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Messages - Rogi

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 38
Tech Support / Re: Updating wkRemapKeys & wkRubberWorm?
« on: August 31, 2020, 04:47 PM »

Don't forgot update wkReamapKeys, i had some old. In new module it doesn't work if you use codes of keys, just "Space", "A", "B". Strange.

Schemes / Re: Parachute in Rope Based Schemes
« on: August 07, 2019, 11:33 PM »
I prefer parachute. Coz some knocks are not possible without it, also it needs even more skill for pressing f8 in time. Interesting that you can take good advantage if you will do swoosh in big vertical tunnel and use chute in good moment in TTRR.

Parachute helps in 10% cases of fail, i just kick my worm by the roof or bottom.. so it even doesnt matter.. will be i more aware or not hah.

Kradie, i know you hate parachute IRL and scared try jump someday xD

Laser switches bloody - just fire. K740 still good enough for roping. I loved keyboards on laptops also, dunno why but most of them really usefull for roping and have not lags.


Off Topic / Re: IM DRUNK SO NVM
« on: July 22, 2019, 06:25 PM »

You don't need alcohol to post this, it's the internet the repercussions are mild (temporary ban or just a locked thread). No need to get drunk, also when you are drunk you are typing worse than normally and probably missed some points you wanted to make. Alcohol also favors emotional based conclusions (rage, sad, anger etc.) so you can't truly speak your mind and just express your emotions. When you are sober just type the same message again and see the difference. :D
Can't not agree xD
now post a pic of ur asshole cos drunk
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Off Topic / just NVM
« on: July 21, 2019, 11:58 PM »
f@#! u all/. aVoiders and other trash shit. REad rules and read my shit then. Ur pick - ,my pick what's wrong?! gtfo with ur TRL shit in ur mind it's not some focused in some shit league its f@#!ing tus so be carefull and be polite, dont ask play ur shit and reject play that guys picks, u f@#!ing worng. Its tus not NNN and another shit that plays 10 ppls. Dont even come in this topic with some smart lessons here, Just Gtfo. i dont will play with ppl who play some one scheme. I respect all ppl who playd with me singls and clanners. But some of u too high asking some shit on AG. T17 ne1 tus? Interseting some1? 5% of urs? So stfu! Just ask for tus, not f@#!ing shcme. I always trying to play with all. And respect choise of others players, but some1 just shit in to face with his choise. so gtfo. I play ttrr only as always know, without some scusa that im drunk or my kb broken. And after finish ,y scheme i always playing pick of opponent, why the f@#! i should keeep endure it in my heart Bro? 
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sorry childs im madman XD

I'm so sorry, replace in offtop please.

TUS Discussion / Re: Pre-made clans
« on: July 02, 2019, 07:15 AM »
So let me get this straight..

>tus had classic league, people weren't happy with being forced to play a scheme they didn't like so tus rules were abused by any means. At this point playing was frustrating but there were a lot of players around, so who cared.
>in order to solve this problem, tus league was first resetted, then split into two leagues with even more schemes in it.
>since the league had been split, you could say that you had more chances to find a game right? However, not only it didn't work, but the inactivity got even worse.

Now ive never seen half of the people posting here playing the league before all the pros had left this game and the league itself completely died. And you guys think you have the solutions to solve all these problems? Listen here, your opinion doesn't matter shit. All the changes i wrote above were made to encourage you newcomers, but the truth is that you're a bunch of spoiled lazy ass. You didn't play this league when it was fairly active or at least, when you did, you took it like a joke. You have no idea what it means to spam for a whole day #ag looking for a league game, you have no idea what it means to see some people playing with each other just because they didn't want to lose points and just because tus rules were too soft to let people like you play this league. Now you want an active league? And you think the problem are the clans that should be changed? ? Or as some of you retards are stating right now it's the site itself? It never came to your minds that the game is 20 years old and it has no innonative stuff like every single game has today such as an implemented league, profiles, buddy list and chat rooms? Aye, the problem is this site (which give you the features i've just mentioned now). Im sure MI won't even listen to you as he's tired of dealing with your bullshits because after all his hard work he didn't get the expected feedback we promised him. This is what you get and what you deserve.

especially for Rogi :D
lol! why me?

good run btw xD

I dunno who are the two last joined this, but its paired, hf.
Just delete

Maps / Re: Why not some more ttrr maps?
« on: February 23, 2019, 10:20 AM »
(Y)?  8)

No problems, all maps will be recovered, I highly believe :D

p.s: but i want to test new 2019 maps xD

Maps / Re: Need your mappacks
« on: February 16, 2019, 10:02 AM »
How is going it? Maybe we need some script that gets maps from replays, with powerfull zerver it will be very cool, and we need add that function in site service, so we will never miss our maps. Or im wrong with my IT knowlege. I also miss activ tus times, but after that crash it become dead and dead. Just wtf. Will we turn on some tel or trl zar league on btw? nobody cares about classic and free league, this shit is annoying me. Too boring play worms. I cant even registr tourney in day when i sure that i have time and can spam enough, aproving for 400 days. So f@#!ing boring. Even f@#!ing challenges become shity, i cant find maps for record uploading. JUST LETTER OF CRY LOL

I created 3th feb, and i wanted start it in same day. IDk now. Maybe we will play it someday fast when 6-8 players will be online. But i can't choise date for tourney

Leagues Games Comments / Re: Game #224390, reported by TMNR-Illusion
« on: January 19, 2019, 02:01 PM »
First. It calls Teenage Mutant Ninja Ropers ;)   Second. Check its the old official Worms 2 League URL. Its still active. u can finde me alot in the hall of fames. Illusion was allways my main name. and good morning ;)
Wow. Interesting

Leagues Games Comments / Re: Game #224374, reported by Throsti
« on: January 13, 2019, 07:12 PM »
gg Rogi
wp dude :)

>>> wp?? whats it mean oO
Well played i mean, like this game :D
ja pierdole XDDDDDDDDD

Leagues Games Comments / Game #224376, reported by VIRUS`
« on: January 13, 2019, 05:42 PM »
1st game rep?

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