June 09, 2024, 02:44 PM

Game #90222, Reported by Savage, Viewed 1772 Time(s)

Classic #22
October 18, 2011, 09:16 PM
Absolute Beginner 847 in Roper before the game. Gained 43|44 points
Absolute Beginner 937 in Roper before the game. Lost 45|44 points

Game Rate
2.5 / 5
Total Members Voted: 2
Players history
1 - 0
1 - 0
6 - 1
7 - 2
Information Game scheme: Roper
Scheme pick: Both pick (Like a 3rd game)
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 82 time(s).
Game Awards
Brazil Phanton has nominated this game for Game of the season
Chile Gabriel has nominated this game for Game of the season (Addional note)
Argentina Pastorcito has nominated this game for Game of the season (Addional note)
Game Map(s)

Map22 by Mablak
1920 x 696, BIT, 2.75 KB, Downloaded 8510 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[sX`Masta`FaW] hF
[eS`Pastor`FaW] I START
[sX`Masta`FaW] meh
[imp`sx] wanted with assbest :
[sX`Masta`FaW] i will
[imp`sx] gabriel best lucker ever is
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] eS 2 : 0 sX
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] this is third
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] roper
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] gl eS
[eS`Pastor`FaW] ty
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] yeah, just gl
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] no skill
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] xD
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] xD
[eS`Pastor`FaW] alfas`f
[eS`Pastor`FaW] damn
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] space shitdfj
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] mk cdgh,fgx
[sX`Masta`FaW] hmm
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] impotent
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] lol
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] gj
[eS`Pastor`FaW] ty
[imp`sx] nvm xD
[eS`Pastor`FaW] lol
[sX`Masta`FaW] knock x)
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] nt
[eS`Pastor`FaW] damn
[eS`Pastor`FaW] gogogo pussy
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] lol
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] ya weon voy a jugar bien
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] estoy jugando como el oro
[eS`Pastor`FaW] yay
[imp`sx] awww
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] plop?
[sX`Masta`FaW] f@#!
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] wtf?
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] -.-
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] [fffff
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] pfff
[eS`Pastor`FaW] pf what
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] pff
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] u could attack
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] nade
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] jsut
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] wall
[sX`Masta`FaW] aw
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] just*
[eS`Pastor`FaW] - -
[imp`sx] f5
[eS`Pastor`FaW] -.- crate
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] gabri
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] is
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] luckky crates
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] ye
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] lucky*
[eS`Pastor`FaW] lol
[sX`Masta`FaW] ^^
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] lol
[eS`Pastor`FaW] FALL
[eS`Pastor`FaW] lol
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] lol
[sX`Masta`FaW] x)
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] wtf faw
[sX`Masta`FaW] yeah
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] XDDDDD
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] all is faw
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] f@#!u
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] nabs
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] xD
[eS`Pastor`FaW] aaaa
[eS`Pastor`FaW] f@#!
[eS`Pastor`FaW] n pile
[sX`Masta`FaW] x)
[imp`sx] nt joke
eS`AsbesT`FaW..eS`Pastor`FaW: sX is sux
[imp`sx] lmao
[eS`Pastor`FaW] gj
eS`AsbesT`FaW [nt joke in ur pants impo]
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] n
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] t
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] t
[imp`sx] nt jk asbest.. its so pathetic to use yellow tho
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] i didn't wanted write just
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] coz i hate this collour
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] just ignore that shit
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] with yellow more cool
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] lol
[imp`sx] I didnt asked
[sX`Masta`FaW] in norwegian we say "gul er kul"
[eS`Pastor`FaW] affff
[sX`Masta`FaW] mean yellow is cool lol
[eS`Pastor`FaW] bah
[eS`Pastor`FaW] f@#!ing lucky crates
[eS`Pastor`FaW] lol
[sX`Masta`FaW] x)
[imp`sx] bah
[eS`Pastor`FaW] come on
[eS`Pastor`FaW] f@#!ing luckers
[eS`Pastor`FaW] LOL
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] leles
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] and lalo
[imp`sx] aww
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] nt
[sX`Masta`FaW] eh lol
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] masta
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] :O
[imp`sx] fail
[imp`sx] rofl
[sX`Masta`FaW] ? x)
[imp`sx] works
[sX`Masta`FaW] sau
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] sau
[imp`sx] sau
[eS`Pastor`FaW] lag man
[sX`Masta`FaW] xD
[eS`Pastor`FaW] f@#! this shit
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] sau
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] dodn't say sau
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] f@#!er
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] impo
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] lol
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] f@#!nig idiot u impo
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] u shouldn't born
[eS`Pastor`FaW] lol
[imp`sx] o бoжe, y oшибки aкyшepa гoлoc пpopeзaлcя
[imp`sx] eбyчий дeфeкт эвoлюций чeлoвeчecтвa
[imp`sx] xaaxxaxaxa
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] gogo eS ae
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] ты пидap
[sX`Masta`FaW] eh
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] и этим вce cкaзaнo.
[imp`sx] xopoш, пoчти пoшyтил
[imp`sx] мoлoтoк
[imp`sx] пытaйcя eщe
[eS`Pastor`FaW] aw
[imp`sx] кoгдa-нибyдь пoлнoцeннyю шyткy cкaжeшь
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] a ты xopopшo зaшyтил пидapac
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] мoлoдeц
[eS`Pastor`FaW] bah
[eS`Pastor`FaW] f@#!ing luckers
[eS`Pastor`FaW] all crate game
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] дoлбoeбa кycoк блять
[imp`sx] loook
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] твoя мaмa былa пидapacoм,кaк и твoй пaпв дoлбoeб.
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] oт ниx и пoлyчилocь тaкoe гaвнo кaк ты.
[eS`Pastor`FaW] FJOSjopafjopfasjopfajopfasjpofaspjo
[imp`sx] lmao
[imp`sx] aww
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] crate pls
[imp`sx] facepalm
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] ty
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] n jopa
[imp`sx] xD
[sX`Masta`FaW] :/
[imp`sx] block them next time xD
[imp`sx] пoyгapaл co cтaтикoм c тeбя
[imp`sx] в нлф oн пoпpaвилcя
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] paзгoвop зaкoнчeн шлюxa
[eS`Pastor`FaW] ol
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] c тoбoй yжe нe o чeм гвoopить
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] y тeбя cлoвapный зaпac xaкoнчилcя
[imp`sx] кaк y тeбя мoзгoв вooбщe xвaтилo в нлф пoпытaтьcя идти чB
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] игнop.
[imp`sx] XD
[imp`sx] xaкoнчилcя
[imp`sx] я тибббьa cxaмaю пгидyгaк
[imp`sx] xDDDDDDD
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] зaкoнчилocь.
[imp`sx] нe пoзopьcя
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] пoшeл в пиздy
[imp`sx] лyчшe мoлчи
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] шлюxa eбaннa
[imp`sx] кoгдa c тeбя пpикaлывaютcя
[imp`sx] eбaнa
[imp`sx] xD
[imp`sx] cлeнг c ceлa
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] vn
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] игнop.
[eS`Pastor`FaW] ty
[imp`sx] aгa
[imp`sx] ЧB
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] impo reculiao ni sabe que en este texto lo trato como el hoyo al hijo de puta xD
[imp`sx] puta is you mom, stfu, thats even not funny
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] oк cкaжy нaпocлeдoк,пepeд игнopoм
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] тeбя пoпycтили
[imp`sx] cocи
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] ты щac плaчeшь..
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] пycкaeшь cлeзy..
[imp`sx] дa
[imp`sx] я пpocтo pыдaю
[imp`sx] oт cмexa
[imp`sx] XDDDDD
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] тeбя выeбaли двa нeгpa в жoпy
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] дa
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] ты xyйлo
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] дa
[eS`Pastor`FaW] lol
[imp`sx] aww mate
[imp`sx] xD
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] vn drop
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] тeбe иди нa xyй пидapac.
[sX`Masta`FaW] ah
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] пoпyщeннaя пиздa
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] игнop.
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] ready for worms olymkpics
[sX`Masta`FaW] eh
[eS`Pastor`FaW] apofjpasjfpfoasafops
[imp`sx] rofl
[eS`Pastor`FaW] f@#!
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] bl
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] ;/
[imp`sx] ahhhhhhh
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] cmon eS
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] D:
[imp`sx] rofl
[imp`sx] xD
[imp`sx] who was that
eS`AsbesT`FaW..eS`Pastor`FaW: ignor impo
[sX`Masta`FaW] f@#!
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] nobody ever listed him in his lfe, so no problem
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] don't listen this fick guys
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] pls
[imp`sx] Im sure gab means me xD
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] he is puta and bitch
[imp`sx] man, get a girl
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] too retarded that thinks that all the life is a girl and worms, lol
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] poor brian
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] brain
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] lel
[imp`sx] xD
[eS`Pastor`FaW] gg
[imp`sx] XDD
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] Guys,pls,ignot impo.
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] igron*
[sX`Masta`FaW] xD
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] gnor**
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] ignor*
[imp`sx] ^^
[imp`sx] ignot
[imp`sx] Ignat Impo
[imp`sx] xD
[eS`Pastor`FaW] lol
[imp`sx] XDDDDDDDD
[sX`Masta`FaW] aw lol
[imp`sx] LMAO guys
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] poor noob, safer
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] lol
[imp`sx] xDDDDDDDDDD
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] atleast i beated him in O
[imp`sx] learn real schemes
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] wO
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] :D
[imp`sx] Im proud I kicked you from ssr tourney lmao xD
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] everyone can beat this nab ;)
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] xD
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] LOL
[imp`sx] Gabirel, remember when I won gold in mm how I own you in 1st round xDDDDDD
[sX`Masta`FaW] xD
[imp`sx] you reported to ffie that you think I cheated XDDD
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] yeah cause of your aim lol
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] lol
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] all know impo use ahk
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] lel.
[eS`Pastor`FaW] bleh
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] old news -.-
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] i know u use that cheat developed by steps
[imp`sx] In mm?
[imp`sx] xD
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] cause HCKTROX told me it
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] xD
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] :D
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] poor noob, just shut up cause of true
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] xD
[imp`sx] steps dont developing cheats rofl
[imp`sx] XD
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] and MM, thats ofc a real scheme
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] ahhhhhhhh
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] reB
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] reN is online
[imp`sx] I need to sleep ;
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] no with u nab
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] who asked?
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] htfo and stfu
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] xD
[eS`Pastor`FaW] gg
[imp`sx] nooo masta
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] just let that poor nob alone
[imp`sx] not him
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] :D
[sX`Masta`FaW] gg
[sX`Masta`FaW] same lol
[imp`sx] bad idea :
[imp`sx] its k if Ill kill you now?
[imp`sx] or.. hm
[imp`sx] gg :<
[sX`Masta`FaW] gg x)
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] Lol,steps a cheater like u impo-pedophile xD
[imp`sx] nt joke ass-best
[imp`sx] or to be right ass-wiers
[eS`Pastor`FaW] afff
[imp`sx] rofl
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] nt joke*
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] u can;t tell nothing more
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] coz u r stupid dick
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] and poor Impo, lost against me in caos
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] when i had no weaponsxDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] xDDDDD
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] lel
[imp`sx] lmao
[imp`sx] it was bo1
[eS`Pastor`FaW] bleh
[eS`Pastor`FaW] fking crates all game
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] i was btw 3:0 this nab in kaos xDDDDDD
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] pwn*
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] lel
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] some time ago
[imp`sx] I have 355 hp, only cuz crates? rofl
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] gj
[eS`Pastor`FaW] is the same lol
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] when i beat you in ghost knocking
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] TOO
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] PATHETIC!
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] XD
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] xD
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] leles
[eS`Pastor`FaW] WTF
[eS`Pastor`FaW] pasfjasopfjoasf
[eS`Pastor`FaW] `2nd time
[eS`Pastor`FaW] D
[eS`Pastor`FaW] D=
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] iimpo u r too humiliated
[imp`sx] f@#!
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] gtfo xD
[imp`sx] that was bad
[imp`sx] f@#!er
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] gj
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] almost fd
[eS`Pastor`FaW] t
[imp`sx] f@#!
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] lol
[imp`sx] 0_0
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] n
[eS`Pastor`FaW] t
[imp`sx] n lucj
[eS`Pastor`FaW] lol
[eS`Pastor`FaW] luck?
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] lol, its pathetic, he calling luck
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] lel
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] and he got easy crates all game
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] and safe
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] lol
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] xD
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] with ahk
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] xDDDD
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] xDD
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] n1
[eS`Pastor`FaW] w2w gogogo
[imp`sx] crap
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] n luck =)
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] lol
[imp`sx] had 0 fails in all game and now 4 in a row
[imp`sx] damn lucker
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] nice
[eS`Pastor`FaW] lucker'???
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] damn pr0
[eS`Pastor`FaW] loll
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] just ignore this noob
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] lol
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] ur mom is lucker impo
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] oh no...
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] ur mom isn;t D:
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] XDDDD
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] YEAH
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] xD
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] that's not luck
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] yes
[imp`sx] ahahahah
[imp`sx] very funny try to joke
[imp`sx] ehhe
[imp`sx] eheh
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] having impo as son
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] like dother
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] xDDDDDDD
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] see how he owns you
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] pathetic noobb
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] daughter*
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] drop mine, dont play for pathetic wind
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] naab
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] daughter
[imp`sx] rofl
[imp`sx] ahhaha
[imp`sx] man, your humor tight as your brain
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] aw
[eS`Pastor`FaW] arrrgh
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] 305 - 40
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] that why u laughing?????x
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] xDDDDD
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] = 70 - 116
[imp`sx] f@#!
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] lol
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] LOL
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] xDDDDDD
[eS`Pastor`FaW] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[eS`Pastor`FaW] f@#!kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] aw
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] D:
[imp`sx] G
[imp`sx] DFG
[imp`sx] FG
[imp`sx] FG
[imp`sx] FG
[imp`sx] FG
[imp`sx] F
[imp`sx] GF
[imp`sx] GF
[imp`sx] GF
[imp`sx] GF
[imp`sx] GF
[imp`sx] G
[imp`sx] G
[imp`sx] G
[imp`sx] G
[imp`sx] G
[imp`sx] G
[imp`sx] G
[imp`sx] G
[imp`sx] G
[imp`sx] GF
[imp`sx] G
[imp`sx] F
[imp`sx] GFG
[imp`sx] F
[imp`sx] GF
[imp`sx] GF
[imp`sx] GF
[imp`sx] FG
[imp`sx] F
[imp`sx] FG
[imp`sx] FG
[imp`sx] FG
[imp`sx] F
[imp`sx] GF
[imp`sx] G
[imp`sx] FG
[imp`sx] FG
[imp`sx] FGF
[imp`sx] G
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] LOOOOL
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] LOL
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] D:
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] yay
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] -70
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] gj
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] aee
[imp`sx] fd
[imp`sx] f
[imp`sx] df
[imp`sx] df
[imp`sx] df
[imp`sx] df
[imp`sx] d
[imp`sx] fd
[imp`sx] f
[imp`sx] df
[imp`sx] df
[imp`sx] df
[imp`sx] df
[imp`sx] d
[imp`sx] fd
[imp`sx] fd
[imp`sx] fd
[imp`sx] fd
[imp`sx] f
[imp`sx] df
[imp`sx] dfdf
[imp`sx] d
[imp`sx] fd
[imp`sx] df
[imp`sx] df
[imp`sx] df
[imp`sx] df
[eS`Pastor`FaW] lololololololo
[imp`sx] df
[imp`sx] d
[imp`sx] df
[imp`sx] df
[imp`sx] df
[imp`sx] df
[imp`sx] df
[imp`sx] d
[imp`sx] fd
[imp`sx] d
[imp`sx] s
[imp`sx] a
[imp`sx] a
[imp`sx] a
[imp`sx] aa
[imp`sx] aa
[imp`sx] a
[imp`sx] a
[imp`sx] a
[imp`sx] a
[imp`sx] a
[imp`sx] a
[imp`sx] a
[imp`sx] a
[imp`sx] a
[imp`sx] a
[imp`sx] a
[imp`sx] a
[imp`sx] a
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[eS`Pastor`FaW] gg
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] xD
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] vgj
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] gg
[eS`Pastor`FaW] =D
[Gabriel`eS`FaW] :D
[sX`Masta`FaW] lol
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] east it
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] est
[eS`AsbesT`FaW] xD

Author Topic: Game #90222, Reported by Savage  (Read 519 times)

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Offline Savage

Game #90222, Reported by Savage
« on: November 02, 2011, 08:45 PM »
he didnt wanna play and quit

Offline Pastorcito

Re: Game #90222, Reported by Savage
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2011, 08:47 PM »
there is a replay anyway... wasnt free win
Asbest I hate you :D

Offline Rok

Re: Game #90222, Reported by Savage
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2011, 08:50 PM »
Attach the partial replay then, Savage.
chakkman> if rok was a girl i d marry the bitch lolz