June 09, 2024, 04:26 PM

Game #22819, Reported by BaNcA7T, Viewed 388 Time(s)

Classic #11
April 01, 2010, 07:46 PM
Poland RoH
Below Average 1384 in Elite before the game. Gained 42|42 points
Poland RoH ea NfBX
Below Average 1439 in Elite before the game. Lost 42|42 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
1 - 0
1 - 0
2 - 0
2 - 0
Information Game scheme: Elite
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 39 time(s).
Game Awards
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Game Map(s)

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1920 x 696, BIT, 4.23 KB, Downloaded 10 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[xRoH`Van] hf
[Dulek`ckc] nie jestem nikim dobrym w elite
[Dulek`ckc] ^^
[xRoH`Van] no ale dyna to jedyne wyjscie bylo :p
[Dulek`ckc] hf
[Dulek`ckc] eh
[Dulek`ckc] a moze elite i t17?
[Dulek`ckc] za t17 troszku wiecej pkt dostaniesz ^^
[xRoH`Van] w sumie nie zalezy mi na innym rankingu poza elite :p
[xRoH`Van] ale jasne, mozemy t17^^
[xRoH`Van] gs
[Dulek`ckc] ty
[xRoH`Van] oj myslalem ze kami :p
[Dulek`ckc] chcialbys
[Dulek`ckc] kami w dol z plopem?
[Dulek`ckc] nie myslalem nawet
[Dulek`ckc] 50 hp to sporo
[Dulek`ckc] dokladnie o to mi chodzilo, chcialem, abys line uzyl ^^
[xRoH`Van] kami na dwoch wormsach
[Dulek`ckc] to niestety nie wiem
[Dulek`ckc] cholera
[Dulek`ckc] no kurde
[Dulek`ckc] nie umiem liczyc cos dzisiaj :D
[xRoH`Van] ^^
[Dulek`ckc] fajnie, ze z spw wygrales w elite cup :)
[xRoH`Van] heh dzieki^^
[xRoH`Van] szkoda ze wyczerpalem limit przyjemnych gier ;)
[Dulek`ckc] tzn?
[Dulek`ckc] dobry jestes, sprawdziles, czy mozesz wrocic
[xRoH`Van] crash teraz :d
[xRoH`Van] nie przepadam z dzieciakami grac ;x
[Dulek`ckc] crash jest spoko :)
[xRoH`Van] tiaa
[Dulek`ckc] z nim zyje calkiem fajnie
[xRoH`Van] aw bl
[Dulek`ckc] cholerny pile :P
[xRoH`Van] 25
[xRoH`Van] ah :p
[Dulek`ckc] ten efekt chciales uzyskac?
[xRoH`Van] tak
[xRoH`Van] wystarczajacy :p
[Dulek`ckc] i tak masz 2 robale jeszcze do zabicia, a potem to loteria bedzie z ss xD
[Dulek`ckc] jebany! ;o
[Dulek`ckc] gj :(
[xRoH`Van] t
[xRoH`Van] no ale musialem 3 kolejki czekac na ten teleport ;P
[xRoH`Van] auto aim dziala ;)
[Dulek`ckc] uff
[xRoH`Van] ostatnio przy chickenie taki granat mi siadl ze hej ;D
[Dulek`ckc] no i teraz bedziesz mnie otlukiwal ciagle :P
[Dulek`ckc] ops
[xRoH`Van] yay
[xRoH`Van] teraz sie elegancko odbije :P
[xRoH`Van] badaj^^
[Dulek`ckc] dupa tam
[Dulek`ckc] chuj! chuj! miss miss'
[Dulek`ckc] ha!
[xRoH`Van] komo mi dal ten prog autoaim do wormsow
[xRoH`Van] pol roku go prosilem
[Dulek`ckc] jakbys trafil ostatniego nejda to moze i bym uwierzyl :D
[Dulek`ckc] no jasne
[Dulek`ckc] jaki hax
[Dulek`ckc] :P
[xRoH`Van] ^^
[Dulek`ckc] jak rozbic ten zasrany hajd :P
[xRoH`Van] spw by jechal z mortarem ;p
[Dulek`ckc] oj fail
[xRoH`Van] bah
[xRoH`Van] ops
[xRoH`Van] hmm
[Dulek`ckc] zaryzykuj
[Dulek`ckc] a noz sie uda? :>
[xRoH`Van] bylby ladny strzal :p
[Dulek`ckc] niee
[Dulek`ckc] tylko nie niebieski do cholery
[xRoH`Van] no to jedziesz :p
[xRoH`Van] bl
[Dulek`ckc] no jebany milimetr
[Dulek`ckc] gg
[xRoH`Van] gg

Author Topic: Game #22819, Reported by BaNcA7T  (Read 271 times)

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Offline Ray

Game #22819, Reported by BaNcA7T
« on: April 02, 2010, 02:38 PM »
This game has the most awesome ending I could imagine! Such an Earth Quake fail! :D