Leagues > Leagues

Game #240534, reported by Sbaffo


wrong replay

Oh, seems like you guys gave my new map a shot before rehosting with another map! :D

--- Quote ---[MV-Quasimoto] let's see if this wxw is hard
[MV-Quasimoto] ok it is xd
--- End quote ---
Well, you guys picked the hardest map from the map pack lol. 4F02 (Death) and 4F05 (Heaven) are easier, and 4F01 (Life) is much, much easier.

--- Quote ---[MV-Quasimoto] you can barely finish it
[MV-Quasimoto] with no butchering you can attack in this map
[MV-Quasimoto] i'm sure it's possible
--- End quote ---
Yeah, indeed it is possible to attack wherever the enemy worm might be. I actually replicated the first turn positions, and was able to attack the enemy worm even though my roping wasn't the best:

--- Quote ---[MV-Quasimoto] this is the kind of map i usually play wxw league on xd
[MV-Quasimoto] you can barely finish it
--- End quote ---
Yeah, I also prefer those kind of maps. ;D Hope you will enjoy the map pack. I might make some more hard WxW maps in the future.

I love hard maps on WxW, i’m going to try all the other maps in the mappack! Nice work buddy


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