilarious
[bb`sCorp] ASDF
[bb`sCorp] GASDF
[bb`sCorp] G
[bb`sCorp] FASDG
[bb`sCorp] ASFDG
[bb`sCorp] SAF
[bb`sCorp] GSA
[bb`sCorp] FDG
[bb`sCorp] ASDG
[bb`sCorp] SADF
[bb`sCorp] GSA
[bb`sCorp] FDG
[bb`sCorp] ASF
[bb`NoCry] ill kill you
avirex`mm..mm`barman: i didnt wanna kill him
avirex`mm..mm`barman: dont kill
[bb`NoCry] gj grr
[avirex`mm] nice way in bar!! i like it
[mm`barman] t
[avirex`mm] was smooooooth
[mm`barman] shoulda piled
[mm`barman] :Q
[bb`NoCry] f@#!him
[bb`NoCry] PLEASE
[avirex`mm] he will miss this attack
[mm`barman] lol
[bb`NoCry] 0o
[bb`NoCry] drop xD
[bb`NoCry] ...
[avirex`mm] lol hide
[avirex`mm] gg
[bb`NoCry] he can pileee
[bb`NoCry] BAH
[mm`barman] gj
[bb`NoCry] hmmm
[bb`NoCry] die?
[mm`barman] you can attack from chute, remember
[avirex`mm] lol, yah had brain fart
[avirex`mm] wanted to get off chute.. but forgot what to press
[avirex`mm] was scared to press anything. lol
[mm`barman] afc is good for last second knocks
[bb`NoCry] pf
[avirex`mm] kill him
[bb`NoCry] gg
[avirex`mm] knock and kill
[avirex`mm] u guys want 3rd game?
[bb`NoCry] roper
[avirex`mm] lol worst knock in history of worms bar :DDDDDDDDDDDD
[bb`sCorp] naah
[bb`sCorp] impossible
[mm`barman] gg
[mm`barman] live
[mm`barman] why worst
[avirex`mm] we can do roper3rd, but not on this crap map
[bb`NoCry] ok
[avirex`mm] thought u would knock him down.. and then into titio
[mm`barman] didn't think of that
[mm`barman] lemme host roper
[avirex`mm] thought u did mistake knock lol
[mm`barman] n
[bb`NoCry] THATS is a run
[bb`NoCry] gj mate
[avirex`mm] ooooo, scorp is alive now
[bb`sCorp] -.-
[avirex`mm] ;D
[avirex`mm] little late tho lol
[bb`NoCry] nah
[bb`NoCry] isnt late
[mm`barman] hahaha
[avirex`mm] oops
[avirex`mm] lmfao
avirex`mm..mm`barman: he is still kill range
avirex`mm..mm`barman: 45
[bb`sCorp] absfclkavbsdçasd
[bb`NoCry] ...
[avirex`mm] nvm, scorp lost his mojo again
[mm`barman] gg
[avirex`mm] gg
[bb`NoCry] gg
[avirex`mm] bar hosts
[mm`barman] yep
[mm`barman] join

Author Topic: wrong replay  (Read 327 times)

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Offline Wolfgang

wrong replay
« on: February 14, 2012, 12:37 AM »
wrong replay here the correct replay
16:26: Husks> tell now xD more demon soul cannot be wolfy MAYBE??? 
16:26: TaG`Wolfgang> DUNNO IF IM WOLFY OR A DEMON