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Messages - Random00

Pages: 1 ... 74 75 [76] 77 78 79
Leagues Games Comments / Re: Game #15000, Reported by Sabre
« on: January 08, 2010, 09:37 PM »
and all this happened in game with id 15000 :D

Maps / Re: Yet another roper mappack...
« on: January 08, 2010, 12:12 PM »
I'll give it a try.
Some review will be posted later. ^^

While your at writing big suggestion for TUS, you could at least stop by here and say if you like it. I can take a negative criticism too, you know  ;)

sry, I simply forgot about it :D

I played the mappack, tho. I pretty like some of the maps, but some are just too hard for me. But I personally always prefer maps where you can reach 75%+ of all possible crates from every hide.
Since none of the maps has super-mega-evil hides thats fine for most of the maps, except the ones these high ones, where I cant rope fast enough ^^

All in all gj dude :)

TUS Discussion / Re: Limited girders in T17
« on: January 07, 2010, 06:08 PM »
done, sir. :D

TUS Discussion / Re: Limited girders in T17
« on: January 07, 2010, 01:36 PM »
I dont really care too much, but I'd vote for limited.

TUS Discussion / Re: TUS WormNet
« on: January 07, 2010, 08:02 AM »
hum, its a good ideia when wn is down.
but i see in that tuswn that can split our comunation more then it is, no?

I agree.

Not quite, what I imagined is that people who are about to play TUS log in to TUS IRC, not WormNET. This way, there is no spamming around #AG like "TUS ne1?", instead you only log in and find a partner immediately.
Correct me if I'm wrong.

If there is someone willing to TUS in AG, then you don't need to sit there spamming for ages. They will see the msg. A seperate server wouldn't speed the process up much. I could understand if AG had 200+ users on at times, but it doesn't. Also, don't you ever just log onto WN to see what's happening and someone happens to be asking for a TUS? You didn't go looking for a TUS but you don't see any mates and you have 2 hours to kill, so why not? That's definitely happened to me a few times.

new people would like to join TUS wormnet.
If we have ranks and logins.
Aren't you fed up with endless fakers?
We could give other interesting features for Wormnet which default one does not support.

New people...Who? New TUS'ers? Yes, sure. New wormers? No.

If we successfully managed to get ranks and logins working and most of the worming population moved to the TUS server, then we'd have to try and get newbs to come to the tus server too. That's not a good thing in my opinion. I hope we all know that the noobs of today are the community of tomorrow. Adding yet another obstacle in the way of them and worming enlightenment will only harm the long term future of worms!

I seriously don't think seperate servers are the way forward, big thumbs down from me :0o0o

applaud for this, so true. :)

Announcements / Re: Leagues Updated to v1.9
« on: January 06, 2010, 05:29 PM »
First of all: IM SO DUMB!
I wrote a whole post, previewed it and somehow I managed to close the tab and the whole post was gone... so I hope that I write everything I wrote before now...

[...] This update were the most annoying update I did on the leagues. [...]
If I just look at the enormous amount of information that a user can see I can imagine how much data, files and code you have to fight with. So its important to have a good overview at all sites on tus and even on the code ;)

I'll just refer to the other topics by their names ^^

1. Flags
Ok, I see your point, so I guess its just better to let this like you implemented it :)

2. Trophies
Its a good idea to sort them according to their importance. But I have a general problem with the user's league profiles, especially when Im on a 10" screen netbook. Its just a huge amount of information there. So some jumping links on the top of this page would be very nice, so I can e.g. directly jump to the "Recent Games" part of each player by simply clicking on this link. This can also make browsing through "Recent Games" easier.

3. Graphs
This dot feature ios kinda nice and it replaces the missing labels on the x-axis.
And I also recognized the options next to the graph where I can set the options for the graph.
But I had another additional idea for graphs, It would be nice to have an additional option where you can choose between "Seasonal Rating" and "Overall Rating", so you can for example also view your changes in the Overall Rating in Season 9. I mean the graph doesnt look totally different, but you have just other lables on the y-axis, cause your overall rating isnt the same as your seasonal rating in general. I hope you get what I mean ;x

4. Streaks
I just made some images here for some better explanation:

The "All Seasons" summary like it is now.

My idea is to remove the "Last Streak" that is viewed there every season and replace it by "Best Winning Streak" and "Worst Winning Streak" every season.

The "All Schemes" summary like it is now.

My idea is to keep this "Current Streak" there and additionally add the "Best" and "Worst Winning Streak".

There is also the "Current Winning Streak" displayed at the standings page. I think thats just fine there to keep it and there's no need to add any more streaks there.

I hope I didnt forget anything to mention ;x

Announcements / Re: Leagues Updated to v1.9
« on: January 06, 2010, 01:32 PM »
First of all:
You're doing a really good job here, MonkeyIsland!
To be honest, last year (or was it even in 2008?!) after season 1 and 2 I thought that TUS would die soon, cause the rating system sucked (imo ;) ), site layout wasnt too good and some minor other things. But with your many updates and changes due to the demand of the community this site really improved a lot.

Then I have 1 question:
Is there any site where I can see all updates of the TUS league with their versions?
I remembered that there is some site like this around, but I couldnt find it...

  • Players and clans recieved variation of medals and trophies in seasons and schemes. (Both overall and specific season)
I like this idea a lot, but I have some ideas to improve this feature. I'd like to have a personal settings panel where you can decide which trophies you wanna show on your page, because its a bit confusing for me if I see a profile with 15+ awards and I cant find out which of them are the important ones (like winning a season or being in top3 overall ranks). Therefore it could be also useful to just have the number of trophies written down e.g. next to the headline (like this: "Won Medals and Trophies (14)" with the images following below.).

  • Winning Streaks
Thats a really cool feature imo. But it shouldnt show the last streak you had during a season imo. Its a lot more interesting to see the best and worst streaks in each season and also in the current one. For example if you did 40 games in season#6 and you won the first 39 games and then lost the last one it will show a -1 Streak for season#6, allthough you won 39 games in a row.

  • Graph of the player rating and its code to have on other sites.
  • You can compare 3 players graphs at the same time.
By far the best new feature :)
I just have some minor suggestions to improve this: there should be some labels on the x-axis with the number of games on it. This should be generated dynamically due to the number of games you're showing (if you just watch at 5 games you can have a mark on the x-Axis for every game, but if you watch at 50 games its enough to have a mark every tenth game).
If possible I'd love to be able to also set the graph for overall games in a specific season.

  • If the game is 1vs1, System shows the players country flag in recent game page.
I'd prefer having the Clan flag next to ones name and the country flag if you're clanless. But I dont have any information how other players think about that, so thats just my personla point of view.

To all the other changes: Good job, I like it ;)

and one last general point at the end: there is a lot of information on this site now, cause there is a very detailed database for nearly everything. now its important that everything is clearly arranged so you dont lose track.
..and sorry for this long post ;x

Regards Random00

TUS Discussion / Re: Suggestion.
« on: January 06, 2010, 12:30 PM »
I think this feature is just for fun, so I prefer having it anonymous, that you can just smite or applaud someone if you feel like it without giving reasons or smth like this...

Leagues Playoffs / Re: Playoffs season #8 (singles and clanner)
« on: January 05, 2010, 04:15 PM »
well, I'll try to get some CF members online this week in the evening for GMT time. guess thats the best time where we all can be online.
hope to get it done soon like this.

Leagues Playoffs / Re: Playoffs season #8 (singles and clanner)
« on: January 02, 2010, 04:25 PM »
Im back home tomorrow, so I hope we can play next week...

TUS Discussion / Re: Fair play?
« on: January 02, 2010, 02:30 PM »
the problem is that there are just a few retards that destroy all the fun in this game by their behaviour... if they just weren't this active... :/

TUS Discussion / Re: Tus Game Awards
« on: December 31, 2009, 04:01 PM »
I think this is a wonderful idea!


Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #7: CF clanevent #1
« on: December 27, 2009, 03:38 PM »
yeye, stay cool. :O

General discussion / Re: Why do you play WOW instead of WOW?
« on: December 26, 2009, 04:54 PM »
thats kinda funny. the same stuff is happening here sometimes as well :D

Leagues Games Comments / Re: Game #14376, Reported by erdy`
« on: December 24, 2009, 05:00 PM »
lolz :D n miss ^^

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