June 11, 2024, 09:01 PM

Game #203151, reported by Degox, Viewed 357 Time(s)

Classic #48
January 23, 2016, 11:08 PM
Novice 1373 in Roper before the game. Gained 61|55 points
Fairly Competent 1734 in Roper before the game. Lost 30|55 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
5 - 5
108 - 202
13 - 16
423 - 682
Information Game scheme: Roper
Scheme pick: Both pick (Like a 3rd game)
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 56 time(s).
0 members and about 56 guests have downloaded this game.
Game Awards
This game hasn't been nominated for any awards.
Game Map(s)

Map7 by Mablak
1920 x 696, BIT, 3.06 KB, Downloaded 8345 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[dt`wreckz] oooo map :X
[VoK`TdC] hf
[TdC`Senator] hf
[dt`wreckz] should have edited it a bit
[dt`wreckz] take out that deep nasty gina
[TdC`Senator] yea let's see who gets crate taped there
[TdC`Senator] raped
[TdC`Senator] *
[dt`wreckz] whoa.. gj
[TdC`Senator] ty
[dt`wreckz] next time self own though, k?
[TdC`Senator] :D
[dt-stylez] fffs
[TdC`Senator] lOL
[dt`wreckz] what happened?? i did not see
[dt`wreckz] nd syt
[TdC`Senator] failed climb and rope angle was too high
[dt-stylez] t
[dt`wreckz] ahh yes, i know what u mean... hate that
TdC`Senator..VoK`TdC: oho
TdC`Senator..VoK`TdC: en tajunnu et tol enemm�� hp
[dt`wreckz] vgj at recover, and pile :D
[dt-stylez] xd
[dt`wreckz] lol
[dt`wreckz] wish cr8 was just a bit farther :D
[dt-stylez] :D
TdC`Senator..VoK`TdC: en kussu ekaa vuoroo
[dt`wreckz] 2!
[dt`wreckz] cuz im ruthless
[dt`wreckz] nice roping amigo
[dt`wreckz] gj turn
[TdC`Senator] t
[TdC`Senator] ns
[VoK`TdC] wow
[VoK`TdC] ns
[dt`wreckz] owner of the zook
[dt-stylez] but fail0r of teh zook
[dt-stylez] rope i mean
[dt`wreckz] nah, failer of the entire rest of the turn :D
[dt-stylez] ^^
[dt`wreckz] wee got it
[TdC`Senator] evil hide
[TdC`Senator] ty crate
[TdC`Senator] ah
[dt`wreckz] fo realz
[dt`wreckz] glad u didnt get that hide lol
[dt`wreckz] no style... no...
[dt`wreckz] get the f@#! away from me
[dt-stylez] XD
[dt-stylez] sry bra
[dt`wreckz] lol... why do you insist on pileing me? Lol
[dt-stylez] cuz love
[dt`wreckz] thats not love
[dt-stylez] love is war
[dt-stylez] and thats that it is
[TdC`Senator] there u go
[TdC`Senator] lovely cave
[dt-stylez] XD
[dt-stylez] f@#!in nt
[dt`wreckz] hop
[dt`wreckz] thnx
[dt`wreckz] aww thought that was gna be fail
[VoK`TdC] lol
[dt-stylez] saw this comin
[VoK`TdC] bl
[dt`wreckz] bl amigo
[VoK`TdC] xD
[dt`wreckz] lolz
[TdC`Senator] lol
[TdC`Senator] wth
TdC`Senator..VoK`TdC: en ollu varma mit�� oisin ees tehny
[dt-stylez] f@#! me
[dt`wreckz] bllll man
[dt-stylez] stop teh f@#! bl xD
TdC`Senator..VoK`TdC: jompi kumpi ois p����ssy joka tapaukses yli 47
[dt`wreckz] 4th roper? :D
[VoK`TdC] all fine for me xD
[dt`wreckz] shit stain
[dt`wreckz] nice nade switch <3
[dt-stylez] :)
[VoK`TdC] cheater hide
[VoK`TdC] kick out tdceers
[dt`wreckz] damn u
[dt`wreckz] gj, gg
[TdC`Senator] t
[dt`wreckz] f@#!ing cr8
[VoK`TdC] whos map is this ?
[TdC`Senator] mablak
[dt`wreckz] mab
[dt`wreckz] which way did it go?? which way did it go?
[dt`wreckz] oooo gj sty
[dt`wreckz] huahauha
[dt-stylez] XDDDDDD
[dt`wreckz] survives another turn
[TdC`Senator] turn on crate finder maybe?
[dt-stylez] lol ofc
[dt-stylez] 27" will need cr8 finder
[dt-stylez] bleh
[dt-stylez] gg
[dt`wreckz] gg
[TdC`Senator] gg
[dt`wreckz] 4th then?
[VoK`TdC] gg

Author Topic: Game #203151, reported by Degox  (Read 415 times)

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Game #203151, reported by Degox
« on: January 25, 2016, 07:51 AM »
lol played it map 5 times in one mounth  :P
Враг думал — это пень, а снайпер снес ему мозги набекрень.
I play for fun unlike you и⊥ʎdʞ ин ʞɐʞ…
And the pain and the fear passes, unchangeable only death.