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Game #224170, Viewed 645 Time(s)

TRL #27
November 22, 2018, 05:10 PM
Absolute Beginner 1040 in TRL: Zar before the game. Gained 36|36 points
Absolute Beginner 960 in TRL: Zar before the game. Lost 36|36 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
3 - 0
3 - 0
3 - 0
3 - 0
Information Game scheme: TRL: Zar
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 490 time(s).
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1920 x 696, PNG, 101.89 KB, Downloaded 6 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[`Pn`Mega`Adnan] Funks
[`Pn`XanKriegor] Have fun and good luck
[spleen17`sex] hf
[luishero`sex] hf
[prabesex`zar] this is closed zar
[spleen17`sex] so TRL clanner or TRL 2v2?
[`Pn`XanKriegor] TRL clanner
[spleen17`sex] ok
[`Pn`XanKriegor] once again - 2 clans played, not 4 random players
[`Pn`XanKriegor] if possible, it should be united as a clanner
[`Pn`XanKriegor] its like a full line in Tetris
[`Pn`XanKriegor] once done, it unites and fades away
[`Pn`Mega`Adnan] owie
spleen17`sex..luishero`sex: ok go for strong worm
[`Pn`XanKriegor] that was quick
[`Pn`Mega`Adnan] ew crates
spleen17`sex..luishero`sex: dont want 2v1
[`Pn`Mega`Adnan] why
[spleen17`sex] uff slow
spleen17`sex..luishero`sex: get those crates and attack adnan
spleen17`sex..luishero`sex: good
[`Pn`XanKriegor] its over
[`Pn`XanKriegor] deserved
[`Pn`Mega`Adnan] awe
[`Pn`XanKriegor] damn noob
[spleen17`sex] who made this map?
[`Pn`Mega`Adnan] omfg
[`Pn`XanKriegor] i would not tag it too xD
[`Pn`XanKriegor] im ashamed with my performance placed next to Adnan's
[`Pn`Mega`Adnan] okay
[`Pn`Mega`Adnan] xD
[`Pn`Mega`Adnan] damn it
[`Pn`XanKriegor] oh gawd
[luishero`sex] gg
[`Pn`Mega`Adnan] gG
[spleen17`sex] gg
[`Pn`XanKriegor] GG