Game #137856, Viewed 407 Time(s)

TRL #13
February 06, 2013, 09:35 PM
Sum: Beginner 1114 in TRL: Intermediate before the game. Gained 31|31 points
Poland dt ea FoS
Sum: Beginner 1114 in TRL: Intermediate before the game. Gained 31|31 points
United States Boo ea
Sum: Absolute Beginner 931 in TRL: Intermediate before the game. Lost 31|31 points
Italy FoS ae
Sum: Absolute Beginner 931 in TRL: Intermediate before the game. Lost 31|31 points

Game Rate
5 / 5
Total Members Voted: 1
Players history No players history is available for singles 2v2 or 3v3.
Information Game scheme: TRL: Intermediate
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 317 time(s).
Game Awards
This game hasn't been nominated for any awards.
Game Map(s)

Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 8 time(s)

Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 10 time(s)

Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 7 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[dt-orange] hf
<<dt-barman>> glenn?
<<dt-barman>> rope do gory po prostu i bat weird jack
dt-barman [gl hf]
[franz] hm
[dt-orange] hf
[aq`kyho] omgz
<<dt-barman>> troche za duzo kombinowania xd
<<dt-barman>> myslalem nad glennem, bo teraz moga robic pile
<<dt-barman>> ja pojde eoleo
[dt-orange] nice
<<dt-barman>> i plopne weird jack
<<dt-barman>> kto nastepny?
<<dt-barman>> uf :P
<<dt-barman>> ukryj go i zmien na jasona
[dt-orange] didnt see that cactus :x
<<dt-barman>> i moze dyna?
<<dt-barman>> mogles zrzucic prosto z tego znaku ;p
<<dt-barman>> ja zabije fo
[dt-barman] bungee + shotgun
[dt-orange] gj
[dt-barman] glad i didn't sg
<<dt-barman>> jest ok xd
<<dt-barman>> jestesmy tylko 1 ture do tylu
<<dt-barman>> nie
[dt-orange] sux hide.
[dt-barman] hmmm
<<dt-barman>> chute
[dt-barman] hop
<<dt-barman>> i moze sg po prostu
<<dt-barman>> albo axe
<<dt-barman>> o zepchnij go w dol
<<dt-barman>> ok
<<dt-barman>> hhg w nastepnej turze
<<dt-barman>> mam nadzieje, ze nie zabije eoleo
<<dt-barman>> jak beda dwa ich robale blosko to bedzie duzo hp zabrane z hhg
<<dt-barman>> mysle ze tak
[dt-orange] nice :D
[aq`kyho] gjjj
[dt-barman] bah more up
<<dt-barman>> on teraz zmieni pewnie
<<dt-barman>> jak nie, to zabij steve
<<dt-barman>> w sumie i tak zabij :p
<<dt-barman>> ack
<<dt-barman>> w sumie ok, idz do gory i sprobuj popchnac angry john w prawo
<<dt-barman>> sg
[dt-barman] oooo
[dt-orange] gj kyho
<<dt-barman>> :D
<<dt-barman>> n1
[aq`kyho] txxx
<<dt-barman>> szkoda ze nie -2 :P
<<dt-barman>> ale i tak odrabiamy strate
<<dt-barman>> orange ma 1 zablokowanego
<<dt-barman>> na pewno?
<<dt-barman>> ok
[dt-orange] gj
[aq`kyho] :O
[aq`kyho] gg
[dt-barman] grrrr
[dt-barman] gg
[dt-orange] gg
<<dt-barman>> dobry pomysl
<<dt-barman>> fajnie by bylo, jakbym dal rade zabic on
<<dt-barman>> ale nie ma czym :x
<<dt-barman>> napalm tylko
<<dt-barman>> hmm w sumie
<<dt-barman>> o
[dt-barman] k
[dt-orange] haha
<<dt-barman>> moze bedzie ok
<<dt-barman>> latwy homing xd
<<dt-barman>> franz nie chybi
<<dt-barman>> troche za duzo pikseli
<<dt-barman>> ale moge sprobowac
[dt-orange] gj
[dt-barman] nie ma bata XD
[dt-orange] nie ma D:
[aq`kyho] xDDDD
[aq`kyho] arg
<<dt-barman>> hahah
[dt-barman] gg
[dt-barman] moze nie ;o
[aq`kyho] ehe :D
[dt-orange] nie ma sheep D:
[aq`kyho] :D
[aq`kyho] sheep=owca
<<dt-barman>> franz ciagle zablokowany chyba
<<dt-barman>> plomienie znikaja po turze gracza, ktory rzucil ;p to wiem od kayza
[dt-barman] gg
[dt-orange] gg
[aq`kyho] gg
[franz] gg

[aq`kyho] hfhf
<<franz>> petrol above felix?
<<dt-barman>> zmienie na eoleo
<<dt-barman>> mapa jest zamknieta, trzeba oszczedzac ws
<<dt-barman>> kayz mi powiedzial, ze jak robaki sa porozdzielane, to wbrew intuicji trzeba zachowywac ws
<<dt-barman>> bo potem przeciwnik moze latwo pilowac :p
<<dt-barman>> na szczescie jason i felix sa bezpieczni
<<dt-barman>> tak
<<dt-barman>> wystarczy axe
<<dt-barman>> hmmm a moze girder po lewej angry john?
<<dt-barman>> bo on moze dac shotguna i plopnac 2
<<dt-barman>> tak
[dt-barman] tak
<<franz>> maybe drill works
<<dt-barman>> uff :P
<<dt-barman>> to byla dobra decyzja
<<franz>> sg won't work all through i don't think
<<dt-barman>> uhhhh
[aq`kyho] n1
[dt-barman] f@#! XD
[dt-orange] nice idea, franz
[dt-barman] nice
[dt-orange] thx
[dt-orange] franz's idea
<<franz>> drill deeper ;p
[aq`kyho] so nice franz :D
<<dt-barman>> glenn teraz?
<<dt-barman>> jak czujesz sie na silach, to sprobuj knocknac mine na steve
<<dt-barman>> jetpackiem
<<dt-barman>> a potem np. dyna w th
<<dt-barman>> to nic
<<dt-barman>> to lec i dyna w th i tak
<<dt-barman>> sprobuj knocka dac po prostu
<<dt-barman>> tak
<<dt-barman>> zrzuc z gory
<<dt-barman>> super :D
<<dt-barman>> jest ok, musi uzyc liny zeby wyjsc
<<dt-barman>> oooo
<<dt-barman>> ja moge dac fp
<<dt-barman>> w th
<<dt-barman>> przy okazji uwolnie svete
<<dt-barman>> kurde xd
[dt-orange] wasnt sure about bat :x
<<dt-barman>> nie wiem czy dosiegnie
[dt-orange] <-
[dt-orange] aw
[dt-barman] ghhh
[dt-barman] <- would have missed as well
[dt-orange] not sure
<<dt-barman>> zle sie gra ulozyla :P
[dt-orange] <-
[dt-orange] xD
<<dt-barman>> nie zabije
[dt-orange] job
<<dt-barman>> ghhhhhhhh
<<dt-barman>> xd
<<dt-barman>> lina i hhg w weird jack?
<<dt-barman>> th zginie przy okazji
[dt-barman] jeszcze jedna
[dt-barman] albo w sumie ok
<<dt-barman>> lepszego nie bylo :p
[dt-orange] ah cmon...
[dt-barman] woo
[dt-barman] bl
[dt-orange] should've slided there
[dt-barman] shiiiiit
<<dt-barman>> o, super
<<dt-barman>> jakby bylo -2 teraz to jeszcze mielibysmy szanse :d
<<dt-barman>> moze petrol?
<<dt-barman>> zabije 61
[aq`kyho] uk
[aq`kyho] xD
[dt-barman] lol
[dt-orange] woah
<<dt-barman>> dobra zabije fo i on
<<dt-barman>> jeszcze mamy szanse
[dt-orange] i suck.
<<dt-barman>> sorki za waste lg xd
<<dt-barman>> teraz zabij obu
<<dt-barman>> mam nadzieje ze franz nie bloknie jakos perfidnie xd
<<dt-barman>> hmmmm
<<dt-barman>> w sumie nie ma jak :s
<<dt-barman>> hmmm
<<dt-barman>> raczej nie
<<dt-barman>> szkoda ze wiatr silny
<<franz>> yea
<<dt-barman>> daj uzi
[dt-orange] gj
[aq`kyho] tyyy
[dt-orange] was not easy there
<<dt-barman>> piers ma gg
<<dt-barman>> hmm no nie wiem
<<dt-barman>> wtedy franz da tele na gore
<<dt-barman>> daj tele, ale nie do angry johna, tylko do tego drugiego
<<dt-barman>> tak
<<dt-barman>> zabijesz weird jacka, angry john bedzie zablokowany
<<dt-barman>> jak zabijesz jacka to nie beda mogli uzyc ws
<<dt-barman>> nawet jak maja :p
<<dt-barman>> wiedzialem ze tele
[dt-barman] daj zooke z dolu
<<dt-barman>> zebys grave dmg nie dosta
<<dt-barman>> nom
<<dt-barman>> mozesz tez zuzywac czas
<<dt-barman>> nie trzeba nawet
<<franz>> zook right under me? to help open? i could maybe sg open
<<dt-barman>> sa zablokowanie
<<dt-barman>> zablokowani
<<dt-barman>> to wtedy tak :p
<<franz>> they only have 1 rope for mobility too
<<dt-barman>> hmmmmm
<<dt-barman>> zuzyj caly czas
<<dt-barman>> moze byc girder
<<franz>> yeah
<<franz>> i can't open, but maybe enough to sg next for u
[dt-orange] ->
<<dt-barman>> nie ma przejscia
<<franz>> sd soon
<<dt-barman>> w sumie nie ma nic do roboty na razie
<<dt-barman>> wystarczy tylko czekac
<<dt-barman>> zostaw ostatniego gordera, jakby otworzyli
[dt-barman] har
<<franz>> what if we open and he gets sd. maybe just landmine i will next turn?
[aq`kyho] mwahahah
[dt-barman] death touch
[aq`kyho] evil
[aq`kyho] xD
<<franz>> well hurry if you're gonna
<<dt-barman>> uf nie wskoczy
<<dt-barman>> o
<<dt-barman>> jednak xd
[dt-orange] shit lol
[dt-orange] was so sure
[dt-orange] sorry
[dt-barman] jeeee
<<franz>> geez, i knew it man. way too much time man
<<franz>> lol np
<<dt-barman>> dajesz :D
<<franz>> well look
<<franz>> lol
[dt-barman] najpierw tw
[dt-orange] gg
<<franz>> landmine was safest
[dt-barman] gg
[aq`kyho] gg
<<dt-barman>> ladnie :p
<<franz>> less chance for this possibliity

dt-barman [gl hf]
[franz] check replay
[aq`kyho] hf
[dt-orange] hf
<<dt-barman>> fo on plop
<<dt-barman>> :p
[franz] i bet you trigger it by exact seconds ^^
<<dt-barman>> jeszcze steve
<<dt-barman>> !
<<dt-barman>> lina steve
[dt-barman] mina
<<dt-barman>> super :D
<<dt-barman>> ja zmienie na felixa
<<dt-barman>> aktywacja miny na prawo od johna popchnie go w dol
[aq`kyho] we got so much luck lol
<<dt-barman>> o, franz to zauwazyl
[dt-orange] nah was just my fault :p
[franz] he means this game
[dt-orange] im still noob with sd counting
<<dt-barman>> moze kolejne -2
[dt-orange] ah k
[dt-orange] this game isnt over yet!
[aq`kyho] yeah
[franz] this is gg
<<dt-barman>> tx
<<dt-barman>> nom
<<dt-barman>> zmien na derka
<<dt-barman>> i lg
<<dt-barman>> popchnij shotgunem w dol
<<dt-barman>> a potem beke
<<dt-barman>> hmm
<<dt-barman>> w robala celuj
<<dt-barman>> tak
<<dt-barman>> beka by wziela maksymalnie 10
[dt-orange] job
<<dt-barman>> kto nastepny?
<<dt-barman>> on da skunksa teraz
<<dt-barman>> daj torch w prawo po prostu
[aq`kyho] ack
<<dt-barman>> potem bedziesz mogl dac np. sheepa do jacka
[dt-orange] yeah whatever
<<dt-barman>> walne bazooka w chucka norrisa
<<dt-barman>> moze bedzie fd i go zabije
<<dt-barman>> nie chce sheepa marnowac
[dt-barman] aff bez fd
[aq`kyho] np
<<dt-barman>> zobaczymy co zrobi
[dt-orange] lol
[aq`kyho] lol
[dt-barman] otworz shotgunem u gory
<<dt-barman>> ok
<<dt-barman>> cala mapa jest polaczona
<<dt-barman>> wiec pojde eoleo
<<dt-barman>> uzyje liny i jp moze
<<dt-barman>> chyba ze sama lina starczy
[aq`kyho] ns
[dt-orange] gs
[dt-barman] gg
[dt-orange] gg
[aq`kyho] gg
<<dt-barman>> derek idzie?
<<dt-barman>> to kami xd
<<dt-barman>> jakos ze skosu albo cos
<<dt-barman>> wazne zeby zadac 30
<<dt-barman>> uzyj jednej liny
[franz] talk about a perfect fit
[dt-orange] yeah
[dt-orange] with ur resolution i bet u can see it even better
[dt-barman] oddal sie
[dt-barman] walnij z brzegu
[dt-barman] w sumie ok xd
[aq`kyho] xD
<<dt-barman>> mamy select, line, jp i dyna
<<dt-barman>> mysle ze gg :p
<<dt-barman>> moze on da petrola teraz
<<dt-barman>> bedzie gral na czas
<<dt-barman>> nie chce zuzywac liny
<<dt-barman>> zabije mnie xd
<<dt-barman>> mysimy robic szybkie tury
<<dt-barman>> chociaz w sd tez raczej wygramy
<<dt-barman>> jesli on dotrwa :p
[dt-orange] so whatsup guys?
<<dt-barman>> teraz glenn?
[dt-orange] how's the weather?
<<dt-barman>> moze torch po prostu
[aq`kyho] well, it's snowin there
<<dt-barman>> albo sg
<<dt-barman>> zeby rtorcha nie marnowac
[dt-orange] o rly
<<dt-barman>> ok
[aq`kyho] yeh
[aq`kyho] We played football with swist and then snow falled from sky
[aq`kyho] imo did nice visual effect
[dt-orange] u and swist are RL friends?
[aq`kyho] yeah
[dt-orange] ah cool
[aq`kyho] You didn't know ? xd
[dt-barman] skipwalking!
[aq`kyho] huaha
[dt-barman] we will complain
[dt-barman] franz will void the game
[dt-barman] XD
[dt-orange] im waiting sd
[dt-orange] its tactic.
<<dt-barman>> torch
<<dt-barman>> idz w lewo
<<dt-barman>> i dokoncz ten tunel
[aq`kyho] well I know swist since 2002/3
[aq`kyho] Laczek too xD
[dt-barman] oh shit
[aq`kyho] weeee
[dt-barman] xd
<<dt-barman>> ups lol
[aq`kyho] "poor eoleo" XD
<<dt-barman>> mam nadzieje ze to nie zawazy xd
<<dt-barman>> hmm
<<dt-barman>> torch
[aq`kyho] lol
<<dt-barman>> ok nvm
<<dt-barman>> dam rade :d
<<dt-barman>> w sumie szkoda ze nie mamy kami ;p
<<dt-barman>> ale mysle ze nie bedzie problemu zeby wygrac
[dt-barman] wops
[dt-barman] :v
<<dt-barman>> nie da rady
<<dt-barman>> podejdz blizej po prostu
<<dt-barman>> to byl jego ostatni petrol
[dt-barman] daj skip xd
<<dt-barman>> to byl jego drugi petrol
<<dt-barman>> nie ma girderow ani luku
<<dt-barman>> ja mysle ze trzeba go bardziej zdecydowanie przycisnac
<<dt-barman>> zmiane sobie zostawme
<<dt-barman>> y
<<dt-barman>> daj line i otworz przez te kable
<<dt-barman>> to zielone cos
<<dt-barman>> shotgunem
[franz] white flag it
<<dt-barman>> prawie popsules XD
[dt-orange] nevah!
<<dt-barman>> to teraz gg
<<dt-barman>> nie ma jak sie obronic
[aq`kyho] plop urself!
[dt-barman] kami all 3
[dt-orange] i could blow the barrel
[dt-orange] and sg the other
[dt-orange] DAMNIT
[dt-orange] gg
[aq`kyho] ggg
[dt-barman] gg
[franz] cyaa
[dt-barman] thx got games guys
[aq`kyho] see ya
[dt-barman] seeya
[dt-barman] for*
[dt-barman] not got
[dt-barman] huah
[aq`kyho] xD

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