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Messages - theredi

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 69
Off Topic / Re: What Messenger did you use back in the days?
« on: May 15, 2020, 02:54 PM »
icq and msn in early 00`s

maybe its time to make worms great again?

You got a time travel machine? ;)
nope but i still dont have kids and prefer putos like real puto so i can do whatever i want  :-[

maybe its time to make worms great again?

Off Topic / Re: Happy Birthday Cueshark :<
« on: March 15, 2020, 09:44 PM »
hb bro!

General discussion / Re: Who actually still plays?
« on: January 25, 2020, 06:45 PM »
ae culiao  :-*

General discussion / Re: Who actually still plays?
« on: January 25, 2020, 01:18 PM »

Sounds like you see no purpose in anything that's currently available to you? Very common when you grow older. When you are young everything is new and exciting, new games, new GF, new jobs etc. But you get used to everything and some day you will start seeing pattern in everything. Conversations, games, partners and work. Everything feels the same and as such everything loses purpose. It's different from depression or sadness since you are not unhappy with yourself or something in particular. It's a relatively new and luxurious problem. Back in the days only very few rich people had the possibility to be over-saturated with what life has to offer. But the modern western world is over-saturated with entertainment and lives so fast and has so little "serious" problems. The farmer from 100 years ago had a simple purpose, make enough food so he and his family don't starve in winter. We do worry about losing our jobs, but not because we think we will starve to death, it's more like status quo we want to maintain. If you earn this amount of money you want at least the same forever so nothing changes. And this is the crux of it all, humans prefer no changes, but no changes mean boredom and in the end loss of purpose. Nothing matters really if you see no meaning in what you do.

Ye its mostly that but also not enough contact with people and doing shit together. Last 15 years i was mostly outdoors hanging out with many people but now suddenly there are no people to hang out with. It`s like something sucked joy out of them and turned them into annoying, complaining suckers. So i prefer to be alone now but it is so boooring after longer period of time.

The Redi porra, stop complain of boreness and go some building cum from there and find a target below! theres always one way to have fun cos king!

u right king kongo but i dont feel like getting in troubles, and polish chicka is the biggest problem u can get if u meet wrong one xD (and most of them are huahauaua)

General discussion / Re: Who actually still plays?
« on: January 22, 2020, 03:08 PM »

Heresy! You have no idea, the game is flourishing and brimming with pros playing all day. You just can't see us because obviously everyone is playing and never joins #AG, why would we, for the most part we even join through direct IP so you can't even notice us playing! We have been playing in our own league for YEARS, we have a new league created a couple years ago. But you need to be on the darknet to access that, and no I am not telling you how to access that league. We have special sponsors that give out 100k for finals and we stream on a chinese streaming platform, no, you can't access it outside from China. We all live in China btw, I moved there after I joined an elite squad. Mablak invited me and we live in a house together, it's awesome. :D I wish I could tell you more but I am under NDA and only the elite of W:A is playing.

Enjoy your public noob WA!

Edit: Shit my manager is knocking on my door, I told you too much...

huahua damn asians, i was invited to north korea to teach kim how to rope thats why i was so inactive recently,

but tbh im just soooo f@#!en booored with my life... i dont feel like playing any games anymore, look like i need some changes or something.

Off Topic / Re: Mug shots / Post your face !
« on: March 31, 2019, 04:54 PM »
wtf is ropa doing there? xD

Off Topic / Re: PC again..
« on: March 30, 2019, 03:24 PM »
Sry man, i didint realize u only vacuum coke into ur nostrils. When i saw inside of my pc after couple of years not cleaning, i started to do it everytime i clean my floor

Off Topic / Re: PC again..
« on: March 30, 2019, 01:50 PM »
Windows 10? explains everything, this shit brokes when u install their official updates... wtf is this?

i have my pc like 9 years already, windows 7, sure its gpu is out of date but i dont play new shitty games and i dont have any probmes, despite the fact my graphics card died couple weeks ago but i changed it and everything is fine again.

Btw do u clean ur pc? coz i had similar problems when my pc was filled with dust

General discussion / Re: Why ANO was banned?
« on: March 27, 2019, 11:48 AM »
ano was cool untill he got his menopause and started being pathetic prick

Off Topic / Re: Mug shots / Post your vehicle !
« on: March 25, 2019, 08:44 PM »
yo my `87 golf ae


Off Topic / Re: Mug shots / Post your face !
« on: March 25, 2019, 08:28 PM »
there were a few i would like to visit, but i didint feel that urge

Off Topic / Re: Mug shots / Post your face !
« on: March 25, 2019, 05:45 PM »
puto districto


Tryout / Re: New user
« on: March 25, 2019, 05:29 PM »

Yo! Yes its been propably years already. I just visited Hungary and Budapest btw.

lmfao i was in the budapest in the end of august too ;O

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