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Topics - Warlord

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Off Topic / Inverted Lacoste
« on: November 12, 2011, 05:30 PM »
XD!. Watch this picture xD

enjoy it :)

There isn't better medicine that the laugh :D

Off Topic / Testicle biter spared jail
« on: November 12, 2011, 03:17 PM »
XD! After reading this new, start being careful with your girlfriends XD

Off Topic / "Il cavalieri" watches Argentina xD
« on: November 06, 2011, 01:30 AM »
LOL! The funny Italy's president watched Argentina, but not the country. The president xDDDD!. See how this girl-adict president watchs the Argentina's president ass XD

General discussion / The most beautiful Worm Olympics's medal :D
« on: September 12, 2011, 03:33 AM »
yeah! Look at this medal i had in WO:

this is beaaaaaaautiful !

Kill the king tournament, made by warlord ;)

Schemes / Animal Roper, yeah!
« on: August 26, 2011, 03:19 PM »
Yeaaaaah! This is the remix of the year: the new roper!

Here you have,  the scheme of ANIMAL ROPER!

The roper for animal lovers  :-* :D :D :D  :-*

Same rules than a normal roper, the difference is in the weapons.

Mole replace zooka!. yeah! no more bazooka. That's a belic weapon, violent, and horrible. It is replaced by the inocent and beautiful moles (??)

Skunk can be very usefull in the SD, because before the SD your opponent takes a crate and disable the poison ;O

Enjoy it ;)

Leagues General / How to play Kaos and what is "trl"?
« on: August 23, 2011, 06:03 PM »
Hi everyone! I have some problem D:

what is "TRL"?  i don't understand it :D

another question: how do I play kaos? is it free league, classic or the strange trl?

ty :D

General discussion / Mourinho king of the prod :D
« on: August 20, 2011, 03:12 AM »
Weeeee! José Mourinho is the most pro using the "PROD", if you don't believe look at this image XD

Off Topic / Very bad joke
« on: August 19, 2011, 03:17 PM »
LOL! watch this video, this a very very very bad joke... don't try it, it isn't funny for the victim. Poor man xD

Off Topic / Musical Kaos
« on: August 10, 2011, 02:29 AM »
LoL! It's not related to the scheme Kaos, this title is because this is a CHAOS of the music.

 :-\ Warning  :-\ : When you listen this song maybe you think "OH MY F* CAT! (don't say "god" :P), or "What a kind of stupid can post this sh*t?", etc.

But don't insult me, this is "music", the music that lot of people listen in the discos in Argentina and maybe Chile. This is the famous CUMBIA, a style originated in the poor zones of argentina (the original cumbia is from Colombia, but in Argentina we had our cumbia XD). And for the worst, it is cumbia with something of reggaeton. Very explosive mix, and very bad for your ears if you are costumed to listen "high quality music".

gl hf XD

they are the Backstreet Boys of the cumbia, LOL.
from Buenos Aires to the world...



General discussion / Warlord Homeless
« on: July 30, 2011, 11:28 PM »
weee!  :(  The USA's crisis affected me and i lost my house  (?)

nah joke xD. 

I had problems with some jedi member and i decided to left the clan :/, now i have no clan ;(.

does any clan want to accept this poor lonely wormer into its group? :D

I can accept offers from all the world: eu falo portugues, hablo español and i speak english :D

I love mole and bungee, and play all the schemes :D. I love kaos :D

i'd like to find a nice clan with cool people who want to make friendship :$ xD

General discussion / Where are the WO 2011? :/
« on: July 08, 2011, 05:59 PM »
Wee! All years we had Worm Olympics at these days, july-august. But, this year...

what happened with WO? :D

Where is DarkOne? and the queen FFie? :D

Off Topic / How players asked for TUS in the middle age
« on: July 08, 2011, 10:35 AM »
xDD! Watch this video, players in the middle age asking for TUS league :D. yeah! tus existed in the times of the romans :D

Files Comments / File #141: logo_wolfgang by
« on: June 27, 2011, 05:34 PM »
LOL nice image xD

General discussion / Help with making maps
« on: June 16, 2011, 10:44 PM »
Hi, can anybody help me with making maps, please?

The problem is the next: I knew how to make maps, but now i try to make one but when i want to test it it doesn't open and a warning says me "error opening file" -_-"

Can anybody remind me the things required to make a map work correctly? :D

i used to put "save for web" in the photoshop, but now it doesn't work D:, and i don't know what i have to configure D:

ty D;

Off Topic / Worms Armageddon Christmas! (?)
« on: June 01, 2011, 02:25 PM »
Weee! The god of worms is on birthday todaaaaaaaay! (?)

So, today, June 1 st is the christmas of Worms Armageddon! :D (?)

ok, resuming:


Happy Birthday Tita, all TuS league wishes you the best in this day :D.

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