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Game #214867, Viewed 614 Time(s)

Classic #53
November 19, 2016, 02:17 AM
Natural Born Ropers
Absolute Beginner 932 in Elite before the game. Gained 40|43 points
Kill Team
Absolute Beginner 1000 in Elite before the game. Lost 43|43 points

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1 - 0
1 - 0
2 - 0
2 - 0
Information Game scheme: Elite
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
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1920 x 696, BIT, 3.62 KB, Downloaded 959 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[NBRthewalrus] i practice sometimes
[NBRthewalrus] but 'practice' is usually getting raped by mab
[Javier] XD
[NBRgab] LOL
[NBRgab] what about apegod
[NBRgab] he seems to be in the average line
[NBRthewalrus] hes pretty good
[NBRthewalrus] i beat on him tho
[NBRthewalrus] taner i play with
[NBRthewalrus] hes better than i
[NBRthewalrus] sometimes i get him
[Javier] hf
[NBRgab] seriously
[NBRgab] didnt he just get raped by afina
[NBRthewalrus] afina was cheating
[NBRgab] and afina isn't thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat good
[NBRgab] how come?
[NBRthewalrus] taner made quaters last year
[NBRthewalrus] afina is one of the best inter players afaik
[NBRgab] looks like a person i'd challenge to a 1v1
[NBRgab] unlike taner
[NBRgab] whenever i play with taner
[NBRthewalrus] afina can mop the floor with you
[NBRgab] he seems to go ape mode
[NBRthewalrus] im quite sure
[NBRgab] probably
[NBRgab] also thank you mablak i appreciate your support
[NBRgab] i mean walrus
NBRgab..NBRthewalrus: im 79
[NBRthewalrus] ns
[NBRgab] actually
[NBRgab] xd
[Javier] XD
[NBRthewalrus] hoho
[Sliced] caprichos de las minas
NBRgab..NBRthewalrus: what is he doing
[Sliced] XD}
NBRgab..NBRthewalrus: ytou can shotgun
NBRgab..NBRthewalrus: snake if you get
NBRgab..NBRthewalrus: good wind
[Sliced] XD
[Sliced] ALMOST
NBRgab..NBRthewalrus: im thinking about kami
[NBRgab] damn it walrus
[Javier] wena
[NBRthewalrus] nice
NBRgab..NBRthewalrus: you seem to be tilted somewhat
[NBRthewalrus] gj
[Javier] :P
NBRgab..NBRthewalrus: if you want to
[Javier] si
NBRgab..NBRthewalrus: they'll sheep me probably
NBRgab..NBRthewalrus: or that
NBRgab..NBRthewalrus: you can kill that i guess, f@#! that thing
NBRgab..NBRthewalrus: would have done 40
NBRgab..NBRthewalrus: no accuracy from that distance
NBRgab..NBRthewalrus: oh the top
NBRgab..NBRthewalrus: damn didnt see that im turd
NBRgab..NBRthewalrus: just toss some grenade on it
NBRgab..NBRthewalrus: was thinking about going left and shotgunning the low hp
NBRgab..NBRthewalrus: i can just rope dyna nex tturn i guess
NBRgab..NBRthewalrus: you and your battle race jumps lol
NBRgab..NBRthewalrus: he's inside a tunnel :( can't dyna for 70
[NBRthewalrus] oh
[NBRthewalrus] n1
[Javier] :o
NBRgab..NBRthewalrus: ya
NBRgab..NBRthewalrus: gotta spread the damage yo
[NBRthewalrus] gg
[Javier] gg
[Sliced] GG
[NBRgab] gg