June 11, 2024, 12:48 AM

Game #143046, reported by Swist, Viewed 643 Time(s)

Classic #31
April 05, 2013, 02:07 PM
Absolute Beginner 662 in BnG before the game. Gained 53|59 points
Beginner 1114 in BnG before the game. Lost 59|59 points

Game Rate
1 / 5
Total Members Voted: 1
Players history
1 - 1
1 - 1
6 - 9
6 - 9
Information Game scheme: BnG
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 284 time(s).
Game Awards
This game hasn't been nominated for any awards.
Game Map(s)

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1920 x 696, BIT, 1.05 KB, Downloaded 9 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[che`Xrayez] funz
[`69`Sbaffo] hf
[`69`Sbaffo] awwww
[`69`Sbaffo] mi fan male gli occhi
ssm`che..che`Xrayez: ��y �� ��e ��o��op����. ��a�� ��y�� ����pa����
[ssm`che] hf
[che`Korydex] Maybe not a perfect map, sorry, was kinda tired after making the 4th map... xD
[`69`orange] weird map :(
[che`Korydex] Based on a T17 like map.
[che`Xrayez] ycлoвия oдинaкoвы имxo np
[`69`orange] gj
[`69`Sbaffo] lol
[`69`Sbaffo] nothing so strange xDD
[`69`Sbaffo] does peja make you any problem? :<
<<ssm`che>> ��oc��apa��c�� ��o��a��e �������� ��a������e��o
[che`Korydex] Eek.
[`69`Sbaffo] vn
[`69`orange] ta
[che`Korydex] I'm not impressed, LOL.
[`69`Sbaffo] did i ask you it?
[che`Korydex] What you gonna pick, BTW?
[`69`orange] i think hyst
[`69`Sbaffo] DUNNO
[`69`Sbaffo] kk
<<ssm`che>> ��a��, �� ��y��y ����������e��o, ��a ��a������e��o ��e��y y����a
[`69`Sbaffo] lol same, n1!
che`Xrayez..ssm`che: oki
[`69`orange] damn
[`69`orange] gj
[`69`orange] vai giu
[`69`Sbaffo] edai
<<ssm`che>> ��e��e
[`69`Sbaffo] adesso ti faccio un trick dei trick
<<ssm`che>> ��a�� ���� ��o�� ���� cpa��y ��c��a�� ����
[`69`orange] tipo questo?
[`69`Sbaffo] e vaffanculo
[`69`Sbaffo] huahuahua
[`69`orange] uahuaha
[`69`Sbaffo] sto copionbe
[`69`Sbaffo] vnvnvn
[`69`orange] thx
[`69`orange] gj
[`69`Sbaffo] tutto calcolat
[`69`Sbaffo] ty
[`69`Sbaffo] mo e` mi
[`69`Sbaffo] *mio
[`69`Sbaffo] statte fermo
[`69`orange] aw
[`69`Sbaffo] te l'ho det
[`69`orange] f@#! zook
[`69`Sbaffo] vabe che sei forte
[`69`Sbaffo] pero te devi sta calmo ;p
[`69`Sbaffo] phew
[che`Korydex] ;s
[`69`orange] diocane
[`69`orange] mi devo spostà
[`69`orange] mi notcha il culo
[`69`Sbaffo] che infame
<<ssm`che>> ��oxo��y ��a ��a������ee pacc��o������e ��y��a �� ��pe��a ��e��ae�� ��o pa����o��y
[`69`Sbaffo] hm
che`Xrayez..ssm`che: ��o��e ��o��o��pe��a��
<<ssm`che>> �� ��e����o ��o�� 13 ��a c��o��
[`69`Sbaffo] uh
[`69`orange] lol
<<ssm`che>> c��c
che`Xrayez..ssm`che: ;)
[`69`orange] dio minimiz
[che`Korydex] Close. :D\
[`69`Sbaffo] hsrhurhusr
<<ssm`che>> ��o��e ��po���������� :D
[`69`orange] goal
[`69`orange] frack
[`69`orange] lol
[`69`orange] thats lame
<<ssm`che>> ��o����o ������o ��o��epe�� ��oca��������, ������ yc��o����e������ pa������e������ ee
[`69`Sbaffo] vm
[`69`Sbaffo] *vn
[`69`orange] covering the tree
[`69`orange] very lame man
[`69`orange] u should use it horizontally at least
[`69`Sbaffo] could i cover you?
[`69`Sbaffo] ahah
[che`Xrayez] how could i put that girder other way oO
[`69`orange] like sbaffo is doing now
[`69`orange] but i hate girds anyway
[`69`Sbaffo] but yeah
[`69`orange] but u put it, so we did it too
[`69`Sbaffo] let's put longer girder
[`69`Sbaffo] i didn't
[`69`orange] damn
[`69`Sbaffo] oh man that's darkside
[`69`orange] yeah he's darksiding
[che`Xrayez] ignored
[`69`orange] very lame game by che
[`69`Sbaffo] dio cane
[che`Korydex] xD
[`69`orange] score
[`69`Sbaffo] wewwww
[`69`orange] gg
[`69`Sbaffo] 2 turn in darkside
[che`Xrayez] :P
[`69`Sbaffo] vn
[che`Korydex] NICE.
[che`Xrayez] gg
[`69`orange] 3rd same wind. not really
[`69`orange] xDDD
[`69`Sbaffo] xd
[`69`orange] vn!
[`69`Sbaffo] ty
[`69`orange] uahuah
[`69`orange] gj
[`69`Sbaffo] ty
<<ssm`che>> 1 ��a��a����e �� ����
che`Xrayez..ssm`che: t
[`69`orange] vns
[`69`Sbaffo] ty
[`69`orange] gj
[`69`Sbaffo] TY
[`69`orange] gg
[`69`Sbaffo] gg
[che`Xrayez] gg
[`69`orange] join me

Author Topic: Game #143046, reported by Swist  (Read 444 times)

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Offline TOMT

Game #143046, reported by Swist
« on: April 04, 2013, 09:28 PM »
nice run swist

Offline Swist

Re: Game #143046, reported by Swist
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2013, 02:19 PM »
ty :)