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Game #227024, reported by Neva17

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My pick was Team17, Rafka agreed, but refused after the game

Brief clipping from logs:
[2021-04-25 20.22.16] [NNN`Rafka] intermediate tus league game bo1?
[2021-04-25 20.22.24] [Neva17] ok
[2021-04-25 20.25.10] [Neva17] next game team17 bo1 tusleague?
[2021-04-25 20.25.35] [NNN`Rafka] ok

Confirmation that the next team17 game is also in the chat of the game reported by Rafka: https://www.tus-wa.com/leagues/game-227023/

After the game, he refused, following his words:
[2021-04-25 20.39.41] [NNN`Rafka] no next game
[2021-04-25 20.39.45] [NNN`Rafka] I asked about inter onlu
[2021-04-25 20.39.52] [Neva17] my pick team17
[2021-04-25 20.39.52] [NNN`Rafka] I dont play any other stuff sorry
[2021-04-25 20.39.55] [Neva17] league rules?
[2021-04-25 20.40.04] [NNN`Rafka] dude , U didnt said anythijng about Your picks

In this case, I consider that the victory in the unplayed game is automatically mine.

Zalo the moler:
Rafka is one the flow in Intermediate

damn, sorry man, I didn't read that about Your pick, cause I minimalized game few times... didn't noticed;/ I wouldn't agree on a game at all if I would know, my bad.


--- Quote from: ZorroX on April 25, 2021, 10:17 PM ---Rafka is one the flow in Intermediate

--- End quote ---

cool, I have no complaints about the first game in the intermediate, here is a different situation.

--- Quote from: Rafka on April 25, 2021, 10:19 PM ---damn, sorry man, I didn't read that about Your pick, cause I minimalized game few times... didn't noticed;/ I wouldn't agree on a game at all if I would know, my bad.

--- End quote ---

You wrote "ok" and did not say anything against the message about my choice before the game, and then you say that you did not notice?

Isn't the fact that you only play what only you want, leaving no choice to others - this is not a violation of the rules of this league? After all, the rules say "Both of you have to pick one scheme and play those two games." or are you a special person who doesn't need rules?

Yea, I said ok, but to something else.... nvm, sorry again

I play with players that plays only inter, or agrees to play only inter... I don't presure anyone..
Btw, who the heck are U? It's hard to believe that U just came as new comer, play good and saying stuff about me, who are U really?


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