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Messages - NAiL

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Leagues Complaints / Re: Lamer faking name
« on: December 14, 2008, 09:09 PM »
when I use fake names I ALWAYS tell you... how else do u know I use fake names godito!??

I only use the fake name so that u nooby bashers and avoiders will play me and as soon as the game starts, I tell u its NAiL...

Leagues Complaints / Re: Lamer faking name
« on: December 14, 2008, 07:05 PM »
lol its a rule that any1 must to play with me? go play with other players^^

oO keep on doing as you are doing 8 )

Leagues Complaints / Re: Lamer faking name
« on: December 14, 2008, 07:03 PM »

Godito yes I use xSQDxrolleyes to get a game (cos u are avoider goditio aka tuc hrdrogen aka all the other bullshit).

I didn't play it with you tho f4st

Schemes / Re: Schemes explanations, rules ... or submit a new one ;)
« on: December 13, 2008, 05:36 PM »
Ye I know Monkey 8 )

The two stances on BnG are like athiests and christians, but friendly debate benefits us all and keeps the brain in good condition for when you have to go to court 8 )

Schemes / Re: Schemes explanations, rules ... or submit a new one ;)
« on: December 13, 2008, 05:26 PM »
When the object of a game is to win, why should you be forced to make shots harder for yourself?

Object in every game is to win, but for example why won't you shoot from offside in football..? Cause there are rules to every game that makes it harder but more enjoyable to play. 

I hear you, this is a good comparison you have used.

But you should know that the offside rule was invented by some Lord or important person a long time ago. The score was 0-0, and in the final few minutes of the match the Lord's team conceded a goal. The Lord was so outraged and humiliated at the prospect of his team loosing the match, that he invented the "offdside" rule on the spot and so the win was disqualified.

Sounds a little like worms :D

edit: well I saw that on kids tv a few months ago, I assume its true

Leagues General / Re: f4st
« on: December 13, 2008, 05:17 PM »
wait didn't you just slam doubletime for making a thread like this one...?

Schemes / Re: Schemes explanations, rules ... or submit a new one ;)
« on: December 13, 2008, 05:15 PM »
This argument is about esthetic shots in BnG NAiL, I can perfectly understand why there are rules for BnG and why people call you cheap if you break them. :)

And if you're honest BnG looks much better with grenades that explode in mid-air rather than with sitters.

yes of course they do, but a league game should be about playing TO WIN. Not about trying to do a different shot every time and making the shot harder than it has to be.

If you are playing a game for fun, to practise different shots and skills, of course your not gonna want to do "easy" shots...

Why in an elite that you are playing TO WIN would you make a shot or turn harder than it has to be purely to make it look better?

BnG would be so much more appealing to players without all the rules about "cheap" play... you can play ANY scheme "cheap"... you are trying to win man!

Put infinite teles so that you make a better hide for yourslelf, rather than forcing your opponant to hit you with harder than they have to be shots simply because your down in a hole and don't have any teles left!!! madness!!!!

er, assuming what DTs saying is true, and JD quit a bng with little hp...

no matter what you think of DT, surely JD is in the wrong here, quite clearly...

(I didn't check the replays but I don't see why he would lie about what happened when wewe can check the replay to see for ourselves. Why would he dig such a stupid hole for himself)?

If doubletime gets under your skin, its you who needs be more mature! How can an annoying wormer cause you any serious grief?

I cant downloads replays for some reason,  and when I can I get a "version error" message -.-  I want to watch it becasue I like to enjoy a good worms drama 8(

Off Topic / Re: Whats better?
« on: December 10, 2008, 10:40 PM »

godito quit wa


godito plays wa :D

Schemes / Re: Schemes explanations, rules ... or submit a new one ;)
« on: December 10, 2008, 02:19 AM »
BnG is a 100% skill game like roperace, no thinking or such involved, thats why there will always be ppl loving it and some ppl hating it i guess. i used to like bng v much but then i realized that theres other way more exciting schemes :D (not that i hate bng now, but its pretty ordinary to playing counterstrike or so :P) but thats just my opinion, everything to its own or however the saying is :)

Nop, first and second choice of hides and wind variations mean it is not 100% skill.

BnG should be played without all these dumb rules. If your in a position where you can be hit with a 5 second sitter, TELE TO A BETTER HIDE!

If you get hit with a max 4 sec twice in a row, TELE TO A BETTER HIDE.

Why in elite would you never say oooh COW... COW u threw a 5 sec sitter man, U COULDA DONE A 3 SEC NADE WHY ARE U SOOO LAAAME.

When the object of a game is to win, why should you be forced to make shots harder for yourself? Put infinite teles and hide well... Surely the better player will still win...

Leagues General / Re: [Discuss] Intermediate as Classic or Free Scheme
« on: December 09, 2008, 11:45 PM »
I don't like bo1 games, no matter which scheme, that is one of the reasons why I almost don't play in bo1 leagues or tournaments. I am also not sure if the kind-of-bad-luck-that-gives-you-absolutely-no-chance-to-win happens more often at Intermediate (with a decent map choice) than at T17 (with a decent map choice), wxw or shoppers (but what do I know, I don't play T17, wxw or shoppers). Also I can't really compare Inter vs Elite to say which one is better, because I think I've played a good number of both of them and I still can't do such "ranking", they are simply different.

gj Dario

Off Topic / Re: Whats better?
« on: December 09, 2008, 11:42 PM »

your 16 year old daughter be raped by an 18 year old boy (god forbid).


your 16 year old daughter be made sweet, passionate, consensual love to by a 48 year old man.

Leagues Complaints / Re: Strange BAN player ?
« on: December 07, 2008, 10:54 AM »
Mr Bingle is mihayleul, gay tho

Schemes / Re: Schemes explanations, rules ... or submit a new one ;)
« on: December 05, 2008, 01:30 PM »
about rknocking in elite:
i rly dunno why it is disallowed. i cant find any reason. Imo knocks add more tactics in gameplay.
e.g. player knocked enemy worm with bungee for bow shot and sent him to mine. I find this as NICE JOB and not like OMG FCKING LUCKER.

ye exactly PR xD

Schemes / Re: Schemes explanations, rules ... or submit a new one ;)
« on: December 05, 2008, 01:27 PM »
+ About intermediate, I really think that it should be obligatorty to play best of 3 games (bo3), and report 1 win (or maybe 2).

You cannot play a game of inter with only 1 round, it won't be fair. This is because alot of the inter strategy and gameplay is determined by the deployment of the worms at the start of the round. Seeing as only 1 round will be played, the player who starts first will have an obvious advantage. When played bo3, each player has a chance to start first and so it reduces the luck varuant hugely.

And to all those people who say inter is a noob scheme and its all luck or whatever, go play some of the NNN pros and see if you can beat them!

Inter is as skillful as any other scheme on wa.
You can't really say one scheme requires more skill than another anyway.
Yes shopper is easy to learn, but if two pros played a game would you not still have an exciting match on your hands...

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