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Topics - sm0k

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 6
l3x // Join us? / Wanna join?
« on: June 04, 2012, 02:09 PM »

if you like to join l3x then make a new topic here and tell us something about you. How long u play worms, Wich shemes u like and in wich ones u can pwn for l3x ;p Why you chossed l3x for a tryout ;p etc ;)
Then we make a new topic about you in our private board. The tryout will take 7 days. We need time to talk and vote. When we finally decided the result, you will get a private msg.

Greetz sm0k

l3x / l3x // Members
« on: June 03, 2012, 09:08 PM »

l3x Member List
Devilage - Leader
HusH - Leader
s4li - Member
NiCo - Forum edit???

LionHeart - Member
knightz - Member
zmiennik - Member

eX l3x Member List
Magic // sebha // Kaleu // Orange // Ano // Masta // r3n

Leagues Complaints / [SOLVED] 108803
« on: April 30, 2012, 10:51 AM »
delte pls, wrong report

Leagues Games Comments / Game #96824, Reported by Berria
« on: January 11, 2012, 09:19 PM »
impossible to win this with these cr8s .. just had 3 possible attaks  -.-

Clans & Communities / l3x recruting!
« on: January 06, 2012, 07:17 PM »
hey guys

at least i made a comeback,
now we search for fresh blood, for pwning some clanners ;)
are ya cool , a bit skilled = then pm me or write here ;)
thats all ;)

greetz sm0k

Tech Support / probs wa with win7
« on: December 27, 2011, 02:54 PM »
hey guys ;)
i ve been inactive for a time, would like to make a comeback but ..
i bought a new laptop with win7..  i installed wa, installed update, tried to run it and it dont work..
there comes an error by running game.
any ideas what to do?

greetz sm0k

Leagues Complaints / [SOLVED] 82859 game
« on: August 30, 2011, 09:13 PM »
delte this game .. this game never were played.
my mates got problems with mm on host..
4mm ppl insulting hush..  thats why they reported free win of our pick

i wasnt on that 1st game t17 that they won.. so idk what they talked . just know what my m8s said to me.

but a game that wasnt even played or started .. isnt a free win.   and after my m8s told me the story i asked devilage for our pick to play..  he just said" its to late, we reprted free win"

idk what there happens..  but this is the lamest thing i ever saw :o

and btw ..  im sure that game will be delted..  so whats about our pick now?  mm dont want to play us .. and its our pick.


bOr / HB Angus!!!
« on: July 22, 2011, 10:52 AM »
yo m8 , happy birthday :)))

Leagues Complaints / [SOLVED] 78790 78791 78792
« on: July 22, 2011, 10:51 AM »
could u delte this games?  idk why he reported this games.. he lose them all ..
it was his 1st tus may he tough he have to report too . idk
thx greetz

Tech Support / my worms sux ..
« on: July 19, 2011, 07:22 PM »
need help..
well .. when i join wn .. go to a host or host a game .. i dont see any teams that i can pick..
i make new ones in offline mode..  then go to wormnet.. then they are delted again -.- ..  and in offline mode they are delted too ...  wtf  .. the whole problem is ,.,. i dont have teams in online mode.. 
i tried to restart my computer .. it dont helps .. 
had someone same problem?

greetz sm0k

ps / i'm out
« on: July 11, 2011, 12:38 AM »

i leave ps..
its simple why.. well as 1st i dont dislike ya guys.. i just dont like some ways/things u handle..
i dont like the way we "played" clanners..   insulting clans sux.. its not my style to play clanners. like in some bng's or other shemes..  i didnt played any clanner this seasson to check if something would change.. but it didnt..
ps were pretty cool and funny when i joined it.. but with the time it changes :/

well with my leave ps dont will get weak anyway. i were sometimes just a help in ttrr.. maciej and dulek can still handle it. and i rly would like to clanner against you coz of rly good opponets..
gl in the future ;)


Leagues Games Comments / Game #76871, Reported by sm0k
« on: July 07, 2011, 08:37 PM »
nice matches xD  2x draw xD

Off Topic / my song
« on: June 13, 2011, 02:26 PM »
i made my own, 1st song. geman one.
would like to know what the german ppl here think about it. dont forget its my 1st one ^^

Leagues Games Comments / Game #70085, Reported by sm0k
« on: May 20, 2011, 05:03 PM »
he didnt want to play my pick (ttrr) coz he mean he is to bad

Leagues Games Comments / Game #63423, Reported by sm0k
« on: April 01, 2011, 10:57 AM »
he didnt want to play my pick. he said: "i dont play ttrr"
after i played his t17 so i just wanna my ttrr..  my pick -.-

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