April 25, 2024, 07:25 PM

4NTi50Ci4L's played maps

This page shows statistics about the player's played maps. By default it is showing the last maps this player played on.
  • Use statistics field to view stats on maps played with the specific scheme.
  • Use filter scheme field to view all maps played with the specified scheme.
  • First bar shows total usage of the map, the bar inside shows percent of won games on that map.
Downloads: 27
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 10%
Number of games: 4
Won games: 2 (50%)
Games: #66645, #68636, #68637, #71927
Downloads: 11
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 7%
Number of games: 3
Won games: 1 (33.33%)
Games: #126323, #126940, #126968
Author(s): Mablak
Type: Roper
Downloads: 8449
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 7%
Number of games: 3
Won games: 0 (0%)
Games: #21065, #65464, #154836
Downloads: 26
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 7%
Number of games: 3
Won games: 1 (33.33%)
Games: #41756, #41843, #153674
Downloads: 26
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 7%
Number of games: 3
Won games: 2 (66.66%)
Games: #41224, #82780, #153647
Author(s): Mablak
Type: Roper
Downloads: 8459
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 7%
Number of games: 3
Won games: 2 (66.66%)
Games: #60152, #130322, #158088
Downloads: 18
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 5%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 1 (50%)
Games: #66814, #156061
Downloads: 20
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 5%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 0 (0%)
Games: #60759, #60760
Downloads: 25
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 5%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 0 (0%)
Games: #30197, #35513
Downloads: 28
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 5%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 1 (50%)
Games: #30193, #80932
Downloads: 19
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 5%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 0 (0%)
Games: #22873, #41851, #47532
Downloads: 24
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 5%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 1 (50%)
Games: #13919, #65524
Author(s): Mablak
Type: Roper
Downloads: 8568
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 5%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 0 (0%)
Games: #16819, #38083, #63771
Author(s): Mablak
Type: Roper
Downloads: 8543
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 5%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 1 (50%)
Games: #66648, #67834
Author(s): Mablak
Type: Roper
Downloads: 8472
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 5%
Number of games: 2
Won games: 0 (0%)
Games: #65465, #171070
Downloads: 28
Size: 1920x696 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 2%
Number of games: 1
Won games: 1 (100%)
Games: #38894
Author(s): oPiuM
Type: Roper
Downloads: 1143
Size: 1920x696 (png)
Percent in top 20 maps: 2%
Number of games: 1
Won games: 1 (100%)
Games: #3128
Downloads: 3
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 2%
Number of games: 1
Won games: 0 (0%)
Games: #215315
Downloads: 1
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 2%
Number of games: 1
Won games: 0 (0%)
Games: #215313
Downloads: 6
Size: 1920x696 (bit)
Percent in top 20 maps: 2%
Number of games: 1
Won games: 0 (0%)
Games: #157853
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