Leagues > Leagues

Game #94474, Reported by ozuh

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MI,delete this replay pls. He was lagging,i left and waiting for rh...He just reported...

Would you mind explain what are you trying to pull? In the second game you cow (3:15, you don't touch the wall) and then you tell this guy that he cowed. Why should we void this game again?

monkeyisland, you are a thorough bastard.  the amount of replays you watch is pretty amazing, all while maintaining this site.  ive been noobing around for 11 years on worms armageddon, on and off, seen all the different leagues this game has had, and im pretty sure worms wont die off for lack of a good established league.  I affirm you for your commitment to excellence, and your drive to run this league hands-on in the capacity you do.  I guess what im trying to say is, good f@#!ing job.  if this game lasts for another 10, it will most likely be in part to your work. 

lol ::)

In first game,I guitted coz gtg,this is lose ok...But second? He was lagging,i did rh and he just reported.


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