June 10, 2024, 08:53 PM

Game #92543, Reported by Chelsea, Viewed 267 Time(s)

Classic #23
November 20, 2011, 05:12 PM
Absolute Beginner 880 in Roper before the game. Gained 50|54 points
Inexperienced 1221 in Roper before the game. Lost 45|54 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
2 - 1
11 - 13
17 - 10
64 - 88
Information Game scheme: Roper
Scheme pick: Loser's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 29 time(s).
Game Awards
This game hasn't been nominated for any awards.
Game Map(s)

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1920 x 696, BIT, 2.7 KB, Downloaded 3 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[Statik`mm] hfz
[Fu`NoCry] we will pick wxw
[Fu`NoCry] or hyst xd
[mm`avirex] how newb :D
[Fu`NoCry] ye xd
[mm`avirex] i just did a tunafish fart
[Fu`NoCry] 39
[Statik`mm] why no pile
[Statik`mm] :D
[Fu`NoCry] 36
[Fu`NoCry] xD
[mm`avirex] so u can have an easy shot, if needed
[mm`avirex] there are some hard hides here.
[Fu`NoCry] gj
[mm`avirex] guess, i should have tho ae
[Fu`NoCry] xD
[Fu`NoCry] ye
[scOrpus`fU] no...
[Statik`mm] ye
[scOrpus`fU] no gj -.-
[Fu`NoCry] yea
[scOrpus`fU] oh...
[mm`avirex] not bad
[Statik`mm] stuck at start^^
[Fu`NoCry] stupid f2
[Fu`NoCry] oh
[mm`avirex] no fd
[Fu`NoCry] its f1
[Statik`mm] lol
[Fu`NoCry] first turn
[mm`avirex] f2
[Fu`NoCry] xDDDDD
[Statik`mm] learn scheme xD
[Fu`NoCry] i tought that is pressed f1 lol
[Statik`mm] rofl
[mm`avirex] stupid f2
[mm`avirex] :D
[Fu`NoCry] lol?
[scOrpus`fU] haha
[Fu`NoCry] xDDD
[Fu`NoCry] aw cr8
[mm`avirex] tried to get retreat
[mm`avirex] and it backfired :D
[scOrpus`fU] -.-
[scOrpus`fU] omg...
[mm`avirex] bl
[mm`avirex] how r we possibly leading?
[Statik`mm] cuz king
[mm`avirex] cool lead we have now
[Statik`mm] russian king
[Statik`mm] xD
[mm`avirex] russian spy
[mm`avirex] 'cuz spy'
[Statik`mm] ae
[mm`avirex] wdrops
[mm`avirex] wanna rehost again? or play?
[Fu`NoCry] lol
[Statik`mm] D:
[Fu`NoCry] idk
[Statik`mm] maybe u surr
[Statik`mm] :D
[mm`avirex] well, play now
[Fu`NoCry] lol why?
[scOrpus`fU] pff...
[mm`avirex] because, you cant take ur turn... then decide
[Fu`NoCry] u did that
[mm`avirex] i asked well b4 the turn
[Fu`NoCry] lol
[Fu`NoCry] u failed too
[mm`avirex] yes..... and after i failed, i ASKED you... lol
[mm`avirex] gave you the option
[mm`avirex] you took ur turn, so game on.
[Fu`NoCry] wtf my enter
[Statik`mm] at last avi maybe attack
[Statik`mm] puta
[Statik`mm] :D
[mm`avirex] gagaga
[Fu`NoCry] F5
[Fu`NoCry] T_T
[Fu`NoCry] omg
[scOrpus`fU] f@#! f2 -.-
[Statik`mm] aw
[mm`avirex] nt
[mm`avirex] lol
[Fu`NoCry] ...
[Statik`mm] pro cr8
[Statik`mm] just mine
[mm`avirex] im making a wallo
[mm`avirex] wall*
[mm`avirex] so he cant get to u stat
[Statik`mm] lol
[Fu`NoCry] Bah
[scOrpus`fU] hauoshalhakjsbasd
[scOrpus`fU] i suck a lot
[scOrpus`fU] f@#! it
[Fu`NoCry] :s
[Fu`NoCry] lol
[Statik`mm] ur wall sux
[Statik`mm] xD
[mm`avirex] ;D
[Statik`mm] n block
[Fu`NoCry] ;D
[mm`avirex] my cr8s :D
[mm`avirex] my lovely cr8s
[Fu`NoCry] xD
[Statik`mm] noob dream
[mm`avirex] huahauh
[Statik`mm] :D
[mm`avirex] brb
[Fu`NoCry] pf
[Fu`NoCry] f2!
[mm`avirex] ok i will make all attacks now
[mm`avirex] im for focused, i have food
[Fu`NoCry] omg
[Statik`mm] imaginary food
[scOrpus`fU] cr8s...
[Statik`mm] don't blame cr8s after u failed 10 turns :D
[mm`avirex] heh
[Fu`NoCry] it counts too
[Statik`mm] ye
[Statik`mm] but..
[scOrpus`fU] no comments
[Fu`NoCry] but anything
[Fu`NoCry] xd
[Fu`NoCry] xDD
[mm`avirex] but anything lol
[mm`avirex] nice cr8 grab puta madre
[scOrpus`fU] :P
[mm`avirex] nd too
[Fu`NoCry] gr8
[Statik`mm] xD
[Fu`NoCry] BAH
[Fu`NoCry] cr8! :D
[Statik`mm] WTF
[scOrpus`fU] nd
[mm`avirex] pro
[Fu`NoCry] nice!
[Statik`mm] cheat
[mm`avirex] hauhauhauahuahauha
[Statik`mm] z
[Fu`NoCry] xD
[mm`avirex] i told u, more foxus
[mm`avirex] imaginary gf is sucking my dick under the desk
[Statik`mm] lol
[Fu`NoCry] ...
[Fu`NoCry] suicide your worm!
[Fu`NoCry] xD
[Statik`mm] nr:o
[mm`avirex] ty
[Statik`mm] damn u lead now
[Statik`mm] :D
[mm`avirex] huaha
[mm`avirex] cuz "pro-uto"
[Statik`mm] and I didn't fail a turn
[mm`avirex] you fail at life, is why
[Statik`mm] lol
[Statik`mm] wtf
[Statik`mm] xD
[mm`avirex] ?
[Statik`mm] cr8
[Statik`mm] and why did u pile
[mm`avirex] i didnt, i was hit there
[Statik`mm] bad taktik
[mm`avirex] sucka
[mm`avirex] he piled me
[Fu`NoCry] damn
[Statik`mm] aaa
[Fu`NoCry] fr8
[mm`avirex] SHIT
[mm`avirex] <<<<
[mm`avirex] <<<<<<
[mm`avirex] <<<<<
[mm`avirex] cr8! plz
[Statik`mm] ae
[mm`avirex] f@#!
[Fu`NoCry] aw
[Fu`NoCry] damn it
[mm`avirex] hard cr8 plz
[Fu`NoCry] oh pls
[Fu`NoCry] gj
[mm`avirex] FD
[Fu`NoCry] top hide?
[Fu`NoCry] gg
[Fu`NoCry] omg
[Fu`NoCry] hmmm
[mm`avirex] DAMNIT
[Fu`NoCry] nt
[mm`avirex] gg
[mm`avirex] ty
[mm`avirex] w3w
[Statik`mm] ...
[mm`avirex] thought id get fd :X
[scOrpus`fU] gg
[Fu`NoCry] gg
[mm`avirex] if i did not fall off rope
[mm`avirex] i would have knocked him :X
[mm`avirex] and gg
[Statik`mm] gg
[mm`avirex] but i f@#!ed
[scOrpus`fU] gj damn
[mm`avirex] gj nothing ! :X

Author Topic: Game #92543, Reported by Chelsea  (Read 611 times)

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Offline Chelsea

Game #92543, Reported by Chelsea
« on: November 20, 2011, 07:48 PM »
20:46: WebSnoop> CMV> Chelsea   
20:46: WebSnoop> CMV> My computer froze... 
20:46: WebSnoop> CMV> You can report it 
20:46: WebSnoop> CMV> Sorry about it