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Topics - Riviva

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Cups and Tournaments Games Comments / Game #138329, reported by Riviva
« on: February 12, 2013, 03:51 PM »
[2013-02-12 15.25.16] ••• RwA`riViVa`X2a is hosting a game on #AnythingGoes named "kaleu"
[2013-02-12 15.25.24] ••• Incoming connection on slot 0
[2013-02-12 15.25.24] ••• Incoming connection on slot 1
[2013-02-12 15.25.25] ••• Connection closed: 1, -1
[2013-02-12 15.25.25] ••• Player joined: cfckaleu
[2013-02-12 15.25.25] ••• Validated connection: 0, 1, cfckaleu
[2013-02-12 15.25.41] [cfckaleu] cyan
[2013-02-12 15.25.43] ••• Incoming connection on slot 1
[2013-02-12 15.25.43] [RwA`riViVa`X2a] bo3
[2013-02-12 15.25.45] ••• Connection closed: 1, -1
[2013-02-12 15.25.47] • Game will emulate due to the following player: RwA`riViVa`X2a
   The latest Worms Armageddon beta update may be downloaded at
[2013-02-12 15.25.47] ••• Incoming connection on slot 1
[2013-02-12 15.25.49] ••• Connection closed: 1, -1
[2013-02-12 15.25.50] ••• Starting game, recorded as file "User\Games\2013-02-12 15.25.50 [Online] @RwA`riViVa`X2a, cfckaleu.WAgame"
[2013-02-12 15.44.06] [cfckaleu] false crate is not allowed
[2013-02-12 15.44.12] [cfckaleu] do you know games can be void?
[2013-02-12 15.44.26] [cfckaleu] answer you moron
[2013-02-12 15.44.44] [cfckaleu] edit your team now
[2013-02-12 15.44.56] [cfckaleu] or I will open a complain in TUS about your false grave crate
[2013-02-12 15.45.22] [RwA`riViVa`X2a] play or not?
[2013-02-12 15.45.31] [cfckaleu] edit your team grave
[2013-02-12 15.45.34] [cfckaleu] dont use false crates
[2013-02-12 15.46.16] [cfckaleu] if you don't edit I won't light up., simple lol.
[2013-02-12 15.46.34] [RwA`riViVa`X2a] I wait 10 sec
[2013-02-12 15.46.46] [cfckaleu] what?
[2013-02-12 15.46.57] [RwA`riViVa`X2a] do you play or not?
[2013-02-12 15.47.26] [cfckaleu] I will only play after you edit your team grave, it f@#!ing confuse I f@#!ing lost a turn because your false crate.
[2013-02-12 15.47.57] [RwA`riViVa`X2a] dude I don't care what u mean about my grave I know that this is alloved an I will play with it
[2013-02-12 15.48.18] [cfckaleu] It's not allowed, I can copy and paste here for you.
[2013-02-12 15.48.24] [RwA`riViVa`X2a] this is ur problem
[2013-02-12 15.48.26] [cfckaleu] If it's the problem,
[2013-02-12 15.48.37] [cfckaleu] don't you read league rules before starting playing it?
[2013-02-12 15.48.39] [RwA`riViVa`X2a] I ask one more play or not?
[2013-02-12 15.49.08] [cfckaleu] I demand one more time, edit your team or I dont light up.
[2013-02-12 15.49.28] [RwA`riViVa`X2a] thx for game
[2013-02-12 15.49.31] ••• Connection closed: 0, 1
[2013-02-12 15.49.31] ••• Connection closed: 1, -1
[2013-02-12 15.49.31] ••• Connection closed: 2, -1
[2013-02-12 15.49.31] ••• Connection closed: 3, -1
[2013-02-12 15.49.31] ••• Connection closed: 4, -1
[2013-02-12 15.49.31] ••• Connection closed: 5, -1
[2013-02-12 15.49.34] ••• Session ended

1) General Rules, Behavior

    Spamming is disallowed in the games and also on our site. You may not fluster your opponent by writing pointless materials constantly.
    Insulting other players, people is always disallowed in games and also on our site.
    As there might be some players under the age of 18, no sexual content may be uploaded or shown on the site.
    No racial or any other discrimination is allowed on our site or in the games. Any behavious like that will be highly penalized.
    Cheating by any program is highly forbidden. Anyone caught on cheating may be banned for the whole season (at the moderators discretion).
    Noone may use alias and ask for league games under alias or claim one's Cup or Tourney game under alias. Getting caught with aliasing results banning (at the moderators discretion).
    Registering double accounts is forbidden, results banning.
    No graves or teamnames may be used that might confuse the opponent.
    You can play the same opponent 15 times in the same season in the same league. Report page will give you an error if you try to report more games.
    The schemes have their own set of rules, which can be found in the description of the official league schemes. They can be found here:
    You must use the official schemes found on the schemes p

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Tournament #537, aerial POWA Torne.
« on: January 29, 2013, 05:21 PM »
Join everyone! :)

Leagues Complaints / [SOLVED] wrong report
« on: January 27, 2013, 03:49 PM »
Pls chance scheme to TTRR

Off Topic / Congratulations to wormiverse (for what? Just see) :D
« on: January 27, 2013, 11:34 AM »
As I wrote Congratulations wormiverse a few moments you'll be the only person here who has spent tus online ONE YEAR
Let's see:   down: Most Time Online wormiverse "364days 10h  58m"

This is really cool :)

Cups and Tournaments General / start cup.
« on: January 26, 2013, 04:41 PM »
Darkone can you Start the cup?

Or it's too much for you?

Tournaments, Cups. / #3 Tournament "POWA hysteriaaaaa x1H"
« on: January 26, 2013, 04:33 PM »

1st - HHC

2nd - Riviva

3rd - Sbaffo

Congratulation guys ;)

go go go join everyone ! :)

Tournaments, Cups. / #2 Tournament "Hysteria 1v1 for all"
« on: January 24, 2013, 08:59 PM »

1st - Xrayez

2nd - Riviva

3th - Dmitry Free won dmitry who has not appeared! No medal from me

Gj xrayez first gold medal :D

x1H / Ideas for tournament time.
« on: January 24, 2013, 12:41 PM »
So at what time do not only next, but in general tournaments?

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Tournament #538, team17 1vs1 DE
« on: January 24, 2013, 09:42 AM »

Leagues General / Drop Game and RM!
« on: January 21, 2013, 07:27 PM »
For example, play hysteria and someone break the internet, player 1 have 14 hp and pleyer 2 have two worm 45 and 12 hp. So how in this situation do rm? Why everyone demands the same situation when was before the network break,  it is impossible! Never be the same set HP, as well as layout changes a map, the whole game changes.
For example, in wxw everyone had a weapon can not be the same set all the options.
Whether such resuming the game is in the rules? if not then have expressed a request to write rule that "after the collapse of the game should start over no matter who has lost the connection, and whom it was a pick"

I say again it is impossible to perfectly adjust the game in such a state it was in before the fall of the network!

(example, the last game antho demanded to I set for ourselves 3 hp, and why does not demands for as much hp how HE had! This is stupidity, and ask the administrator to do something about it)

Leagues Games Comments / Game #136120, reported by Riviva
« on: January 21, 2013, 05:22 PM »
"[inF-nIiNja] and i dont wanna play with you oO"

Tournaments, Cups. / #1 Tournament "x1H hysteria for all"
« on: January 20, 2013, 10:13 PM »

1st - Riviva

2nd - Fn`Vok

3rd - Phanton

BTW. I'm a little disappointed only 3 peoples (not including me) sign up, in it skreN`s does not appear on the channel along with two other...

So it depends on you whether it will be more tournaments hysteria and aerial, Just Vote here:    Is anonymous vote so honestly...

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Tournament #534, Hysteria 2v2 for all
« on: January 20, 2013, 08:37 PM »
because of the low interest in the tournament I change to 1v1.

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