Leagues > Leagues

Game #10721, Reported by ZiPpO

<< < (2/2)

Dude, he didn't win. Times are rounded to whole seconds in rr! 57.01 and 57.99 are both 57, at least that's how it's been in all leagues so far.

Another thing on the TODO list: add this to official rules, to avoid confusion :)

 :-[ didn't know that.

But I remember in all tournoments, When 2 had same seconds, The mod would check their exact time after the game to specify the winner. I thought it must like that. I'm not TTRR expert though.

Anyone can set their own rules in tournaments, and what you mentioned is still rather an exception.

You can ask wormi to edit the scheme explanation then.

Since you said randomly, I was thinking about setting a place in leagues that gives you 'Games of the day'. For example it picks 5 games by random from the leagues (or season).

Rok is right about times getting rounded to whole seconds. But if adun agreed then is it his own problem?


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