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Game #242533, Viewed 66 Time(s)

TRL #33
May 29, 2024, 12:56 AM

Average 1505 in TRL: Hysteria before the game. Gained 44|28 points

Rookie 1254 in TRL: Hysteria before the game. Lost 26|26 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
8 - 6
8 - 6
9 - 7
10 - 7
Information Game scheme: TRL: Hysteria
Scheme pick: Both pick (Like a 3rd game)
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 18 time(s).
0 members and about 18 guests have downloaded this game.
Game Awards
This game hasn't been nominated for any awards.
Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.04 KB, Downloaded 8 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[STF`Campz] hf
[dtive`Monster`] hf gl
[dtive`Monster`] q mina mais sensual
[dtive`Monster`] time errado p hysteria
[dtive`Monster`] acho q fiz merda
[dtive`Monster`] ns
[STF`Campz] t
[dtive`Monster`] l
[dtive`Monster`] ol
[dtive`Monster`] lol
[STF`Campz] xD
[dtive`Monster`] man
[dtive`Monster`] wtf
[STF`Campz] kkkk
[dtive`Monster`] vc ta bebado igual o dibz?
[STF`Campz] kkkkk
[STF`Campz] olhando tb
[STF`Campz] tv
[STF`Campz] xD
[dtive`Monster`] ahh
[dtive`Monster`] foda
[dtive`Monster`] lol
[dtive`Monster`] lol
[dtive`Monster`] se fudeu
[dtive`Monster`] eu te disse
[dtive`Monster`] eu te disse
[STF`Campz] naaa
[dtive`Monster`] xd
[STF`Campz] tudo sob controle
[dtive`Monster`] opa
[dtive`Monster`] um kami
[dtive`Monster`] xd
[dtive`Monster`] xd
[dtive`Monster`] gg
[STF`Campz] Gg