June 01, 2024, 02:29 AM

Game #147935, reported by Free, Viewed 2449 Time(s)

Classic #21
July 12, 2011, 02:09 AM
Average 1485 in Elite before the game. Gained 38|17 points
Absolute Beginner 922 in Elite before the game. Lost 20|17 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
3 - 0
3 - 1
8 - 6
16 - 15
Information Game scheme: Elite
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
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Downloaded 103 time(s).
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1920 x 696, BIT, 4.11 KB, Downloaded 8 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[ninjaTdCameloea] hävf
[TdCDeadb2b] q wea tay alegando wn
[rOx-Gabriel-FaW] dejalos weon si no se ponen a llorar
[ninjaTdCameloea] lupe fiasco ja jotai muit
[hUskTdcEa] elt on homo john XD
[hUskTdcEa] u2
[ninjaTdCameloea] turhuuksii
[Spaazi`TdC] Homo John was in show here in quebec sathurday :D
[TdCDeadb2b] q wea alegai
[TdCDeadb2b] pajaron
[TdCDeadb2b] no te cache
[hUskTdcEa] oh xD
[TdCDeadb2b] xD
[hUskTdcEa] its here in Finland atm xD
[ninjaTdCameloea] yea
[Spaazi`TdC] really?
[ninjaTdCameloea] in my town
[hUskTdcEa] in the city camelo lives in
[ninjaTdCameloea] its dämn big jazz festival here atm
[TdCDeadb2b] they are complaining about you replacing me Husky xD
[ninjaTdCameloea] dämn alot ppl here
[ninjaTdCameloea] hahahaha
[ninjaTdCameloea] rofll
[hUskTdcEa] what do u mean dead xD
[Spaazi`TdC] cause he's in tourney but big festival of music here
[hUskTdcEa] ahhh
[hUskTdcEa] I have a long fuse lol
[Spaazi`TdC] so he came with his private jet
[TdCDeadb2b] cuz this one is a rh, bryan droped
[hUskTdcEa] I see
[hUskTdcEa] well
[ninjaTdCameloea] lol
[ninjaTdCameloea] makes no sense
[ninjaTdCameloea] xD
[TdCDeadb2b] but not complaining anymore
[hUskTdcEa] cool
[ninjaTdCameloea] ye cus they noticed that husk is 13
[hUskTdcEa] hope its not a problem
[TdCDeadb2b] jajaja
[TdCDeadb2b] Messi is the worst player in Copa America atm xDDD
[hUskTdcEa] hahah
[ninjaTdCameloea] xD
[TdCDeadb2b] n
[hUskTdcEa] nätti xDDDDDDddddd
[ninjaTdCameloea] kiittixD
[ninjaTdCameloea] tttt
[rOx-Gabriel-FaW] äwesome
[hUskTdcEa] katokku kuolen
[TdCDeadb2b] stok talking finish
[TdCDeadb2b] stop
[TdCDeadb2b] xD
[ninjaTdCameloea] mikä se häiskä nimi olikaa siel shoutboxis?
[hUskTdcEa] monojonkka xD
[ninjaTdCameloea] sry dead but husk isnt able to talk english yet
[ninjaTdCameloea] ainiixDD
[ninjaTdCameloea] hahaha
[TdCDeadb2b] mojondeperro
[ninjaTdCameloea] paras nimi
[hUskTdcEa] joo en tajuu, tarkottaako se jotain? XD
[TdCDeadb2b] damn why i called him to join :(
[hUskTdcEa] ahahhaha dead haisee kakalle
[hUskTdcEa] xDDDDDDdddddd
[ninjaTdCameloea] xD
[TdCDeadb2b] :O:O:O
[ninjaTdCameloea] monojonkkaxD
[TdCDeadb2b] mojondeperro
[hUskTdcEa] monojonkka xD
[ninjaTdCameloea] mono o kenkä ja jonkka o jokixD
[TdCDeadb2b] monojotekaxilupi
[TdCDeadb2b] oe juguemos algunos juegos de la final?
[hUskTdcEa] naru tuplaan jos oikee tuuli?
[ninjaTdCameloea] oke
[hUskTdcEa] ei taida muuten toimii prkl X=
[ninjaTdCameloea] toimii jos tuuli
[TdCDeadb2b] tomi prickles rufrats
[hUskTdcEa] mut pääseekö se elukka tost ylös
[ninjaTdCameloea] kyl pitäs
[ninjaTdCameloea] se o vammane jos ei pääs
[TdCDeadb2b] skink
[TdCDeadb2b] skunk
[TdCDeadb2b] n1
[ninjaTdCameloea] hyvä työ
[TdCDeadb2b] mate
[hUskTdcEa] kiitos
[hUskTdcEa] kuolen nny X=
[Spaazi`TdC] coulda triple with timo
[TdCDeadb2b] xD
[Spaazi`TdC] ;dddd
[hUskTdcEa] coulda woulda shoulda
[TdCDeadb2b] timoteo
[TdCDeadb2b] how are you spaz
[Spaazi`TdC] Not bad, semi-drunk
[hUskTdcEa] spaztastic
[ninjaTdCameloea] juu
[TdCDeadb2b] jaja
[hUskTdcEa] shaushaUShaUShaUShaS
[Spaazi`TdC] just cakc back from work
[Spaazi`TdC] been dirnkijn
[ninjaTdCameloea] älä?
[ninjaTdCameloea] se o kipee mato
[TdCDeadb2b] a friend came here invite me to drink some beers but i said him "no" lololol
<<ninjaTdCameloea>> telee?
<<ninjaTdCameloea>> jonnkei?
[TdCDeadb2b] Argentina Goal
<<ninjaTdCameloea>> joo
[hUskTdcEa] yeah thats what u tell friends if they ask to have fun with them
[hUskTdcEa] u would have fun alone
[hUskTdcEa] nice try!
[TdCDeadb2b] lol
[Bry4N`rOx] asdasd
[ninjaTdCameloea] lol
[rOx-Gabriel-FaW] uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuyi
<<ninjaTdCameloea>> jaja
<<ninjaTdCameloea>> juu
TdCDeadb2b..hUskTdcEa: rope?
[Bry4N`rOx] oe no po D=
<<ninjaTdCameloea>> hyv��hyv��
[Spaazi`TdC] SS
[hUskTdcEa] xD
[rOx-Gabriel-FaW] damn pixel
[rOx-Gabriel-FaW] !
<<ninjaTdCameloea>> hmmm
[Spaazi`TdC] AG
[ninjaTdCameloea] lol
[hUskTdcEa] XD
[Bry4N`rOx] not bad
<<ninjaTdCameloea>> oke
[Bry4N`rOx] metele nade al de la derecha
<<ninjaTdCameloea>> lol
[hUskTdcEa] bad luck!
[rOx-Gabriel-FaW] space culiaooooooooooo
[ninjaTdCameloea] mitä paskaa
[rOx-Gabriel-FaW] lol???
[ninjaTdCameloea] luulin et se molotovi oli full
[Bry4N`rOx] hmmm
[ninjaTdCameloea] mee raiskaa
<<ninjaTdCameloea>> hyv��
<<ninjaTdCameloea>> xDDD
[rOx-Gabriel-FaW] n luck
[ninjaTdCameloea] lol
[hUskTdcEa] actually that was the plan
[hUskTdcEa] so thank you very much
[ninjaTdCameloea] jaja
[hUskTdcEa] well done
[hUskTdcEa] elän O=
[ninjaTdCameloea] jep
<<ninjaTdCameloea>> lol
[hUskTdcEa] oke en xD
<<ninjaTdCameloea>> xD
[hUskTdcEa] gg
[Bry4N`rOx] wtf
[Bry4N`rOx] ????
[hUskTdcEa] woot
[rOx-Gabriel-FaW] lucky gay
[Bry4N`rOx] ke mierda ese wn
[ninjaTdCameloea] hyvä heittoxD
[hUskTdcEa] kiit
[hUskTdcEa] sorry for being homosexual )=
[ninjaTdCameloea] en
[Bry4N`rOx] asdasdasd
[hUskTdcEa] nätti xD
[ninjaTdCameloea] xD
[rOx-Gabriel-FaW] lucky again... crap
[TdCDeadb2b] wena natti
[ninjaTdCameloea] xD
[ninjaTdCameloea] yea
[hUskTdcEa] yep
[ninjaTdCameloea] nätti
[TdCDeadb2b] not luck
[Bry4N`rOx] Im sniper
[hUskTdcEa] its luck
[TdCDeadb2b] esa wea no es suerte po wn
[hUskTdcEa] no skill
[hUskTdcEa] gg
[rOx-Gabriel-FaW] es suerte culiao el wind es suerte no lo manejai vo
[TdCDeadb2b] no es suerte q voi te pongai ahi po wn
[TdCDeadb2b] como ellos se tapan con viga
[ninjaTdCameloea] lmfaoooo
[Bry4N`rOx] LOOOL
[hUskTdcEa] xD
[rOx-Gabriel-FaW] failure
[ninjaTdCameloea] sniper anyonexD
[TdCDeadb2b] lo q pasa q vo soy noob y por eso no sabi protegerte de la wea
[rOx-Gabriel-FaW] vo seri noob saco wea
[rOx-Gabriel-FaW] xD
[ninjaTdCameloea] that works too jaja
[rOx-Gabriel-FaW] y mejor me callo no hablo con la chuzma
[TdCDeadb2b] x
[TdCDeadb2b] xD
[hUskTdcEa] bad luck X:
[Bry4N`rOx] ZEH
[hUskTdcEa] säästä se lammas
[TdCDeadb2b] oe q tienen suerte los tdc
[TdCDeadb2b] porq el noob fallo el homming
[TdCDeadb2b] xD
[TdCDeadb2b] jajaja
[ninjaTdCameloea] joo
[TdCDeadb2b] juega rr entonces, ahi no influye la suerte
[TdCDeadb2b] pero devera q es noob y no sabe
<<ninjaTdCameloea>> se kuolee kohtxD
[TdCDeadb2b] ahora te keai callao conchetumare despeus q empezai vo a pelear saco e wea
[rOx-Gabriel-FaW] me da pena como habla sola la gente
[rOx-Gabriel-FaW] :(
[ninjaTdCameloea] xD
[TdCDeadb2b] xD
[hUskTdcEa] tarpeeks hyvä
[ninjaTdCameloea] juu
[hUskTdcEa] pystyt tonne lentää
[TdCDeadb2b] vo empezaste la pelea po wn, yo soy terrible piola nunca weveo a nadie
[TdCDeadb2b] pero empezaste a insultar noob culiao
[ninjaTdCameloea] no mul o kaks matooxD
[Bry4N`rOx] Gg
[rOx-Gabriel-FaW] no me da verguenza ser noob
[rOx-Gabriel-FaW] porque no vivo del juego
[rOx-Gabriel-FaW] como vo, que tanto insultai con noob
[TdCDeadb2b] tonces no habli weas
[TdCDeadb2b] y no insulti tampoco
[rOx-Gabriel-FaW] se nota q no teni ma vida
[TdCDeadb2b] mansas weas
[rOx-Gabriel-FaW] nadie te insulto a vo culiao
[rOx-Gabriel-FaW] persegui
[rOx-Gabriel-FaW] o
[TdCDeadb2b] pfff
[ninjaTdCameloea] lol
[TdCDeadb2b] voy a sdacar el blog de la wea
[TdCDeadb2b] pa q te di cuenta
[rOx-Gabriel-FaW] me importa una weá tu blog weon
[hUskTdcEa] pystytkö ss sen?
[hUskTdcEa] xD
[ninjaTdCameloea] en
[ninjaTdCameloea] usko
[hUskTdcEa] almost failed xD
[hUskTdcEa] melkee
[TdCDeadb2b] noob
[ninjaTdCameloea] xD
[hUskTdcEa] oh
[hUskTdcEa] hdjasidsfh
[hUskTdcEa] XD
[hUskTdcEa] gg

Author Topic: Game #147935, reported by Free  (Read 497 times)

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Offline Chelsea

Game #147935, reported by Free
« on: June 01, 2013, 08:15 PM »
I think, it's not elite xDD

Offline Free

Re: Game #147935, reported by Free
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2013, 08:20 PM »
Yeah chose wrong scheme ;(

Was roper as map gives some idea ;D