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Game #237488, Viewed 208 Time(s)

Allround #25, Default #26
July 21, 2023, 10:24 PM

Beginner 1135 in Aerial before the game. Gained 33|27 points more

Absolute Beginner 863 in Aerial before the game. Lost 33|27 points more

Game Rate
0 / 5
Total Members Voted: 1
Players history
1 - 1
4 - 1
1 - 1
4 - 1
Information Game scheme: Aerial
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 1561 time(s).
Game Awards
has nominated this game for Game of the season
Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.04 KB, Downloaded 5 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[dt-stylez] hf
[SiD] hey uncle godmax
[COVID-20] not gl :*?
[COVID-20] very sad of you
[Godmax] what is rafal doing here
[COVID-20] watching
[Godmax] oh no
[Godmax] the f@#!er
[Godmax] ofc pump
[COVID-20] pump it up
[Godmax] noobhour
[COVID-20] U have to pump it
[Godmax] ok
[Godmax] and now, eat my shit
[Godmax] interestiung
[Godmax] will he do it
[Godmax] ah f@#! it
[Godmax] f@#!ed
[taner`] I AM SO f@#!IN GOOOOD
[Godmax] oh f@#!
[Godmax] well i will learn how to use bazooka again
[Godmax] no prob
[Godmax] 8hp not bad
[Godmax] well
[Godmax] years later
[Godmax] f@#! it
[dt-stylez] 6s
[Godmax] yes
[Godmax] nice throw
[Godmax] didnt hit anything though
[Godmax] he wont hit susan
[Godmax] no no
[Godmax] f@#! it
[dt-stylez] 4s
[Godmax] right
[dt-stylez] :D
[taner`] MAX THE NOOB
[Godmax] eat my hairy one
[Godmax] rnough
[Godmax] enough
[Godmax] f@#!ed
[Godmax] hard
[Godmax] oh my god
[Godmax] all planned
[Godmax] he will probably burn himself
[Godmax] what is the f@#!er doing
[Godmax] crispy cock
[Godmax] wtf
[Godmax] f@#!ed hard
[Godmax] standard tactic
[Godmax] but i didnt wanna retreat like an ape
[Godmax] sensei would hide in the smallest hole possible
[Godmax] closed or not
[dt-stylez] lol
[Godmax] he doesnt even try, good
[Godmax] f@#!
[Godmax] IT IS TIME
[Godmax] it has arrived
[Godmax] he f@#!ed up the tactical position
[dt-stylez] brb smoking
[Godmax] no no
[Godmax] f@#!er
[Godmax] dont take my crate
[Godmax] suck my balls
[Godmax] oh n o
[Godmax] puhhhh
[Godmax] ok it is time
[Godmax] there you go
[Godmax] ok
[Godmax] jehaaaaaaa
[Godmax] a little training in between
[COVID-20] yehhaaaw
[COVID-20] horse!
[Godmax] finally the barrel is gone
[Godmax] i could eat my own cock
[Godmax] noobhour
[Godmax] but he got the banana
[Godmax] fantastic
[Godmax] fantastic!
[Godmax] beautiful
[COVID-20] life in plasric is fantastic
[taner`] max u crying
[COVID-20] plastic
[taner`] YOU MOTHERf@#!ER
[Godmax] its over
[Godmax] he has the weapon and the hp
[Godmax] end it
[Godmax] time is money
[Godmax] i just wanted to experience the fantastic sensei aerial atmosphere
[Godmax] what a scheme
[Godmax] i shit on this scheme
[Godmax] f@#! off
[Godmax] just f@#! yourself
[taner`] WHAT A f@#!IN NOOB
Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.04 KB, Downloaded 6 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[dt-stylez] hf
[Godmax] lets pray the crates will save taner again
[taner`] MAX HAS A 2 INCHER
[Godmax] oh my god
[dt-stylez] uff
[dt-stylez] instant mines?
[Godmax] assf@#!er
[Godmax] oh f@#!er
[Godmax] but f@#!ed
[Godmax] wtf
[Godmax] sheep for that
[Godmax] ok
[taner`] EAT A DICK MAX
[taner`] BIG TIME
[taner`] HIGH FIVE
[dt-stylez] nd
[dt-stylez] ns before
[Godmax] he will throw in the hole again
[Godmax] its pure luck
[Godmax] lets pray he will get a banana
[Godmax] he needs it
[Godmax] as expected
[Godmax] he needs weps
[Godmax] 20 or not
[Godmax] ok f@#!ed
[Godmax] the f@#!er
[Godmax] f@#!ing dogpiss
[Godmax] that wasnt practise for telesuicide shit btw
[Godmax] i would never do it
[Godmax] sensei if you read this, EAT MY SHIT
[Godmax] 7....ok
[dt-stylez] vn
[Godmax] f@#!ED HARD
[Godmax] ASSf@#!ER
[dt-stylez] gg
[Godmax] f@#!ED HARD
Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.04 KB, Downloaded 4 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[dt-stylez] hf
[Godmax] oh man bushwarrior
[Godmax] oh noob
[Godmax] now plz
[Godmax] yes good
[Godmax] now i need the right ape
[Godmax] f@#! off
[Godmax] but maybe
[Godmax] NO
[taner`] ПPO
[taner`] пpo
[taner`] IM A f@#!IN PRO
[Godmax] WHAT
[Godmax] ok good
[Godmax] very good
[taner`] f@#! OFF
[Godmax] holy moly
[Godmax] ok f@#!ed all
[Godmax] lets pray for bushwarrior now
[Godmax] together
[Godmax] you too stylez
[Godmax] ok good
[Godmax] f@#!ED HARD
[Godmax] yes eat my shit
[Godmax] fly away
[Godmax] far away
[dt-stylez] any1 wanna mess with me in a tus after?
[Godmax] burn biatch
[dt-stylez] vn
[Godmax] thx for the kind invite stylez
[Godmax] but no thx ofc
[Godmax] man this f@#!er
[dt-stylez] :<
[Godmax] well
[Godmax] ah f@#! it
[Godmax] what are those wormnames btrw
[Godmax] what is this shit
[Godmax] as expected
[Godmax] oh my god
[Godmax] sensei if you see this
[Godmax] f@#! off
[Godmax] its mine
[Godmax] yes its pathetic he sees it too
[Godmax] tzhis endless shit
[Godmax] he is mentally done as well
[Godmax] but he is the one hiding
[Godmax] now he will be back
[Godmax] and get the shit
[Godmax] as expected
[Godmax] i press enter
[Godmax] f@#! this keyboard
[Godmax] defeat by afk taner
[Godmax] is that it
[dt-stylez] xD
[dt-stylez] gg
[Godmax] f@#!ED HARD
[Godmax] AFGAIN
[Godmax] EXACTLY f@#!ED
[Godmax] PERFECTLY f@#!ED
[Godmax] HARD
[Godmax] EEAT MY SHIT+
[Godmax] goodbyer
[Godmax] -r