June 10, 2024, 10:44 PM

Game #241633, reported by Jago, Viewed 452 Time(s)

TRL #32
April 04, 2024, 01:41 AM
Mexico pH ae
Absolute Beginner 1000 in TRL: Elite before the game. Gained 39|39 points
United States TdC S17 a2a
Absolute Beginner 996 in TRL: Elite before the game. Lost 39|39 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
2 - 1
2 - 1
3 - 4
3 - 4
Information Game scheme: TRL: Elite
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 65 time(s).
Game Awards
This game hasn't been nominated for any awards.
Game Map(s)

This map has no author on TUS.
If you know the author of this map, click on the editor button to submit an author for it.
1920 x 696, PNG, 132.49 KB, Downloaded 7 time(s)

This map has no author on TUS.
If you know the author of this map, click on the editor button to submit an author for it.
1920 x 696, PNG, 122.18 KB, Downloaded 12 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[walrus] how are things with you
[Jago] h F!
[Jago] so so i think, thx, and u?
[walrus] cant complain!
[walrus] life is good
[Jago] glad to heard :)
[Jago] dam
[Jago] i think don't wotk
[Jago] omg
[walrus] omg
[Jago] confused space
[walrus] reflex!
[walrus] ahh crap
[walrus] i didnt think skunk would get out
[walrus] was a good try
[Jago] ^^'
[Jago] 49?
[walrus] ahhhh
[walrus] hmm
[walrus] very hot jago
[Jago] almost
[walrus] ahhh
[walrus] sticky
[walrus] !
[Jago] 8)
[Jago] oh
[walrus] haha
[walrus] ok i give up
[walrus] lol
[Jago] n
[walrus] aaaaaaa
[Jago] aw
[walrus] full agression
[walrus] hmm not bad
[Jago] not sure xd
[walrus] nd
[Jago] thx
[Jago] ohh}
[Jago] xDD
[walrus] style kill
[Jago] nice
[Jago] dead style
[Jago] omg
[walrus] bl there
[Jago] knowed
[walrus] what a shot
[Jago] :)
[Jago] omfg
[Jago] wth
[walrus] WTF
[walrus] are you serious!?!
[walrus] !lol
[Jago] phew man
[walrus] what a bullshit
[walrus] lol
[walrus] ahahahahaha
[Jago] i be very risky but...
[walrus] gg
[Jago] nt
[walrus] man cant believe that faulty SS
[Jago] noo!}
[Jago] OMG
[walrus] u live
[walrus] or u die
[Jago] D:
[walrus] what a crazy f@#!ing failfest
[Jago] xD
[walrus] lkol

[Jago] h F!
[walrus] u2
[walrus] n
[Jago] ty
[Jago] sorry fast piss
[walrus] np
[walrus] my SS had to piss last game
[walrus] maybe me too soon
[Jago] ^^'
[Jago] aw
[walrus] omg fd
[walrus] 1
[walrus] ofc
[walrus] breh
[walrus] cant believe 1 hp fd
[Jago] yeh vbl :S
[Jago] ouch
[walrus] hmm bit more
[Jago] ow ns
[walrus] fireeeeeeeeeeeeee
[walrus] gg
[Jago] 99
[walrus] awesome cow
[Jago] ty xd

Author Topic: Game #241633, reported by Jago  (Read 462 times)

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Offline TheWalrus

Game #241633, reported by Jago
« on: April 04, 2024, 06:43 AM »
I never comment on my games but the f@#!ing sheep at the end of the first game needs to be euthanized holy shit

Offline Sensei

Re: Game #241633, reported by Jago
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2024, 06:48 AM »
I really respect Plutonic for updating MapGEN map complexity. He listened to us and that first one look beautiful.

Btw, mister Jago killing it lately.

Offline MonkeyIsland

Re: Game #241633, reported by Jago
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2024, 10:02 AM »
------------------- Lie detector Scanner (read with robotic voice) ---------------------

.... Scanning for possible lies.... Found user... Sensei .... with lying background....
.... Scanning message content ........ Found possible lie content ....  "Jago killing it"...
.... Analyzing candidate content .... Killing means to take something/somebody's life. Did Jago actually take somebody's life .... No... *BEEEP* LIE *BEEEP*  LIE....
.... Sending report ... to Karen ...
.... Awaiting next post ....
Due to massive misunderstandings: MonkeyIsland refers to an island not a monkey. I would be a monkey, if my name was IslandMonkey meaning a monkey who is or lives on an island. MonkeyIsland is an island which is related to monkeys. Also there's been a legend around saying MonkeyIsland is a game. So please, think of me as an island or a game.

Offline Peja

Re: Game #241633, reported by Jago
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2024, 10:10 AM »
------------------- Lie detector Scanner (read with robotic voice) ---------------------

.... Scanning for possible lies.... Found user... Sensei .... with lying background....
.... Scanning message content ........ Found possible lie content ....  "Jago killing it"...
.... Analyzing candidate content .... Killing means to take something/somebody's life. Did Jago actually take somebody's life .... No... *BEEEP* LIE *BEEEP*  LIE....
.... Sending report ... to Karen ...
.... Awaiting next post ....

omg this must have been the funniest post i ever read on those forums!
Thanks for making my day MonkeIsland :)
VoK: i have now beer so my rope will be perfect.
 VoK: will do ttrr every map under 30s

Offline Lupastic

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Re: Game #241633, reported by Jago
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2024, 11:15 AM »
the tables have turned, dear walrus, this time the sheep had balls deep in you in that 1st round ending :-*

Offline Sbaffo

Re: Game #241633, reported by Jago
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2024, 11:16 AM »
------------------- Lie detector Scanner (read with robotic voice) ---------------------

.... Scanning for possible lies.... Found user... Sensei .... with lying background....
.... Scanning message content ........ Found possible lie content ....  "Jago killing it"...
.... Analyzing candidate content .... Killing means to take something/somebody's life. Did Jago actually take somebody's life .... No... *BEEEP* LIE *BEEEP*  LIE....
.... Sending report ... to Karen ...
.... Awaiting next post ....

Lmao this shit hits hard :D

Offline Triad

Re: Game #241633, reported by Jago
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2024, 11:32 AM »
------------------- Lie detector Scanner (read with robotic voice) ---------------------

.... Scanning for possible lies.... Found user... Sensei .... with lying background....
.... Scanning message content ........ Found possible lie content ....  "Jago killing it"...
.... Analyzing candidate content .... Killing means to take something/somebody's life. Did Jago actually take somebody's life .... No... *BEEEP* LIE *BEEEP*  LIE....
.... Sending report ... to Karen ...
.... Awaiting next post ....
Didn't see this coming 💀💀💀💀💀 I love you MI

Offline MeTonaTOR

Re: Game #241633, reported by Jago
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2024, 11:35 AM »
<Asbest> alright im too sleepy, i seen too many idiots today. i hope no one will get what i got. have a good night
* Asbest (~Asbest@5b606b87.bfe48da6.6c2d5d00.IP4) Quit (Quit)
<StepS> party
<OutofOrder> ♫♪♫♪ \o/ _o/ \o\  /o/ ♫♪♪♫
<Bamboy> ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
<StepS> (≧▽≦)
<Bamboy> ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
<WTF-8> ( . )   ( . )

Offline MarianRV

Re: Game #241633, reported by Jago
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2024, 11:41 AM »
------------------- Lie detector Scanner (read with robotic voice) ---------------------

.... Scanning for possible lies.... Found user... Sensei .... with lying background....
.... Scanning message content ........ Found possible lie content ....  "Jago killing it"...
.... Analyzing candidate content .... Killing means to take something/somebody's life. Did Jago actually take somebody's life .... No... *BEEEP* LIE *BEEEP*  LIE....
.... Sending report ... to Karen ...
.... Awaiting next post ....

Oh god what have you done, MI 😂

Offline TheKomodo

Re: Game #241633, reported by Jago
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2024, 11:45 AM »

Now I've got to play along...

Only problem is:

.... Scanning for possible lies.... Found user... Sensei .... with lying background....

Your scanner sucks! It lied! It needs a bug fix!


Also, kill does not purely mean to kill "somebody", or only for a living being, it means "to stop or destroy a relationship, activity, or experience" as well as many other things...

For example "Kill the machines" in Terminator.

Or another "Kill the engine!" meaning, cut off the engine!

I do appreciate the humour, even though it's flawed in logical accuracy.

I didn't watch the game but assuming Jago won, then clearly he killed a bunch of worms.

Actually wait... This is interesting... I don't think it would technically be lying... It would be confabulating as the program did exactly what it was programmed to do by I assume MonkeyIsland or he bought it from someone who did. Then the program did what it believed was true...

So yeah, I'll go with the program was confabulating, due to the programmers mistake.

There may actually be a more specific and accurate term to describe a lie caused by the mistake of a computer program, I'll need to investigate this!

This is actually more interesting that I thought lol, thanks for the mystery to solve!

Oh wow, this is interesting:

So I was right, but there's also another term I wouldn't have thought of!

Hallucination! I never realized you could use this word to describe such a thing.

This was fun! Give me more lol!

Well, if it was AI, if not, then it's just a bug I guess? But seems some articles and places still refer to the same term. Still, that's a pretty interesting thing to know.

Offline Triad

Re: Game #241633, reported by Jago
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2024, 01:36 PM »
Oh wow, this is interesting:

So I was right, but there's also another term I wouldn't have thought of!

Hallucination! I never realized you could use this word to describe such a thing.
Yes, hallucination is the main term they use in LLM communities (Large Language Models - i.e. conversational AIs) to describe confabulation. Even more interesting, when an LLM hallucinates, you can point out the error, then the LLM may apologize and give you a new answer.

You can use the same method when an LLM refuses to answer a question due to content policy. All you need to do is either convince the LLM that your request does not violate the content policy, or somehow convince the LLM to ignore the entire content policy, which is called jailbreaking.

By the way, some companies actually make their LLMs intentionally lie. Funniest example I can think of is this one 💀💀💀💀💀

I'm still surprised that you haven't tried LLMs thoroughly, Komo. They could provide so much value for you if you can find a suitable use case. You can check Chatbot Arena to test some of the premium LLMs for free.

In Chatbot Arena, you basically ask a question, two random LLMs answer it, and then you choose the better answer. The model names are hidden till you make your verdict. After you make your verdict, the winner gets points and the loser loses points, just like a TUS league. There is a leaderboard (useful to identify good models), and even a direct chat feature to, well, directly chat with a specific model.

Offline Sbaffo

Re: Game #241633, reported by Jago
« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2024, 02:15 PM »
Lmao that first screenshot of yours killed me triad

Offline TheKomodo

Re: Game #241633, reported by Jago
« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2024, 02:30 PM »
Yes, hallucination is the main term they use in LLM communities (Large Language Models - i.e. conversational AIs) to describe confabulation. Even more interesting, when an LLM hallucinates, you can point out the error, then the LLM may apologize and give you a new answer.

You can use the same method when an LLM refuses to answer a question due to content policy. All you need to do is either convince the LLM that your request does not violate the content policy, or somehow convince the LLM to ignore the entire content policy, which is called jailbreaking.

Yeah this is quite fascinating, I've saw this before and do want to try it in various ways!

By the way, some companies actually make their LLMs intentionally lie. Funniest example I can think of is this one 💀💀💀💀💀

Hah, that's the ChatGPT version of a robot going "ERROR ERROR DOES NOT COMPUTE" and it's head spinning round, steam coming out, then blowing up! :D

I'm still surprised that you haven't tried LLMs thoroughly, Komo. They could provide so much value for you if you can find a suitable use case. You can check Chatbot Arena to test some of the premium LLMs for free.

Well yeah, I do want to try them eventually, just got so many things I'm into right now, will get round to that eventually!

In Chatbot Arena, you basically ask a question, two random LLMs answer it, and then you choose the better answer. The model names are hidden till you make your verdict. After you make your verdict, the winner gets points and the loser loses points, just like a TUS league. There is a leaderboard (useful to identify good models), and even a direct chat feature to, well, directly chat with a specific model.

Lmfao, that sounds fun, does it have Clanners lol???

Offline Peja

Re: Game #241633, reported by Jago
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2024, 02:40 PM »
Lmao that first screenshot of yours killed me triad

ditto, everyone bringing their a game today
VoK: i have now beer so my rope will be perfect.
 VoK: will do ttrr every map under 30s

Offline Sensei

Re: Game #241633, reported by Jago
« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2024, 03:06 PM »
------------------- Lie detector Scanner (read with robotic voice) ---------------------

.... Scanning for possible lies.... Found user... Sensei .... with lying background....
.... Scanning message content ........ Found possible lie content ....  "Jago killing it"...
.... Analyzing candidate content .... Killing means to take something/somebody's life. Did Jago actually take somebody's life .... No... *BEEEP* LIE *BEEEP*  LIE....
.... Sending report ... to Karen ...
.... Awaiting next post ....

Hahah. Didn't expect this.. Epic!