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Messages - NAiL

Pages: 1 ... 95 96 [97] 98 99 100
Leagues Complaints / Re: BAN NAIL
« on: January 13, 2009, 11:43 PM »
i know why you use alternate names... its to trick noob bashers into playing you, i just find it kinda pointless, i think the same people would answer you as NAiL

umm... but as you can see here... they dont. (?!)

Do you think I get a boner over asking for a tus with a different nick?
If it were a pointless activity I wouldnt bother doing it...

yes, ask them if I use a differnt nick in AG to ask for a tus, and then tell you who I am before the game starts.

NAiL you can use a different name as much as you want, just tell ur opponent b4 u start playing

As a mod you should read whats been said before telling me to do what I already do!

Leagues Complaints / Re: BAN NAIL
« on: January 13, 2009, 09:11 PM »
a month ban? void the game for gods sake, even though I deserve to have this win after the amount of times I have been AVOIDED by f4st.

and wooka dont patronise me please, I want to play tus with this guy... he wont though. Why is the conept of me using an alternate name to get a game so foriegn to you? Its not a very hard thing to get your head round is it?

How many times have you played me wooka? You know I am a good sport, when have you ever had a problem with me? When have I ever done anything unsporting?

Its only the idiots on this league who have bad things to say about me.

Leagues Complaints / Re: BAN NAIL
« on: January 13, 2009, 07:34 PM »
and isnt 1st time that this MOTHERFUKER do that shit things, ask jakdaniels or Godito...

yes, ask them if I use a differnt nick in AG to ask for a tus, and then tell you who I am before the game starts. This isnt "faking" games... are you an idiot?

Leagues Complaints / Re: BAN NAIL
« on: January 13, 2009, 07:33 PM »
er this is you playing f4st, its an old replay though.

This is the 5th time you have blatently avoided me now. f4st refuses to play tus with me because he thinks I "fake" games. Using a different nick in AG to ask for a tus, then telling my opponant who I am before the game starts is not "faking" games, its the only way to get a game with avoiders like him.

This is the 5th time now I've been in AG with f4st, both of us asking to play tus for 10 minutes... the situation is stupid. He refuses to play me, this is avoiding.

So today I catch him red handed again by using the nick "logs" in AG, and asking for a tus. f4st hosts, I join as NAiL`bOr, and he refuses to play me. It is my right to report 2 wins against somebody who refuses to play me, I only reported one though.

Grow up f4st, your really childish.

Yes but as has already been established, playing inter bo1 is not fair, plain and simple.

Playing bo1 with placement at the start of the match seems to solve this issue, but I know the hardcore inter players won't like this idea very much, as problem solving it may be.

It makes no sense to do that though, people play bo1 because their opponant can't be assed to play bo3, why should one players lazyness result in lesser victory points?

my thoughts, bo1 inter: play with deployment.

bo3 inter, play as usual.

General discussion / Re: Winter Worm Olympics 2008
« on: January 08, 2009, 01:45 PM »
People always talk about this game like "Relax, It's just a game". But trust me, Quitting worms is one of their major decisions in life XD

aye, addiction to technology is the fastest growing "illness" of the 21st century.

I was massively addicted to WA the first year or so I played, im better now, but to a ceratin extent theres no denying we've all been addicted to this thing at some point!

Leagues General / Re: Prize on the leagues
« on: January 08, 2009, 01:40 PM »
ah thats cool Monkey, I would like to have seen this thing you made!

but dont waste your own money on us ungrateful wormers!

Leagues General / Re: Prize on the leagues
« on: January 08, 2009, 01:50 AM »
oh okey dokey facey boy but this isnt really anything like what I was talking about is it now?

u been on the crack tonight? I thought u gave that shit up back in june?

Off Topic / Re: intentions for the new year
« on: January 07, 2009, 10:35 PM »
lol ty friends 8 )

Leagues General / Re: Prize on the leagues
« on: January 07, 2009, 10:32 PM »
Old thing, worked out long time ago.


Leagues General / Re: Prize on the leagues
« on: January 07, 2009, 08:59 PM »
$10 is pointless... theres no real added incentive, I doubt you'd make the community any more active with a prize like that.

Unless you find a way of coughing up some big bucks (which you wont, wa has too small a community to pursuade advertisers to sponsor leagues) then theres not much point in a bit of pocket money for winning a league.

Also unless the league system is flawless (which most are not) and professionally run by paid employees, prizes for winning a season will never work, there are just too many things that could go wrong.

Paying to participate in a tournament (via paypal) seems to me the only way of incorporating money into competative wa play. But this will never happen because nothing has been created for this to happen and most probably never will be!

Its just a pipe dream!

Leagues General / Re: Prize on the leagues
« on: January 07, 2009, 07:21 PM »
well $10 isnt really much of a prize... what u gonna do buy some kinder eggs with it?

I like the idea of having a really secure server for tournaments with buy ins.

Any player who wants to play pays $10 to enter, if 50 people play thats a $500
jackpot. Now that would make for an exciting tourney.

Dont think its possible for this sort of thing to work on wa tho.

Off Topic / Re: intentions for the new year
« on: January 07, 2009, 05:54 PM »
cliche but stop smoking <

well I give it up next monday 8)

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