June 01, 2024, 12:49 AM

Game #115055, Reported by Almog, Viewed 365 Time(s)

Free #12
June 22, 2012, 10:35 AM
Poland pH BoM
Sum: Rookie 1271 in Aerial before the game. Gained 27|27 points
Poland dP pH Kf BoM
Sum: Rookie 1271 in Aerial before the game. Gained 27|27 points
Poland RoH rM ae
Sum: Absolute Beginner 1001 in Aerial before the game. Lost 27|27 points
Hungary dP
Sum: Absolute Beginner 1001 in Aerial before the game. Lost 27|27 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history No players history is available for singles 2v2 or 3v3.
Information Game scheme: Aerial
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 48 time(s).
Game Awards
This game hasn't been nominated for any awards.
Game Map(s)

Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 16 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[eS`jot] hf
eS`jot has turned on the crate finder feature of wkRubberWorm (http://worms2d.info/RubberWorm) <Version for>.
[eS`Tomi] hf
[Chelsea`eS] hf
[eS`Tomi] attack only from jp?
[eS`jot] nope
[Chelsea`eS] I have to clean catge ofmy rubbit after this game ;/
[eS`r3spect`rM] no ruzles
[eS`jot] o0
[eS`jot] gj
[eS`jot] xD
[eS`r3spect`rM] vn
[eS`Tomi] t
<<Chelsea`eS>> wygramy z nimi xD
eS`jot..Chelsea`eS: myslisz?:D
eS`jot..Chelsea`eS: to tus wgl? xD
<<Chelsea`eS>> ta
[eS`r3spect`rM] bad placement
[eS`jot] aw bl
[eS`jot] or not xD
[eS`jot] kurwa
[eS`Tomi] block xD
[eS`r3spect`rM] lol:D
[eS`jot] xDDDD
[Chelsea`eS] wczoraj dostalem potwierdzenie wyslalnia myszki z allegro jak myslicie kiedy przyjedzie moja myszka (kurierenm)
[eS`jot] jutro/sobota
[eS`jot] ?
[eS`jot] tak mysle
[eS`jot] a ta sie jebie?:D
[Chelsea`eS] baterie
[eS`jot] aaaa
[Chelsea`eS] jak gram hysterie to ciagle mam zjebane tele
[eS`jot] hmm
[Chelsea`eS] wiec zamowilem z kablem xd
[eS`jot] hehe, ja mam tak czasami jak jakis syf osiadzie pod myszka ;d
[Chelsea`eS] ja mam chujowa podkladke chyba xd
[eS`jot] ja daje rade bez podkladki :D
[eS`Tomi] hehe
[eS`Tomi] :D
[eS`r3spect`rM] gg
[Chelsea`eS] mnie kwurwia dzwiek myszki jadacej po biorku xd
[eS`r3spect`rM] xd
[eS`jot] hehe:D
[eS`jot] ahh :D
[eS`r3spect`rM] i hate this scheme
[Chelsea`eS] ale sie schowalem ;x
[eS`jot] xd
Chelsea`eS has turned on the crate finder feature of wkRubberWorm (http://worms2d.info/RubberWorm) <Version for>.
[eS`r3spect`rM] omg xd
[Chelsea`eS] 2 paki dla mnie
[eS`jot] :D
eS`jot..Chelsea`eS: <3
<<Chelsea`eS>> nie uzywaj air strike xD
eS`jot..Chelsea`eS: oks xD
<<Chelsea`eS>> telecow jak nie zabijesz
[eS`jot] omg
[eS`Tomi] still live xD
[Chelsea`eS] pls 2 darmage xD
eS`jot..Chelsea`eS: ryzykowne tele tam do niego ;/
[Chelsea`eS] ns
[eS`jot] ty xD
[eS`jot] finally
[eS`jot] xd
[Chelsea`eS] pls 2 darmage pls pls
[eS`Tomi] is there sd?
[Chelsea`eS] yes but after so f@#!ing long time
[Chelsea`eS] I played 838787373 aerials and never seen SD
[Chelsea`eS] Respect gornik :D
[eS`jot] hahah
<<Chelsea`eS>> wal dyna jak zdayz
[Chelsea`eS] vn
[eS`jot] ty
<<Chelsea`eS>> wciaz zamkniety xd
eS`jot..Chelsea`eS: gdybym czytnal to wczesniej mogloby byc lepiej :D
[Chelsea`eS] to moje xD
[eS`jot] haha :D
eS`jot..Chelsea`eS: odkopmy go tam haha xd
<<Chelsea`eS>> Ty zajmij sie Tomim a ja Respectem xd
eS`jot..Chelsea`eS: ok xDD
<<Chelsea`eS>> odkopiemy czy okopiemy (po rzebrach
[Chelsea`eS] xD
eS`jot..Chelsea`eS: hahahahhaha obydwa <3
[eS`jot] wind
[Chelsea`eS] kop dziure, kop dziure, kop dziure :D
[eS`jot] ;/
[eS`jot] kurrrrwa
[eS`jot] xD
[eS`Tomi] worked x)
<<Chelsea`eS>> dyna dla respecta
eS`jot..Chelsea`eS: ok
eS`jot..Chelsea`eS: jak zdaze
<<Chelsea`eS>> musisz
[Chelsea`eS] still gj
[eS`jot] t
[eS`Tomi] gj
[eS`r3spect`rM] tx
eS`jot..Chelsea`eS: musze do tomiego zdazyz
eS`jot..Chelsea`eS: zdazyc*
<<Chelsea`eS>> zatsnawiam sie nad tym nalotem na respecta
eS`jot..Chelsea`eS: hehe
<<Chelsea`eS>> bierz pake
[eS`jot] bleee
[Chelsea`eS] bierz a nie niszcz xD
[eS`jot] hahah aXD
[eS`jot] myslalem ze go zajebie :D
[eS`jot] ;/
[Chelsea`eS] o kurwa
[Chelsea`eS] ale zjebalem
[Chelsea`eS] Tomi vs Jot Petrol wars xD
[eS`jot] hahaha
[eS`jot] it isn't a picnic... it's a war!!
[eS`jot] xDDDD
[eS`Tomi] ah where is my petrol? x)
[Chelsea`eS] no more petrols Tomi ? xd
eS`jot..Chelsea`eS: dyna?xD
eS`jot..Chelsea`eS: czy nie zbije go?xD
<<Chelsea`eS>> dyna nie zabilaby
<<Chelsea`eS>> ale teraz nie ma gdzie uciec xd
[eS`jot] uff xD
[eS`jot] o kurwa
[Chelsea`eS] let we see xD
[Chelsea`eS] ;x
eS`jot..Chelsea`eS: czemu ja sie bawie?xD
<<Chelsea`eS>> dobre hide
<<Chelsea`eS>> to moje xD
eS`jot..Chelsea`eS: ok haha
[Chelsea`eS] hahhahahaha ! reklama tesco w TV "patelnie na wage" ja jebie
[eS`jot] xDDDD
[eS`Tomi] wtf
[eS`jot] xD
[eS`jot] ;x
[eS`jot] danke sir
[Chelsea`eS] gg ? xd
[eS`Tomi] gg
[eS`jot] or mb not D:
[eS`jot] gg:D
[Chelsea`eS] gg
[eS`Tomi] I'm gonna hae lunch
[eS`Tomi] cya
[eS`jot] cya ; )
[eS`jot] ajjj
[Chelsea`eS] ajj
[Chelsea`eS] tak blisko
[eS`jot] :D
[eS`jot] gg?
[eS`jot] xDDD
[Chelsea`eS] daj mi 1 zabic ok ? xD
[eS`jot] haahj ok xD
[eS`r3spect`rM] gg
[Chelsea`eS] Ty zabiles Tomiego xD
[eS`r3spect`rM] mial wpasc
[eS`jot] oks haha :D
[Chelsea`eS] :D
[eS`jot] gg xDD
[Chelsea`eS] gg xD

Author Topic: Game #115055, Reported by Almog  (Read 444 times)

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Game #115055, Reported by Almog
« on: June 22, 2012, 01:36 PM »
quitter from my pick ...