June 08, 2024, 01:50 AM

Game #13961, Reported by beer, Viewed 372 Time(s)

Classic #9
December 15, 2009, 09:25 PM
Beginner 1109 in WxW before the game. Gained 52|52 points
Below Average 1393 in WxW before the game. Lost 52|52 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
2 - 1
6 - 7
5 - 5
25 - 45
Information Game scheme: WxW
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 196 time(s).
Game Awards
This game hasn't been nominated for any awards.
Game Map(s)

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1920 x 696, BIT, 12.56 KB, Downloaded 12 time(s)

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1920 x 696, BIT, 12.55 KB, Downloaded 13 time(s)

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1920 x 696, BIT, 12.58 KB, Downloaded 16 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[Ray```RoH] HF
[TaG`Dead] xD
[thC`Jamaikino] como tai guaton
[TaG`Dead] shaaa
[Ray```RoH] I love that

[Rok```RoH] hf
[Ray```RoH] HF
[thC`Jamaikino] ejale
[taG-Guaton] no es ke me caiga es ke anda lenta la wea
[taG-Guaton] hf
[thC`Jamaikino] ahora si
[thC`Jamaikino] hahaha
<<Rok```RoH>> gl m8
[thC`Jamaikino] te entiendo gordita yo tengo movilnet very faster sin lagg XDDDD
[thC`Jamaikino] cierto dead?
[taG-Guaton] xD
[taG-Guaton] movilnet xD
[taG-Guaton] ke chucha es eso
[taG-Guaton] xdz
[TaG`Dead] jajajajaj
[thC`Jamaikino] es un internet kon el ke andai pa arria y pa abajo
[TaG`Dead] si
<<Rok```RoH>> top left maybe?
[thC`Jamaikino] pero es una mierda
[thC`Jamaikino] xd
[taG-Guaton] xD
[thC`Jamaikino] te los dan cuando comprai un celu cachai pal note
[thC`Jamaikino] xd
[thC`Jamaikino] pa ke no bolsi wifi
[thC`Jamaikino] pero teni ke pagar la wea
[thC`Jamaikino] tengo como 2 mb de bajada y 0.4 de subida XD
[Rok```RoH] here?
[TaG`Dead] xD
[Ray```RoH] ok
[Rok```RoH] oh well
[taG-Guaton] lag
[taG-Guaton] lag
[thC`Jamaikino] yo iwal lo vweo wm
[thC`Jamaikino] xd
[thC`Jamaikino] pero kreo ke es el de siempre

[Ray```RoH] HF
[taG-Guaton] XDD
[taG-Guaton] hf
[Rok```RoH] hf
<<Ray```RoH>> pile
<<Ray```RoH>> pile
<<Ray```RoH>> ;D
<<Rok```RoH>> OK
<<Rok```RoH>> xD
[taG-Guaton] a chucha soy ultimo
[Ray```RoH] f@#! off
[TaG`Dead] xDD
<<Rok```RoH>> oof
[taG-Guaton] xD
<<Ray```RoH>> now shall I alt+f4 like they did too?
[taG-Guaton] hum
<<Rok```RoH>> we ain't lame
<<Ray```RoH>> I wasn't serious
[taG-Guaton] phew
[taG-Guaton] XD
<<Rok```RoH>> ^^
[TaG`Dead] telefono
[TaG`Dead] culiao
[TaG`Dead] por la chcuha
<<Ray```RoH>> by the way, the last game I played was LG RR
<<Ray```RoH>> so I f@#!ing suck at the moment
<<Rok```RoH>> jesus :o
<<Rok```RoH>> oh man, dunno what to say
<<Rok```RoH>> at least no real damage
<<Rok```RoH>> let's focus
[taG-Guaton] omg this kb suck
[taG-Guaton] s
[TaG`Dead] oe y vo haci fr con el espacio
[Ray```RoH] f@#!
[taG-Guaton] si
<<Ray```RoH>> what the hell lol
<<Rok```RoH>> hm, jinx?
[taG-Guaton] las cajas pò zfoca
[TaG`Dead] saddsa
[TaG`Dead] ya vengo
[TaG`Dead] toy cocinando
[taG-Guaton] Dx
[Rok```RoH] meh
[taG-Guaton] hummm
[TaG`Dead] xD
[taG-Guaton] ns lol
<<Ray```RoH>> I don't remember us suck like that
[TaG`Dead] se kea pegaso en tu turno xD
<<Rok```RoH>> me neither :S
[TaG`Dead] gusanos culiaos q se demoran en pararse
[taG-Guaton] si
[taG-Guaton] es recharcha xD
[TaG`Dead] no te caigai weooooooooooooooooooon
[taG-Guaton] eris vo wn xDDD
<<Rok```RoH>> seems we're doomed
[TaG`Dead] no wn
[taG-Guaton] te me lageai solo en tu turno
[taG-Guaton] Dxxx
[Ray```RoH] ok that does it
<<Rok```RoH>> lucky us?

[Ray```RoH] HF
[taG-Guaton] f
[TaG`Dead] q vola guata
<<Ray```RoH>> no no
<<Ray```RoH>> where they were last time
<<Ray```RoH>> yaaa
[TaG`Dead] no keriai handicap
[taG-Guaton] si se cae otra vez dile a otro ke juege el de cuerda
[taG-Guaton] me da igual wn
Rok```RoH..Ray```RoH: let's be safe now
[taG-Guaton] si total asi como vamos no vamo a terminar nunca
[TaG`Dead] xD
<<Ray```RoH>> sad fact is, I was trying to be last time too
[taG-Guaton] me dai lag tu wn xD , todos los turnos pasan piolitas , sin pegarse , te toka a ti y se congela la wea
[taG-Guaton] xD
[Ray```RoH] lol this is unbelieveable
[TaG`Dead] asddsa
[TaG`Dead] sad
[TaG`Dead] sadsda
[TaG`Dead] dsa
[TaG`Dead] d
[taG-Guaton] uena
[TaG`Dead] ty
[TaG`Dead] la wea injusta
<<Ray```RoH>> saw this coming
<<Rok```RoH>> their falling?
[TaG`Dead] asad
[TaG`Dead] dsad
[Ray```RoH] missed
[Ray```RoH] a
[Ray```RoH] wall
[Ray```RoH] doesnt matter this way
[taG-Guaton] te faltó una
<<Ray```RoH>> -.-'
[TaG`Dead] si cache
<<Rok```RoH>> we haven't yet, so safe ;)
[taG-Guaton] oe pero se supone ke vo soy el ke no tiene drama po
<<Rok```RoH>> *won
<<Ray```RoH>> am I the kind who believes that?
[TaG`Dead] nmo se q chcuha si denante taba re bien
[TaG`Dead] deberiamos haber empezao como estabamos sipo
<<Ray```RoH>> I had to be fast
<<Ray```RoH>> to get back
<<Rok```RoH>> ur right, i'm nagging :)
[taG-Guaton] a pico wn
[taG-Guaton] pico esa wea
<<Ray```RoH>> let's be rather winning
[taG-Guaton] adaptate wn xD
[TaG`Dead] aparte toy almorzandio
[TaG`Dead] xD
[taG-Guaton] y pa ke keris clanear si tay almorzando wn?
[TaG`Dead] pq denante no taba almorzando
<<Rok```RoH>> screen lag almost owned me
[taG-Guaton] pero tabai cocinando po
<<Ray```RoH>> now I pile them and attafck both
[TaG`Dead] aaa el culiao malo
[TaG`Dead] ya chao
<<Ray```RoH>> all three*
[TaG`Dead] y estos culiaos son mas malos
[TaG`Dead] sha
[Ray```RoH] doh
<<Rok```RoH>> gj, hehe
[taG-Guaton] die mofo
[TaG`Dead] no te vayay despues de este sipo
[TaG`Dead] pa q ganemos alguina wea
[taG-Guaton] si el ke se kiere ir eris tu
<<Rok```RoH>> crap
[taG-Guaton] pero por ke a ese?
[taG-Guaton] al ke tiene mas po
[taG-Guaton] si tu aun tenis 2
[TaG`Dead] no se kise apilr a ese
[Rok```RoH] run
<<Ray```RoH>> lol
[Ray```RoH] wanted to hide up somewheere, harer to pile
[TaG`Dead] un hachita seria weno xD
[taG-Guaton] ee
<<Rok```RoH>> my worms are still intact :)
<<Ray```RoH>> until now?
<<Rok```RoH>> ye
<<Rok```RoH>> vnr
[taG-Guaton] bue
[Ray```RoH] ahuahuahuaha
[TaG`Dead] te cago
<<Ray```RoH>> lol
<<Ray```RoH>> so far the influence of low gravity
[Rok```RoH] nr
[taG-Guaton] ye , im pro
[TaG`Dead] le falta una
[taG-Guaton] cual?
[TaG`Dead] esa
[taG-Guaton] ok
[TaG`Dead] xD
[taG-Guaton] xd
<<Ray```RoH>> danke
<<Rok```RoH>> np
[TaG`Dead] no se a cual atacar+
[TaG`Dead] xD
[taG-Guaton] al ke ta contigo po wn
[taG-Guaton] o al de arriba
[taG-Guaton] y apila al de arriba
[taG-Guaton] zlol at firpunch
[taG-Guaton] wtf
[TaG`Dead] si salen fire punch en este scheme
[taG-Guaton] scheme qlao ordinario
[TaG`Dead] caete ahora xD
<<Rok```RoH>> job
<<Ray```RoH>> sorry ;D
<<Ray```RoH>> necessary evil
<<Rok```RoH>> well done, hehe
[taG-Guaton] hehe
[TaG`Dead] xDDD
[TaG`Dead] jajajajaja
[Rok```RoH] bl
[taG-Guaton] teclao culiao wn xD
[TaG`Dead] xD
[TaG`Dead] ya pico si ya era
[TaG`Dead] pero sigo pensando q injusta la wea
[taG-Guaton] pico
<<Ray```RoH>> I believe that is a bad hide
<<Rok```RoH>> i didn't had a better idea
<<Rok```RoH>> hard to attack though :)
<<Ray```RoH>> HAVE*
<<Ray```RoH>> HAHA
<<Rok```RoH>> ty, have
<<Ray```RoH>> EVER!!!
<<Rok```RoH>> it's not the first, doh
[TaG`Dead] guaton hostea tru el potro mejor po
<<Ray```RoH>> first I caught you on :P
<<Rok```RoH>> heeh
[taG-Guaton] teclao culiao
[taG-Guaton] no
[taG-Guaton] pueo hostear aki
<<Ray```RoH>> free me
[taG-Guaton] nunca he podido en este pc
[TaG`Dead] yo entonecs=
[TaG`Dead] ?
[taG-Guaton] si
[taG-Guaton] po
[taG-Guaton] xD
[TaG`Dead] voy por agua
[Ray```RoH] now curve the ammo
[Rok```RoH] u guys host ur pick?
[taG-Guaton] yes
[taG-Guaton] dead will
[Rok```RoH] k
[Rok```RoH] gg
[taG-Guaton] agag

Author Topic: Game #13961, Reported by beer  (Read 456 times)

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Offline beer

Game #13961, Reported by beer
« on: December 15, 2009, 08:49 AM »
madden missed to report this, it was dibz and madden.
im just reporting instant ckc play other rr today. ill add the replay later cose i wasnt in that game.

drama queen iz back

Re: Game #13961, Reported by beer
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2009, 05:28 PM »
heres the replay
« Last Edit: December 15, 2009, 05:52 PM by MonkeyIsland »

Offline MonkeyIsland

Re: Game #13961, Reported by dibz
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2009, 05:53 PM »
Thanks all. Fixed.
Due to massive misunderstandings: MonkeyIsland refers to an island not a monkey. I would be a monkey, if my name was IslandMonkey meaning a monkey who is or lives on an island. MonkeyIsland is an island which is related to monkeys. Also there's been a legend around saying MonkeyIsland is a game. So please, think of me as an island or a game.

Offline beer

Re: Game #13961, Reported by beer
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2009, 09:32 PM »

drama queen iz back