Game #208524, Viewed 281 Time(s)

Classic #50
April 27, 2016, 05:38 AM
Rookie 1261 in BnG before the game. Gained 42|29 points
Absolute Beginner 1018 in BnG before the game. Lost 28|28 points

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1 - 3
Information Game scheme: BnG
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
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Game Chat(s)
[NBRthewalrus] glhf
NBRthewalrus..NBRazilian: lets aim for the closer one
NBRthewalrus..NBRazilian: knock him down
[NBRthewalrus] ooh wind
[NBRthewalrus] lucky us
[NBRthewalrus] ns
[NBRthewalrus] well open
[NBRazilian] close
NBRazilian..NBRthewalrus: i am not really aware of who of them is better
[NBRthewalrus] almost out of vodka
[NBRthewalrus] may have to leave midgame to get more
[NBRazilian] already??
NBRthewalrus..NBRazilian: i think the correct answer is neither
NBRthewalrus..NBRazilian: they are equal
NBRazilian..NBRthewalrus: equally bad, equally good or equally average?
NBRthewalrus..NBRazilian: one of those
[NBRthewalrus] n1
[pbc`adun] thx
[NBRthewalrus] f@#!
[NBRthewalrus] that looked the same
[NBRazilian] and it was i think
[NBRthewalrus] it was same aim
[NBRthewalrus] i used the tree to lock the aim
[NBRthewalrus] maybe power same too
[NBRthewalrus] vn
[NBRthewalrus] good push
NBRthewalrus..NBRazilian: yay we pushed him back
NBRazilian..NBRthewalrus: time to start digging
NBRthewalrus..NBRazilian: ya if u get hit move a slot back
NBRthewalrus..NBRazilian: or move now even
NBRazilian..NBRthewalrus: i think i am ok for one more turn
NBRthewalrus..NBRazilian: ok
NBRazilian..NBRthewalrus: he doesn't have angle at all
[NBRthewalrus] mmmmm
[NBRthewalrus] one aim too many
[NBRthewalrus] tunnel shot nxc
[NBRthewalrus] go
[NBRthewalrus] well f@#! me
NBRthewalrus..NBRazilian: im just trying to open for you
NBRthewalrus..NBRazilian: and failing
NBRthewalrus..NBRazilian: you are in the power seat with that angle
NBRthewalrus..NBRazilian: and doing exactly as you should atm
NBRthewalrus..NBRazilian: good playing ao far
[NBRthewalrus] eh
[pBc`nXc] XD
[NBRthewalrus] christ
[NBRthewalrus] ehh adun
[NBRthewalrus] we struggling from back area
[NBRthewalrus] lets hit some shit aye?
[NBRazilian] adun is the one in the front
[NBRazilian] lol
[NBRthewalrus] oh
[NBRthewalrus] i had em backwards whole game
[NBRthewalrus] nxc then
[NBRazilian] adun's team is wormnetesmib1d4
[pBc`nXc] :( why me
[NBRazilian] he's had that team for a long time
[NBRthewalrus] oh come on
[NBRthewalrus] like 1 pixel from perfect
[NBRthewalrus] sick shot bag
[NBRthewalrus] almost tunnel
[NBRthewalrus] ooh
[NBRthewalrus] nxc open
[NBRazilian] i feel tempted to try a bouncy nade in that spot
[NBRthewalrus] thats what im doing
[NBRthewalrus] 5+
[NBRthewalrus] it will only work once tho
[NBRthewalrus] before flatness is broken
[NBRazilian] i can't try 4s nades
[NBRazilian] they just don't like me
[NBRthewalrus] rabbit is good with them
[NBRazilian] even when i wanted to try a non lame shot
[NBRthewalrus] hes gone to the dark side
[NBRthewalrus] he started notching
[NBRazilian] wow
[NBRthewalrus] yeah i know
[NBRazilian] he took it as a lame try
[NBRthewalrus] maybe we can insult him enough
[NBRazilian] lol
[NBRthewalrus] so he gives up notching
[NBRthewalrus] i told him dont do that shit in a clanner
[NBRthewalrus] its cheap shit
[NBRthewalrus] vn open
[NBRthewalrus] whats ur guys pick btw
[NBRthewalrus] nt adun
[NBRazilian] uuuuuu
[NBRazilian] nt
[pbc`adun] thz u.u
[NBRthewalrus] sticky
[pBc`nXc] ,mmm
[NBRthewalrus] lol
[NBRthewalrus] almost crazy sitter
[NBRazilian] hmmmmmmmm
[NBRazilian] kill me
[NBRazilian] pls
[NBRthewalrus] die bag
NBRazilian..NBRthewalrus: i should move soon
NBRazilian..NBRthewalrus: i be measured
NBRthewalrus..NBRazilian: if you get hit ya
NBRthewalrus..NBRazilian: right behind big tree looks good
[NBRthewalrus] damn
[NBRthewalrus] cmon valarus
[NBRazilian] goddammit
[NBRthewalrus] oh man
[NBRthewalrus] 2 pixels off
[NBRthewalrus] nt
[NBRthewalrus] n
[NBRthewalrus] wtf
[NBRthewalrus] why so far
[NBRazilian] kk walrus now you're only 1/3 of map off
[NBRazilian] we improvin
[NBRthewalrus] yeh i need advice bag
[NBRthewalrus] what would you do
[NBRthewalrus] besides fuse the grenade poorly
[NBRthewalrus] ajajajaja
[NBRazilian] ajajajajajjajjaajja i'd hit nothing all game
[NBRazilian] try a 5s lg don't be lame
[NBRthewalrus] ahahaha
[NBRazilian] hahahahaha
[pBc`nXc] haha
[NBRthewalrus] dont be lame?
[NBRthewalrus] this shot is hard bro
[NBRthewalrus] as u just seen
[NBRazilian] ok im gonna stay for the last round of turns here
[NBRthewalrus] oh man
[NBRthewalrus] VN
[NBRazilian] i blame obaa
[NBRthewalrus] T
[NBRazilian] obama
[pBc`nXc] oh :o
[NBRthewalrus] wow
[NBRthewalrus] almost plopper
[NBRthewalrus] sick try
[NBRthewalrus] ya
[NBRthewalrus] u gotta move now
[NBRazilian] ya
[NBRthewalrus] oh wind
[NBRthewalrus] plop time?
[NBRazilian] getting bombarded
[pBc`nXc] :(
[NBRazilian] inb4 you hit nothing
[NBRthewalrus] slow
[NBRthewalrus] short
[NBRthewalrus] i mean
[NBRthewalrus] lol
[NBRthewalrus] slow
[NBRthewalrus] ill be honest
[NBRthewalrus] we watied too long to clanner
[NBRthewalrus] im pretty f@#!ed up now
[NBRthewalrus] good thing you are sharp
[NBRazilian] i had to move
[NBRazilian] why didn't i???!
[NBRazilian] remind me to move next turn
[NBRthewalrus] because you have the bng players curse
[NBRthewalrus] which is you always think you are going to hit the next shot
[NBRthewalrus] so why move
[NBRthewalrus] ive fallen victim to that a lot
[NBRazilian] that's why you never move
[NBRazilian] ahahahaahahahahafgdsjdkfsaxzvgfq3we
[NBRthewalrus] ^ yes
[NBRazilian] are you drunk already?
[NBRthewalrus] especially in 1v1 im like a rock sometimes
[NBRthewalrus] i wont budge because i think i can push the other guy every turn
[NBRthewalrus] yeah im drunk
[NBRthewalrus] whats pbc pick?
[pbc`adun] ill analyze after this
[pBc`nXc] don't know yet.. :/
[NBRazilian] turn off max
[NBRthewalrus] lol
[NBRthewalrus] that last minute move
[NBRthewalrus] bad idea
[NBRthewalrus] i think i had the aim too
[NBRthewalrus] lol
[NBRthewalrus] youll win most points with roper or bng
[NBRthewalrus] i have a built in walrus analyzer
[NBRthewalrus] you win 183 points for bng win
[NBRthewalrus] 93 for roper
NBRazilian..NBRthewalrus: either way i know that if i die you'll start tryharding
[NBRthewalrus] unofficially
NBRazilian..NBRthewalrus: so i am not worried
[NBRthewalrus] nt
[NBRthewalrus] bounce sea
[NBRthewalrus] you told to take it off
[NBRthewalrus] i should
NBRthewalrus..NBRazilian: its true
NBRthewalrus..NBRazilian: im letting you be batman for once
NBRthewalrus..NBRazilian: its nice right?
[NBRazilian] pls move there
[NBRazilian] lol
[pBc`nXc] xD
NBRazilian..NBRthewalrus: hmm
[NBRthewalrus] okok time to hit
NBRazilian..NBRthewalrus: it feels good it feels good
[NBRthewalrus] im alive
[NBRazilian] there we go
[pBc`nXc] ns
[NBRazilian] OH f@#! I HAD A TEAMMATE
NBRazilian is surprised
[NBRthewalrus] hey i hit 2 shots
[NBRthewalrus] 80+ damage
[NBRazilian] im just kidding
[NBRthewalrus] i dont hit often
[NBRthewalrus] but when i do
[NBRthewalrus] its for 40+
[NBRazilian] you know what
[NBRthewalrus] what
[NBRazilian] im gonna turn on the hysteria mode
[NBRthewalrus] f@#!
[NBRthewalrus] what does that mean
[NBRthewalrus] you put on electronica and dance between turns
[NBRazilian] you know nothing jon snow
[NBRthewalrus] ?
[NBRthewalrus] ahh i just saw premiere today
[NBRthewalrus] that chick at very end of episode one was hot
[NBRthewalrus] maybe a bit of a hunchback
[NBRthewalrus] and old
[NBRthewalrus] but hot
[NBRthewalrus] vbl adun
[pbc`adun] :-(
[NBRthewalrus] really
[NBRthewalrus] im off gabby
[NBRthewalrus] pick me up
[NBRthewalrus] before you go-go
[NBRthewalrus] nxc is off too
[NBRthewalrus] hes usually hammering me
[NBRthewalrus] with his pimp moves
[NBRthewalrus] ok lets finish this
[NBRthewalrus] give me some good wind
NBRazilian..NBRthewalrus: for once i don't know what i am doing
NBRazilian..NBRthewalrus: i'll focus more now.
[NBRthewalrus] wooot
[NBRthewalrus] nnnn
[pbc`adun] :d
[NBRthewalrus] hmm
[NBRthewalrus] shorty
[NBRazilian] ahaha trying to copy muh shots
[NBRthewalrus] you did a 4+ floorbank?
[NBRthewalrus] i didnt even see
[NBRazilian] yeah
[NBRthewalrus] but if i did see it
[NBRthewalrus] i would copy it
[NBRazilian] i did dozens of them
[NBRthewalrus] anyways i do them better
[NBRthewalrus] i do what u do
[NBRthewalrus] get good
[NBRthewalrus] italian plumbercito
[NBRazilian] you are better at sucking than me
[NBRazilian] i kinda agree
[NBRthewalrus] watch this
[NBRazilian] short
[NBRthewalrus] hmmm
[NBRthewalrus] 1 aim short
[NBRthewalrus] good call though
[NBRthewalrus] i give it to u
[NBRthewalrus] you called it
[NBRthewalrus] you could have told me before the shot though
[NBRthewalrus] ns
[NBRthewalrus] asshole
[pBc`nXc] xd
[pbc`adun] gg
[NBRazilian] gg
[NBRthewalrus] why you attack adun
[NBRthewalrus] jerk
[NBRthewalrus] i was just pretending
[NBRthewalrus] these are ur chilean bros
[NBRazilian] only 199 shots more
[NBRazilian] weeeeeeend
NBRazilian [phail ]
[NBRthewalrus] hmm
[NBRthewalrus] shit
[NBRthewalrus] dude gab why you got to do that
[NBRthewalrus] dont be a hater
[NBRazilian] :p
[NBRthewalrus] you are f@#!ing me up with your negative chi
[NBRazilian] i am not a hater
[NBRthewalrus] how bout some positivity
[NBRthewalrus] like walrus, you are going to hit someone this match
[NBRazilian] hahahaha
[NBRazilian] kk
[NBRazilian] i will
[NBRthewalrus] i need some confidence booster
[NBRthewalrus] nt
NBRazilian [you'll hit someone]
[NBRthewalrus] ima threebomb it
[NBRthewalrus] damn
[NBRthewalrus] f@#!ing troll
[NBRthewalrus] lol
[NBRazilian] i still like you
[NBRazilian] even when you treat me like a dog
[NBRthewalrus] you are a lapdog
[NBRthewalrus] i say bagriel
[NBRthewalrus] sit
[NBRthewalrus] stay
[NBRthewalrus] only i say "give head" instead of "play dead"
[pBc`nXc] only 198 shots more
[NBRazilian] hahaha
[NBRazilian] ya
[NBRazilian] you'll hit now
[NBRthewalrus] huh
[NBRazilian] yourself tho
[NBRthewalrus] i didnt see it
[pbc`adun] bl
[NBRthewalrus] what'
[NBRthewalrus] ?
[NBRazilian] no tbh i didn't see it either
[NBRthewalrus] seriously there is a pixel there
[NBRthewalrus] oh i see it now
[NBRthewalrus] damn
[NBRthewalrus] man spleen is not a team player
[NBRthewalrus] i cant watch bng
[NBRthewalrus] he says
[NBRthewalrus] OUT OF THE CLAN
[NBRthewalrus] i say
[NBRthewalrus] lol
[NBRazilian] if i were you i'd move
[NBRthewalrus] damn
[NBRthewalrus] its still in me way
[NBRazilian] i think i can plop now
[NBRthewalrus] i should have gone lower
[NBRazilian] i just need to do it just right
[NBRthewalrus] but i wanna end this game quick
[NBRthewalrus] zook
[NBRthewalrus] zook
[NBRazilian] zook would have never
[NBRazilian] reached
[NBRthewalrus] i should have used anon
[NBRazilian] not even anywhere close
[NBRthewalrus] untrue
[NBRazilian] unfalse
[NBRthewalrus] lowest aim possible works
[NBRthewalrus] really
[NBRthewalrus] i love pixels
[NBRthewalrus] hit it
[NBRthewalrus] or im hitting it bag
[NBRthewalrus] damn
[pbc`adun] love pixels
[NBRthewalrus] same pix as me
[NBRazilian] that pixel is
[NBRazilian] pissing me off
[NBRthewalrus] man that pix be f@#!ed up
[NBRthewalrus] i got this buddy
[NBRthewalrus] time to hit
[NBRthewalrus] f@#!
[NBRthewalrus] POWE
[NBRthewalrus] R
[NBRthewalrus] sexy push at least
[pBc`nXc] xD
[NBRthewalrus] bl nxc
[NBRthewalrus] btw
[NBRthewalrus] what does nxc stand for
[NBRthewalrus] ask him bag
[pBc`nXc] acronym of my nickname
[pBc`nXc] nacho
[NBRazilian] its meant to stand for nacho
[NBRthewalrus] people call u nachos
[NBRthewalrus] lol
[pbc`adun] xd
[NBRthewalrus] delicious nickname
[NBRthewalrus] i want some
[NBRazilian] 1s
[NBRthewalrus] lol ya
[NBRthewalrus] i hit that by accident
[NBRthewalrus] somehow
[NBRthewalrus] because drunnnkkkkk
[NBRthewalrus] gg
[NBRazilian] g
[NBRazilian] g
[pBc`nXc] gg
[pbc`adun] gg
[NBRazilian] you finish muh job wally
[NBRthewalrus] just me and nachos
[pBc`nXc] xD
NBRthewalrus..NBRazilian: going beast mode now
[NBRthewalrus] bl
NBRazilian..NBRthewalrus: aim full up
NBRazilian..NBRthewalrus: full
NBRazilian..NBRthewalrus: zooka
[NBRthewalrus] no
[NBRthewalrus] wait
[NBRthewalrus] didnt see wind
[NBRthewalrus] c@#! f@#!ing walrus
[NBRthewalrus] lol that was GG wind
[NBRthewalrus] and i f@#!ed it
[NBRthewalrus] gg
[pBc`nXc] gg
[pbc`adun] gg
[pbc`adun] joinz
[pBc`nXc] join

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