June 05, 2024, 05:16 AM

Game #46777, Reported by Turko, Viewed 415 Time(s)

Classic #17
December 03, 2010, 01:03 PM
Average 1451 in Roper before the game. Gained 20|20 points
Absolute Beginner 1000 in Roper before the game. Lost 20|20 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
2 - 0
5 - 0
6 - 0
14 - 0
Information Game scheme: Roper
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 93 time(s).
Game Awards
This game hasn't been nominated for any awards.
Game Map(s)

Ymir - Tuskarr by Camper
1920 x 696, BIT, 2.76 KB, Downloaded 9412 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[cD`p3ja] hf
[RanalAperxSoap] hf
[ps`Uber] hf
[cD`Wario] lol
[ps`Uber] key got ducking stuck!
[ps`Uber] f@#!ing
[ps`Uber] lol
[ps`Uber] in the start
[ps`Uber] couldnt move
[ps`Uber] xD
[cD`p3ja] i gues its time for bullet time ropin
[cD`Wario] fail
cD`Wario [omg]
[ps`Uber] oi
[ps`Uber] bl thar
[cD`Wario] f@#!
[ps`Camper] fail ?
[ps`Uber] ;/&&
[ps`Uber] happens
[cD`p3ja] nope it was a tactical skip
[ps`Uber] xD
[ps`Uber] pro nade
[ps`Uber] omg pro
[ps`Uber] nooo
[ps`Uber] no fd thaar
[ps`Uber] oh
[ps`Uber] 70
[ps`Uber] rofl sorry camp! xD
[ps`Uber] vn <3
[ps`Camper] lol
[ps`Camper] thx <3
[ps`Uber] xDD
[ps`Camper] tap ? :d
[ps`Uber] tip tap
[ps`Uber] block? OO
[ps`Uber] nah
[ps`Uber] all good Wario my man :)
[cD`Wario] lol n crate
[ps`Uber] wanna 3rd something?
[ps`Uber] hyst?
[ps`Uber] elite?
[ps`Uber] t17?
[ps`Camper] gj p3ja
[cD`p3ja] t
[cD`p3ja] wario gtg
[ps`Camper] u know u can hit 49 there?
[cD`p3ja] lol uber
[cD`Wario] hi sexy
[ps`Uber] lol
[cD`Wario] xD
[ps`Uber] hey kika
[cD`p3ja] where there?, karlos made 51 vs me
[ps`Uber] nd! xD
[ps`Camper] t
[ps`Camper] ^^
[ps`Camper] haha
[cD`Wario] omfg
[ps`Camper] maaaaaaaaaaaan
[ps`Uber] wtf?
[ps`Uber] lol
[ps`Camper] i love this song
[ps`Camper] Like a G6
[ps`Camper] Like a G6
[ps`Uber] ?
[ps`Camper] U said you to listen this shit
[ps`Camper] u did not I see.
[ps`Uber] i lied
[ps`Uber] lol
[cD`Wario] xD
[ps`Camper] lol
[ps`Uber] wtf is goin on?
[ps`Camper] shit ? :D
[ps`Camper] like a g6
[cD`Wario] n hide
[cD`p3ja] berrias hide was better:)
[cD`Wario] no berria here
[cD`p3ja] we should make a hide contest
[ps`Uber] lets all make love
[cD`p3ja] bäh love sucks
[cD`Wario] xD
[ps`Camper] xD
[ps`Camper] bl ubi
[ps`Uber] rofl
[ps`Camper] weee
[ps`Camper] failk
[ps`Camper] gj uber
[ps`Uber] accidenti
[ps`Uber] lol
[ps`Uber] u want a 3some? xD
[ps`Camper] wario gtg
[ps`Uber] ur a horny man
[ps`Camper] hahaa
[ps`Camper] u got ?
[ps`Uber] nah man
[ps`Camper] af
[cD`Wario] yea wario gtg
[ps`Uber] never.
[RanalAperxSoap] i want to join ur some
[ps`Uber] i dont wanna either :)
[ps`Camper] we dont wanta ANal raper on our party
[cD`Wario] :
[ps`Uber] f@#! f@#! f@#!
[cD`Wario] xD
[cD`p3ja] i want to
[ps`Camper] nt
[ps`Camper] lol p3ja
[ps`Camper] ur not even invited
[ps`Camper] :D
[RanalAperxSoap] peja <3
[cD`p3ja] betetr a man then no hole who gets stuffed
[RanalAperxSoap] yes
[cD`p3ja] man sucks betetr cock btw
[ps`Camper] lol
[ps`Uber] uhm
[ps`Camper] Idk
[ps`Uber] jesus
[ps`Camper] never tried
[ps`Uber] lol
[RanalAperxSoap] u r a pussy then
[ps`Uber] stfu all i wanna puke rofl
[ps`Camper] white men are not welcome here, Ranal
[ps`Camper] gtfo
[cD`p3ja] hehe i puked on clan party
[RanalAperxSoap] ok sorry
[ps`Camper] 8)
[RanalAperxSoap] lets go then peja
[ps`Uber] ranal
[RanalAperxSoap] yes?
[cD`p3ja] what we do duede?
[ps`Uber] u in this peanut dude, who the hell r u?
[ps`Uber] i know ur aliasing , but we ever met before?
[RanalAperxSoap] we r from wwp
[ps`Uber] newschool wwp?
[RanalAperxSoap] kind of
[ps`Uber] k
[RanalAperxSoap] but old tooXD
[cD`p3ja] u play jeopardy?
[ps`Camper] SOAP is like NuB
[RanalAperxSoap] its a dead place
[ps`Camper] like mk
[ps`Camper] u know mk and NuB ?
[RanalAperxSoap] soap is the best clan name ever
[ps`Camper] weee
[ps`Uber] lol
[RanalAperxSoap] noobs united butt?
[ps`Camper] not us bitch :p
[cD`Wario] fu
[cD`Wario] xD
[ps`Uber] cant hide from camper
[cD`p3ja] lol
[ps`Uber] xD
[ps`Camper] 46
[ps`Camper] rofl
[ps`Uber] lol
[ps`Camper] how noob I am
[ps`Uber] Will I.AM
[ps`Camper] lol
[ps`Camper] he suck
[ps`Camper] s
[ps`Uber] thts not nice 2 say
[ps`Camper] UWT
[ps`Camper] XD
[cD`Wario] UBER!
[cD`Wario] u must kill me
[cD`Wario] xD
[cD`Wario] n hide
[ps`Camper] gg
[ps`Uber] im suicidal
[ps`Camper] ops :p
[RanalAperxSoap] theres strange rules btw
[ps`Camper] where? .;b
[cD`Wario] gg
[RanalAperxSoap] roper in tus
[ps`Camper] gg ae
[ps`Uber] sg them camp
[RanalAperxSoap] it is allowed to block worm with opponents worm
[RanalAperxSoap] because we played against dc and they bazooked my mates worm
[RanalAperxSoap] and it blocked me
[ps`Uber] ya i saw that
[ps`Camper] it was 'accidental'
[ps`Uber] im not sure what rules say about that matter
[RanalAperxSoap] it really sux man
[RanalAperxSoap] yes but it was still a block
[ps`Camper] gg
[cD`p3ja] its dc:)
[cD`Wario] gg
[RanalAperxSoap] then u could try to do that kind of block on purpose too
[cD`p3ja] gg
[ps`Uber] gg
[RanalAperxSoap] we complained about it
[RanalAperxSoap] but they said its ok
[cD`p3ja] hehe but they cant deletre our ttrr:)
[ps`Camper] hehe
[ps`Camper] :D
[cD`p3ja] dc makes stranges things:)
[cD`Wario] xD
[cD`Wario] gg
[ps`Uber] well can u expekt more from a clan called "dudes Clan" ?
[ps`Uber] rofl that name
[ps`Uber] worst ever
[RanalAperxSoap] dc is full of kids i think
[cD`p3ja] but i like the music on page
[ps`Camper] ops
[ps`Camper] ;D
[ps`Uber] they just put 2 random names 2gether
[cD`Wario] lol
[ps`Uber] dudes
[ps`Uber] clan
[ps`Uber] hahaauhaua
[cD`Wario] fu
[cD`Wario] gg
[ps`Uber] doenst fit at all
[ps`Uber] oi
[cD`p3ja] gg
[ps`Uber] gg
[RanalAperxSoap] gg
[ps`Camper] ggg
[cD`Wario] bye
[ps`Camper] cu dudes clan
[cD`Wario] cya

Author Topic: Game #46777, Reported by Turko  (Read 456 times)

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Offline Warlord

Game #46777, Reported by Turko
« on: December 02, 2010, 11:08 PM »
n chat xDDD
Did you know this?

The LG is a happy face! lol