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Messages - yanme

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 6
Bug Report / [SOLVED] error while reporting
« on: December 23, 2016, 10:58 PM »

i wanted to report 3 games from a #PO, but an error occured a few times (see attached picture).

when you write "ad" the system gonna give you a proposal for the full name "Adun"
- sometimes it didn't occur so i wrote it by myself
- when it does i continued with pressing "Tab" so the full name was written inside the box

is one/ or both of this actions the reason for the error?

it worked in the end with the 10th try, but there is something wrong..

Leagues Games Comments / Re: Game #215804, reported by lales
« on: December 20, 2016, 04:29 PM »
yanme, that's just ridiculous(the garden guy) but at the same time great because it proves my point.

And the day I take advice about being moral, from an alias, will never happen.

lol, that's interesting! the only thing it proves is that you see things different, you probably see such fays too.

you should open your eyes and accept that you are not always right, better learn from others to improve for the future.

it would fit you great!

The truth is, there is nothing wrong with quitting a game, and there is nothing wrong with feeling a little incomplete when someone quits, they are not hurting anyone, and if for some reason, quitting DOES hurt someone, under those circumstances I would NEVER quit.

the truth is, you are wrong.

i remember someone talked about some people who can't play for "fun" they take it too serious. (guess who it is??)

but what about these games you feel like quitting due "waste of time"?
the openent probably enjoy that game a lot, but since you quit because you take it way too serious you just destroy the "funny" moment for others.

it's difficult to learn how to lose, you should start with it asap! (nope, you don't know it yet ;) )

since it's meaningless to discuss with you (many evidence in this forum) i will stop this smalltalk from my side.

Leagues Games Comments / Re: Game #215804, reported by lales
« on: December 20, 2016, 12:08 PM »
The rest, it's literally impossible to be wrong, it's also impossible to be right, it's just, my opinion, just like yours, but it sure is funny as hell watching a guy like you trying to pass opinions off as facts that can be right or wrong :D

it's common sense komo, and yours  seems to have a big difference to the mainstream common sense.

it's like someone play with fays in his garden because he think they exist, but everyone with common sense know he is wrong.
there are special names for these kind of guys.

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #896, Aerial 1v1 (SD)
« on: December 16, 2016, 08:54 PM »
But dunno why adnan and yanme didn't play their bronze game yet! (?)

Because he didn't PM me yet?

excuse me, but did you PM me?

instead of using an excuse you should PM/pushing me since i forgot about that game!

what about sunday (18.12.16) 18 GMT?

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #902, TT JPR
« on: December 10, 2016, 05:40 PM »
Then why not make everyone search for the scheme as well? Or better make everyone create the appropriate scheme first :D

that's a pretty simple answer, because that's the only given stuff by the host, the rest is free to each player.

otherwise it's like buying a car but the salesman have to give you the routes for the trips you gonna do

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #902, TT JPR
« on: December 10, 2016, 05:02 PM »
Yeah well sure but thx for nothing :) A good cup has a little mappack in petto.

to support your lazyness? no way

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #893, BnG!
« on: December 09, 2016, 05:18 PM »
oh, i totally forgot about this cup... it started ages ago!

well today (when i am inn #ag, just pm me)

tomorrow the 10.12, 13 GMT?

Yea, I put WA on Test of Time, seems more accurate for it. A game from 1999, 18 years old and still played?! I'm sure it bows off WMD by a long shot Kappa

the idea behind this is:

the chance of win a reward with "The Best Use Of A Farm Animal Award" is much higher than a "Test of Time" reward.
in case of a winning reward, it would be great advertising, and the community could grow up!

even when the chance is pretty low, i like the idea behind it, and appreciate the positive attitude! :)

General discussion / Re: Quick reminder: This is just a game, yeah?
« on: November 22, 2016, 09:41 PM »

Getting off topic but I had to reply to your response to DarkOne.

I work in the IT industry and it really bothers me that people decide to work unheathy hours to try and progress.

From my experience those people claim they deserve a promotion because of the sheer amount they have done, AND complain about working too many hours, which is frankly stupid.

I simply tell those people that actually they are doing the work in an unsustainable manner and simply haven't proven that they can take on extra responsibility with effective time management.

Companies that promote those due to simply over the hours achievements should shut down.

All part of competition, eh.

I totally agree! *thumbs up*

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #896, Aerial 1v1 (SD)
« on: November 21, 2016, 09:08 PM »
sunday and monday... your or my timing seems to be rly bad! :D

@ pavle

i can play any time, just tell me 1 day before, thanks.

Tech Support / Re: Black Screen
« on: November 19, 2016, 10:04 PM »
haha, nice timing.

i just wanted to change this issue to "solved" i realized i could still do intern screenshots and visit them in the capture folder and figured out that the graphic setting was "DirectDraw (32-bit)" the issue is fixed by activating the "tweak direct3d 9 shader"

thanks anyway steps :)

but i am surprised that a driver update change those settings, this never happened before :o

Tech Support / Black Screen [SOLVED]
« on: November 19, 2016, 09:31 PM »

i just did an update to the newest nvidia graphic driver (version: 375.95), i was a bit lazy and did the express installation..
after the installation was done i tried to run w:a, all i can see is the cursor, i can also hear all sounds and also click on the settings etc. but i can't see anything!

i have no idea what kind of settings got changed with the newest graphic driver...

what i have tried so far:

- restored the graphic driver to version 375.70 (worked fine before) but there is no change at all (yes all settings were reset to default too)
- using wksuperfrontend, no change except smaller cursor
- running w:a in comatibilty modus, no change
- pc restart, no change


- graphic card = nvidia gtx 970
- OS = Windows 10 64 bit

in case of any help, please consider that w:a worked 10 hours before i installed the new graphic driver, i didn't install any weird programs or clicked on any weird links, and i didn't change any settings in w:a.

thanks in advance.

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #893, BnG!
« on: November 15, 2016, 10:20 PM »
hey pavle,

when do you have time for our match?

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #892, pH Cup #
« on: November 15, 2016, 10:19 PM »
wth deadline ???

i hope we can manage this in 20 days somehow.. should be easy!

Promotion Project / Re: Blacklist script
« on: November 08, 2016, 08:11 PM »
Click me! :<

That video should be enough for everyone to avoid kicking noobs.

Many players can be very special/ annoying/ shitty/ whatever, by just having a bad day. Without saying any names, everyone can be annoying.

You shouldn't kick someone without talking to him, being huffy/ mad won't help the community. Everyone who like that game should try everything to bring newcomers into the game and fully integrate him.

Kicking him once might be fine to get the reaction "why did you kick me?" so the person is willing to understand the reason, so he might change his failures in the future.

Such Blacklist would just split the game into different kind of groups, i totally disagree to this idea.

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