June 11, 2024, 04:00 AM

Game #136424, reported by AvEnGerS, Viewed 259 Time(s)

Classic #30
January 24, 2013, 08:51 PM
Reasonable 1566 in Roper before the game. Gained 22|10 points
Absolute Beginner 750 in Roper before the game. Lost 16|10 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
4 - 0
6 - 0
17 - 1
49 - 4
Information Game scheme: Roper
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 103 time(s).
Game Awards
This game hasn't been nominated for any awards.
Game Map(s)

Roper#3 by Rok
1920 x 696, BIT, 3.1 KB, Downloaded 9226 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[aq`kyho] :<
[aq`kyho] hjf
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] hf
[aq`timo`FAW] hf
dt-barman [gl hf]
[dt-barman] what's up with philie?
[dtstknlF] hujf
[aq`timo`FAW] chelsea potym zagramy
[aq`Wormgamer`dS] hf
[dt-barman] he wanna join AQ?
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] nope nlf
[dt-barman] chelsea juz poszla
[dt-barman] ah
[dt-barman] XD
[aq`timo`FAW] aaaaaa
[aq`kyho] xD
[aq`timo`FAW] kyho ty dopgadales ten clanner?;p
[aq`timo`FAW] ja nic nie widzialem;p
[aq`kyho] ja nic do nikogo nie pisalem xd
[aq`timo`FAW] aaaaa
[dt-barman] przeciez sam powiedziales "we will play clanner" timo
[dt-barman] ;p
[aq`timo`FAW] no taa? to mi sie nicki pomylily ;p
[aq`timo`FAW] mialo byc do chelsea;p
[dt-barman] lols
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] niiice
[dt-barman] ns
[dtstknlF] ns xd
[aq`kyho] txx
[aq`kyho] dobra nie wazne ;P
[aq`timo`FAW] pewnie fun ;p
[dt-barman] peja, did you wantch the stream with komo yesterday?
[dt-barman] watch*
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] no cos i played
[dt-barman] you definitely should watch it just for commentary
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] what did he say about me?
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] gj tzar
[dtstknlF] dankE
[dt-barman] it doesn't matter what was he talking
[dt-barman] but how was he talking XD
[dtstknlF] his accent is amazing xd
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] scottish ftw
[dt-barman] i've never heard anyone speaking with such accent
[aq`kyho] ops
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] already heard him afaik
[aq`Wormgamer`dS] aw
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] when i watched his youtube vids
[aq`kyho] yeah komos accent was just unique
[dt-barman] barf
[dtstknlF] it's hard to understand scottish people actually
[dt-barman] he should comment on every stream ever streamed
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] yeah
[dt-barman] he sounds kinda like a medieval knight
[dt-barman] XD
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] lmfao
[aq`kyho] lol yeah
[aq`kyho] xDDDDDDDDDD
[aq`kyho] agreed
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] would like to hear statiks voice
[dtstknlF] I can send u a record
[dtstknlF] xd
[dt-barman] ns
[dt-barman] don't you have a mic?
[aq`timo`FAW] gj
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] im sur eu will cheat
[aq`kyho] txx
[dt-barman] you had over a year to get one
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] and send me voice of putin
[dtstknlF] I have
[dt-barman] derp
[dtstknlF] BL
[dt-barman] yea sure
[dt-barman] bl crashing at the wall with full speed
[aq`kyho] XD!
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] rofl
[dtstknlF] aw
[dt-barman] nt
[dtstknlF] xd
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] when i do this hhc also says bl
[dtstknlF] pile colin
[aq`timo`FAW] hmm t
[dtstknlF] xd
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] xd
[aq`timo`FAW] ;]
[aq`kyho] shit, wanna try to knock stats worm
[dt-barman] hmpfff
[aq`kyho] bl ;s
[dtstknlF] y u all have so low hp
[dtstknlF] aw
[aq`kyho] aw lol
[aq`kyho] vnr
[dt-barman] thx
[aq`timo`FAW] sry kyho
[aq`kyho] np
[aq`kyho] xD
[dt-barman] what will AQ pick?
[aq`kyho] wxw probably
[dt-barman] ok
[aq`kyho] asd8c21978nycsau
[aq`kyho] XD
[dtstknlF] bl xd
[dt-barman] jaja
[aq`kyho] it isnt warmer
[aq`kyho] XD
[dt-barman] every game is a warmer for statik
[dtstknlF] ok xD
[aq`timo`FAW] ;p
[aq`kyho] hua
[aq`timo`FAW] nlf eheh
[aq`kyho] ah
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] xd
[dtstknlF] I put nlF tag for a reason xD
[aq`kyho] XD
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] ye u have self esteem issues and you want to brag
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] n speed bar
[dtstknlF] exactly
[dt-barman] t
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] get so horny when i watch you roping lol
[dt-barman] i bet you imagine me fapping with these fast fingers
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] lmfao
[dt-barman] wrong way xd
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] dunno but statik looks more smooth
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] guess he can give great handjobs
aq`timo`FAW..dtstknlF: im too in dS this community i choosed too for a reason ;p
[aq`kyho] lolal
[dt-barman] ahahah
[aq`timo`FAW] aw
dtstknlF..aq`timo`FAW: what :D
[aq`timo`FAW] \ommmg
[aq`kyho] XD!!!!!
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] 3 crates ae
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] xdddddd
[aq`kyho] lmao
[dtstknlF] ops
[aq`kyho] jiajia
[dt-barman] lol
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] rofl
[aq`kyho] XDDDDDDDD
[dt-barman] yea super smooth falling
[dtstknlF] super chute select fail
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] thats called an orgasm
aq`timo`FAW..dtstknlF: i mean u are v good in freestyle roping so u choose nlF im good in darts so i choose dS ( darts'n;stuff) comunity ;p
[aq`kyho] gj ;d
[dt-barman] hop!
dtstknlF..aq`timo`FAW: good point :D
[aq`timo`FAW] :D
[dtstknlF] ae
[aq`kyho] u could knock mine
[aq`kyho] like swistak
[dt-barman] lol i read "swastik"
[aq`kyho] lmao
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] rofl
[dt-barman] statik + swistak = swastik
[aq`timo`FAW] haha
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] same
[aq`kyho] hahaha
[aq`kyho] XDDDD
[dt-barman] :D
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] stat that was boring turn
[aq`kyho] I wll note this
[dtstknlF] :(
[dt-barman] oO
[dtstknlF] wee
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] look
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] kyho si the man
[dtstknlF] see, was luck! :D
[aq`kyho] buahah
[aq`kyho] XD!
[aq`timo`FAW] gj
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] rofl
[dt-barman] t
[aq`kyho] indeed
[aq`kyho] D:
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] worms always sounds like a machinegun when bar ropes
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] pump it stat
[aq`kyho] yeah
[aq`kyho] pba
[aq`kyho] pump before atack
[aq`kyho] damn you
[dt-barman] pba
[dt-barman] nice
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] xddd
[dtstknlF] xD
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] awesome
[aq`timo`FAW] ^^
[aq`kyho] xDDDD
[aq`kyho] y u killed me
[dt-barman] lol
[dt-barman] nice retreat too
[aq`timo`FAW] gg
[aq`Wormgamer`dS] gg
[aq`kyho] g turn sat
[aq`kyho] xD
[aq`kyho] gg
[dtstknlF] tx xD
[dt-barman] gg
[dtstknlF] :[
[aq`timo`FAW] gg
[dt-barman] porra
[dt-barman] too late
[aq`kyho] huahua
[dtstknlF] KRAItes
[dtstknlF] aw
[dtstknlF] Nab
[aq`kyho] yea
[dtstknlF] xD
[aq`kyho] woow
[aq`timo`FAW] ;p
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] nice
[aq`kyho] ahk
[aq`timo`FAW] gj
[aq`timo`FAW] ;]
[dtstknlF] that was funny
[dt-barman] thx
[aq`kyho] and 48
[aq`kyho] nice :D
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] so happy i joined this game lol
[aq`kyho] XD!
[aq`timo`FAW] oops ;p
[aq`kyho] gg
[aq`kyho] XD
[dt-barman] ops
[dt-barman] gg
[aq`timo`FAW] gg
[dtstknlF] gg :o
[TdC`Pej`Buiiiii] gg
[aq`kyho] jo in me
[dt-barman] ok

Author Topic: Game #136424, reported by AvEnGerS  (Read 644 times)

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Offline Sbaffo

Game #136424, reported by AvEnGerS
« on: January 24, 2013, 06:07 PM »
what a map! xD

Offline AvEnGerS

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Re: Game #136424, reported by AvEnGerS
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2013, 06:40 PM »
hehehe i Dont have another maps :D