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Messages - Echiko

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 32
Files Comments / Re: File #2855, Pizza
« on: June 03, 2023, 08:10 AM »
This is what it is called "Calabrese", you might be able to see the difference now.

I didn't know the existence of this kind of pizza, and now I'm curious, maybe one day I'll try it and think about the Brazilian Calabresa  :P

Tech Support / Weird plop of the worm before the game starts.
« on: May 27, 2023, 05:16 PM »
We were playing the 3rd round of intermediate and he generated the map with wkterrainsynch. I think the proportions are 1.5x 1.0x. As the replay shows, the game starts with the worm falling immediately in water from the sky.

Is there a sort of explanation why this happened? We are both curious about that  :P

Files Comments / Re: File #2855, Pizza
« on: May 19, 2023, 11:41 AM »
In Brazil, in São Paulo, Ketchup on a pizza is part of the culture of the city and maybe the entire state. In my city, though, this culture is not as strong. My favourite flavour has an object on the map: Champignon 🍄 (not Amanita muscaria).

I would ask if the terrain land itself is Pepperoni or what we call here in Brazil "Calabresa". I tried to find a translation in English for this and there is no translation. So I searched on Wikipedia, and I discovered that is something that was invented here in Brazil, by Italian immigrants or its descendants. Another thing that impressed me is that there's no Wiki page for "Linguiça Calabresa" in English, only in Portuguese and two other languages, one of them is Italian:

Pizza of "Calabresa" flavor is one of the most common flavors in Brazil, it's more common than Pepperoni, and as important as Margherita or "Portuguesa" that is common here too. Portuguesa is one of my favorites too, with a lot of onions, eggs, ham, olives and oregano.

I'm a pizza freak, so I'll download and play on this terrain often. Thank you.

So Foxhound, now I answer as an italian and as an expert of pizza ofc.  :D
Ketchup is allowed in Italy (so 'accepted') if you have french fries on it. In that case, we can tolerate that :D it's because ketchup is a topping for french fries and not for pizza, but I would like to know more about what is the tradition you are talking about.
Yes: the terrain is 'calabresa' flavour :D In Italy is almost always referred as 'diavola' (Devil lit.) and it is with tomato sauce, pepperoni and mozzarella. It's called diavola becuase good quality pepperoni are very spicy, it reminds us of the Hell :D it's one of my favourite pizzas. Once I asked to a pizzeria to deliver a Pizza Diavola in the convent where I live... : ;D you can imagine the jokes XD there was even the mother superior!  :D :D
Calabresa may come from our region 'Calabria', which produces many spicy ingrendients and food. Maybe it comes from that region!
Champignons! Yeah I love those mushrooms, we put usually porcini on pizza, but only if you have money ;)

Super nice terrain Echiko :D

Thank you Kaleu! ^^

There are some other toppings in the terrain that aren't shown in the preview btw ;)

Me Italian but not sure about discord. If no one else is available, I am anyway :)

EDIT: just figured out I can write directly on so problem solved, thanks  :P

Off Topic / My kingdom for a donkey!
« on: May 06, 2023, 01:12 PM »
Cmon we all thought about this when we watched this moment...  :D

Greetings to all the British wormers!

Così si fa!!  :P

Yahoo a bronze! Amazing!

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #1172, Kaos Mole Shopper
« on: November 21, 2022, 05:22 AM »
Well guys that's pretty much it, congratulations to the winners of this cup: Mega`Adnan for the gold, Aloha wins the silver and Lupastic gains the bronze trophy. This might have been our last cup on this site. We will see what the future holds. Thanks for playing everyone :)

As Lupastic pointed out during his matches with Adnan, Aloha since now has not been defeated a single time, and Adnan defeated everyone 2-0, so the final match for the gold and silver will be an explosive one!

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #1172, Kaos Mole Shopper
« on: November 17, 2022, 07:38 PM »
Get ready for the final matches of this cup! For Gold and Silver medal Aloha vs Mega`Adnan and for the Bronze trophy danie vs Lupastic.

Files / Re: Missing soundbanks on Worms Armageddon 3.8.1 (GOG)
« on: November 10, 2022, 07:47 PM »
There could be all soundbanks, but some hidden by checkbox, similar to "language filter", if it is no good for kids or so.

You gave me an idea... maybe if I deactivate that checkbox, would I be able to hear the opponents using T17 soundbank? I can hear the others like The Raj, but this no...

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #1172, Kaos Mole Shopper
« on: November 10, 2022, 04:10 PM »
Aloha and NouS, Lupastic and donnie please organise your matches through snooper or TUS.

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #1172, Kaos Mole Shopper
« on: November 05, 2022, 11:11 PM »
KO matches are ready. Bo3 and good luck everyone!

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #1172, Kaos Mole Shopper
« on: October 31, 2022, 10:30 PM »
SIBASA is replaced with Hefty. Please VermenzinhodeJacob, stoner and G to play your matches, as well as danie and Jago.
This is a list of the mandatory matches to go on with the cup:

Group 1: Aloha VS Jago
Group 2: Irtis vs Nous
They are in draw situation
Group 3: G VS danie, G VS Stoner
Group 4: Adnan VS Hefty

TUS Discussion / Re: TUS - Italian translation
« on: October 31, 2022, 04:16 PM »
Damn MI, can you please quickly update your back end by replacing "unti" (which means "greased people") with "Punti" (which stands for "points") since it slightly disturbs my small brain every time I try to see a posted game?
Thanks beforehand.

Unti e bisunti! :D I have it in English, I didn't know there was such mistake :D

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