June 11, 2024, 03:32 AM

Game #106866, Reported by avirex, Viewed 614 Time(s)

Classic #25
April 13, 2012, 02:02 AM
Average 1500 in BnG before the game. Gained 28|22 points
Beginner 1083 in BnG before the game. Lost 18|22 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
3 - 1
33 - 10
17 - 5
682 - 423
Information Game scheme: BnG
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 35 time(s).
Game Awards
United Kingdom TheKomodo has nominated this game for Game of the season (Addional note)
Chile Wolfgang has nominated this game for Game of the season
Game Map(s)

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1920 x 696, BIT, 0.78 KB, Downloaded 102 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[TdC`Wolfgang`od] hf
<<TdC`Wolfgang`od>> dale wachiturro
[TdC`TWD`b2b] zeh+ç
[ShyGuy`mm] nice shot jeff!
[mm-avirex] eh
[ShyGuy`mm] yaayyy jeffy!1
[mm-avirex] nothing an award-winning bnger like urself couldnt do.
[mm-avirex] i take that back.
[ShyGuy`mm] lol
[ShyGuy`mm] i won that award in 2008
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: look at him reaim
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: did a couple notches
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: hit the guy close plz
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: hes trying to cheap me
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: stop with that fukin puto shit u know nothing about
[TdC`Wolfgang`od] ah
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: that time he did reaim
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: he has his shot locked by the tree
[ShyGuy`mm] phew
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: u need to hit him
<<TdC`Wolfgang`od>> dale
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: i get owned.
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: i know, let me make all the hits
[TdC`Wolfgang`od] :D
[TdC`TWD`b2b] xD
[ShyGuy`mm] damn
<<TdC`Wolfgang`od>> zeh
[ShyGuy`mm] dont want to play bng anymore
[mm-avirex] no shit
[ShyGuy`mm] which is why i picked elite
[mm-avirex] ur cheaping me hard ae puto bitch
[mm-avirex] ur award winning
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: die fast
<<TdC`Wolfgang`od>> xDDDDDDDDD
[mm-avirex] dude, ur lame
[mm-avirex] u did the same shot 4 times
<<TdC`Wolfgang`od>> te ta diciendo lame
[mm-avirex] get a hobby lol
[ShyGuy`mm] that is his hobby
[ShyGuy`mm] it was only 3 times
[TdC`TWD`b2b] i think already just twice maybe 3 times
<<TdC`Wolfgang`od>> esta es la forma de hacer enojar a un jugador en 20 segundos jajajajaja
[TdC`TWD`b2b] xD
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: im rolling cheap ass nades into his hole, i dont give a f@#! now.. its on bitches
<<TdC`Wolfgang`od>> dale a antiguy
[TdC`TWD`b2b] and you when cheap thrwing 4 secs full?
[mm-avirex] u cheaped first
[mm-avirex] now its every man for himself
[TdC`Wolfgang`od] aaa stop fighting lol
[mm-avirex] u tossed the same shot with ur aimer locked on that tree 3 in a row
[TdC`TWD`b2b] zeh
[mm-avirex] now its a grudge match :D
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: keep the cheap!
[TdC`TWD`b2b] xD
[TdC`TWD`b2b] its ok man
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: toss another fag nade
[TdC`TWD`b2b] i dot mind
[mm-avirex] we dont either
[mm-avirex] we dont get mad, we get even :D
[TdC`Wolfgang`od] bng = the most fighting schemme ever
[ShyGuy`mm] lol
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: wtf... ur atleast 4 seconds away
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: take another step ur a full 5 ;D
[TdC`TWD`b2b] xD
[mm-avirex] sweet shot
<<TdC`Wolfgang`od>> sale de ahi
[ShyGuy`mm] lol
[mm-avirex] i think i have it mastered
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: hit his ass
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: cheap his f@#!ing face
<<TdC`Wolfgang`od>> tratando de darle denuevo a shiguy
<<TdC`Wolfgang`od>> pero me movere tambien
<<TdC`Wolfgang`od>> oh me correre al lado
[TdC`Wolfgang`od] lol
<<TdC`Wolfgang`od>> sitter?
[ShyGuy`mm] lol
[mm-avirex] id say it was not a sitter.. but close
<<TdC`Wolfgang`od>> tira de 4
[ShyGuy`mm] it was pushing it
[TdC`TWD`b2b] te va a pegar iwal po wn
<<TdC`Wolfgang`od>> tirale de 4 a antiguy
[mm-avirex] yeah, for sure
<<TdC`Wolfgang`od>> no importa tira de 4
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: no mercy
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: yah budy
[TdC`TWD`b2b] xD
[ShyGuy`mm] no max
[mm-avirex] stfu shy
[ShyGuy`mm] how foolish
[mm-avirex] ill do as i please
<<TdC`Wolfgang`od>> listo
[mm-avirex] i have made most dmg, im bng award
[mm-avirex] special olympics
[mm-avirex] ok, ns
[ShyGuy`mm] lol
[mm-avirex] what u want me to do ? ;D
[ShyGuy`mm] kill them
[mm-avirex] deal
[ShyGuy`mm] rofl
[mm-avirex] he had a grudge against me :D
[ShyGuy`mm] you cant f@#!ing waste a turn like that
[TdC`TWD`b2b] q mierda wn
[TdC`Wolfgang`od] nose porque no puedo medir bien
[mm-avirex] that was ok.
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: what should i do? where should i go?
[ShyGuy`mm] thank god
[ShyGuy`mm] thought you were too dumb to see it
[mm-avirex] in the valley
<<TdC`Wolfgang`od>> rompi algo
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: should i hit the closer guy? will be easier for me
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: im not good with 4.. ill 3 him
[ShyGuy`mm] gj
[mm-avirex] thnx
<<TdC`Wolfgang`od>> xD
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: im just not good ad judgine the distance... kinda like that zook
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: u should get a better hide now tbh
[ShyGuy`mm] ooo
<<TdC`Wolfgang`od>> mne la hizo
[mm-avirex] yah baby
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: ill do this all night long
[TdC`TWD`b2b] xD
<<TdC`Wolfgang`od>> no hay hides
[mm-avirex] wanna hit me ae?
[mm-avirex] well.. ok..
[mm-avirex] u can
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: nudge the close guy plz
[ShyGuy`mm] lucky bounces
[ShyGuy`mm] f@#!
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: if he misses ill lob a gay nade ;D
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: in a gay way
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: smiling like a gay man as i do it yah
[TdC`Wolfgang`od] wen push
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: absolutely
[ShyGuy`mm] gj
[mm-avirex] thnx beotch
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: im dead
[mm-avirex] oooo suckassssss
<<TdC`Wolfgang`od>> y como le iba a dar
<<TdC`Wolfgang`od>> nade o zoka eran las mismas posiblidades
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: do i have angle for full 4?
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: at the far guy?
[mm-avirex] sweet shot man
[mm-avirex] gj
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: nah, i doubt it.. no worse then mine
<<TdC`Wolfgang`od>> xD q onda
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: same shot with max
[TdC`TWD`b2b] uh
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: ok
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: try it again
[TdC`Wolfgang`od] mucho
[TdC`TWD`b2b] xD
[mm-avirex] mucho mucho
[ShyGuy`mm] f@#!
[TdC`Wolfgang`od] otra lo mismo
[TdC`Wolfgang`od] otra vez*
<<TdC`Wolfgang`od>> xD
[TdC`TWD`b2b] :D
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: more angle, less power... MAX BOUNCE
<<TdC`Wolfgang`od>> porq tirai d 4 xD
<<TdC`Wolfgang`od>> xD
[ShyGuy`mm] f@#! that god damn hide
[ShyGuy`mm] such bullshit
[mm-avirex] dont waste a turn like that
[ShyGuy`mm] lol
[ShyGuy`mm] invalid re am
[ShyGuy`mm] aim
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: thought u dont pay attention to that shit? you little twat biscuit
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: ur scared u will lose
<<TdC`Wolfgang`od>> si hubiera rebotado le hubiera dao
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: torch right, so u may actually be able to do somethin
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: or tele under this tree with the long core
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: to the left of it, under
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: nice hide.. good for banks + wind shots
[TdC`Wolfgang`od] naaaaa
<<TdC`Wolfgang`od>> no
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: or just zooking with no purpose, thats a better idea
[ShyGuy`mm] good
[ShyGuy`mm] YES
[TdC`TWD`b2b] omg
[mm-avirex] huahuahauha
[mm-avirex] bout damn time
[mm-avirex] that was a nice shot, pretty much worms basic, but nice shot
[ShyGuy`mm] lol
mm-avirex..ShyGuy`mm: toss a f@#!ing 5 second sitter in his hole now lol
[ShyGuy`mm] gg
[mm-avirex] gg
[mm-avirex] gj shy
[ShyGuy`mm] gg
[mm-avirex] gg
[mm-avirex] gj shy
[mm-avirex] bout time

Author Topic: Game #106866, Reported by avirex  (Read 573 times)

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Re: Game #106866, Reported by avirex
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2012, 12:19 AM »
lol.. everyone seems to love me and shy's chatlogs ;D