Leagues > Leagues

Game #170481, reported by Zalo



Titanhemp... This comment is directed at You. Read the rules according to which we played in the URL above. The rule says " No invading ". I did not do that, I just stick to my side of forts without crossing the text in the middle. You can't accept that fact and u want to delete this replay saying " You cow by attacking the cloud "

1. Such rule does not exist. At least there is NO Info about it in the Scheme's description
2. I purposely shot the area nearby to have some time left for walk. It was not even an attack attempt, so seriously stop imagining rules when you are about to be defeated man....

that game was season 19 free.

I did open a topic with one question. if any MOD deleted 1 time, 2 times, and almost 3 times, what have i to do?

I think cloud is not PART of fort.  in case that fort map  only have  girders and crates.

 so this map i have 53% from map.  coz the cloud in midle is not  100% in the midle.  obvion i have 3 clouds and u 2. so it's not a correct mod to play fort if i have 53% from map.

maybe 58 %  :)


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