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Messages - Rodent

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Off Topic / Re: Hai.. HMm
« on: February 17, 2011, 05:18 PM »

b2b / Re: Johnny - Notching explained.
« on: February 17, 2011, 05:16 PM »
This is kinda off-topic post but reading first post here I saw something, and I wanna make question about it...

Why would I want to risk missing even further by just guessing where my aim was?

Isn't that the point of re-aiming? I mean, I played BnG 2 or 3 times in my life, so probably I am not right but if you use your thumb to remember where your aim was, re-aiming lose it's point. You just lose few seconds, and your aim is again in same position. I thought that re-aim rule is made just for that reason... to aim not be in same position in next turn...

I know that it is impossible to prevent other players to use that sort of helping themselves when aiming, but why using re-aim rule at all then? Just make turn shorter for amount of time that players usually use to re-aim.

Leagues Complaints / Re: Quitter
« on: February 10, 2011, 10:19 AM »
With people I know I never play in points, it's sad when your friend loose game and even more sad if you loose game, so it's sad anyway when play for points with friend :)

Other people are just not... fair-play...

Anyway, I was just in mood to troll a bit, didn't wanted to start any serious discussion about this because different opinions in this thing can't have constructive talk. Some people just like it and some other don't :D

Leagues Complaints / Re: Quitter
« on: February 10, 2011, 01:13 AM »
lol because of people like this I play only challenges :P
Shame on you both! :D

Off Topic / Re: Nice picture of what would you guys do....
« on: January 29, 2011, 03:12 AM »
Hahahaha! :D
When someone forget to log out from facebook on my PC I usually do not notice that and use it's account as mine 'till I don't get that I have some strange new friends around...

About second chart... I don't wanna be pro in any game if that is price! I love when having a girlfriend :D

Off Topic / Re: What keyboard do you use?
« on: January 29, 2011, 03:07 AM »
I'm using Hewlett Packard's keyboard from '98(got it with my first PC... was HP pentium with 200MHz and 64 ram)... I can't find anywhere what model it is but it doesn't keylock. I can press all 4 arrow keys and space + 4 letter buttons in same time.

If anyone wanna picture I can take photo of it and upload.

EDIT: lol I found that site for testing keyboard is quite funny and played a bit with it and found combination where I can hold 5 letter buttons(Q,E,T,A,S... probably there are more possible combinations but now I'm not in mood to search) while pressing all arrow keys and space.

General discussion / Re: BitDefender help please
« on: January 05, 2011, 02:13 PM »
I recommend avast! Home edition is free and it's pretty powerful.
I mean... watch this:

Challenges Comments / Re: Map: FluffyTrickRace1-2-3 in challenge #41
« on: January 04, 2011, 11:10 AM »
Ahh... I have trick race in plan too that I will do with fire lord when we both finish our current projects, but if you don't start your map 'till then we can join our forces and make something really epic :)

btw you can put my name on the map :)

Challenges Comments / Re: Map: FluffyTrickRace1-2-3 in challenge #41
« on: January 03, 2011, 01:00 PM »
Ye was awesome challenge...we expect more trick race maps from you, and hope for a challenges on them ;)

I never succeeded to go first part in less then 12 minutes... I don't know how you guys can do that! Other parts I do pretty good I think... :\

EDIT: btw alien... nice signature... gonna steal it from you :)

Challenges Comments / Re: Map: FluffyTrickRace1-2-3 in challenge #41
« on: January 03, 2011, 03:21 AM »
* Rodent failed :(

Challenges Comments / Re: Map: FluffyTrickRace1-2-3 in challenge #41
« on: December 28, 2010, 11:50 PM »
I still can't do first part in less then 12 minutes... 2nd I do usually in 9 and less but I always stuck at tricks in 3rd part... fly to fly at beginning, swoosh to dragon/arch, lg arch... NOVAAA! :(

Damn this is so much fun! :D

My exam is tomorrow so I am back into serious competition soon again!

General discussion / Re: few words about finger roll
« on: December 26, 2010, 05:27 PM »
Heh I turn on ahk only when play fluffy's 1-2-3 trick race... I use fr on 2 spaces there only on last nova trick because it requires really fast taps that I don't have with my usual whole-hand-space-slappin' technique :)

I have learned finger rolling on 2 spaces because I was curious about is it really harder like some people talk and I concluded it is much easier to rope when you learn it and get comfortable with it(after one week of trying) but I noticed that it killz my style... when you can tap really fast you usually do and I like long and risky flys... fr kinda prevents me of doing that.

Anyway, fr on 1 space is pretty hard... I was trying to rope that way too but my keyboard is "Hewlett Packard" from '98 so spacebar sticks out of the keyboard 1,5 cm and that makes it even more harder(I saw that angus have pretty thin spacebar on his video). That hardness is reason why I use 2 spaces when I need really speedy taps(and that is not often)...

And ye...
Noob = Newbie => that means that someone who practiced some technique certainly is not a noob. You can call it maybe lame if you think that is, but again... I disagree with that too.

General discussion / Re: lol trick :D
« on: December 26, 2010, 04:47 PM »
Hahahaha... gj with that... looks awesome! :D

Challenges Comments / Re: Map: FluffyTrickRace1-2-3 in challenge #41
« on: December 26, 2010, 10:43 AM »
Ye swing to spike is a trick that is commonly used but it doesn't have it's name... That's maybe because it loose it's powa when spike is made by inertion of long swings so only short ones have point...

Btw In this map it's nice that you can connect that trick with next one(outlaw to swing I think) into one relatively big combo :)
I noticed even on more places that kind of "connectivity" and that is probably the thing that keeps me trying this map!

Challenges Comments / Re: Map: FluffyTrickRace1-2-3 in challenge #41
« on: December 26, 2010, 02:34 AM »
Komo... I have in my mind one project. That will be map with explanations of all the tricks that are done in this "new roping age"
You know many tricks by their old names, that simply are not used anymore. Some new tricks invented and combinations of 2 or more tricks got their own unique names because those are used often in games like wxw.

I simply can't replay to your post here because it will take me hours probably to find explanations for all things you asked and probably you won't understand even half because of my bad English... so if you see me ( sW`Rodent`nlF ) around a wormnet feel free to ask me for a game. I will be able to explain you most of that things in game probably.

"I guess my point is, I think it's pretty confusing having specific names for moves that are a combination of a bunch of different actions"
As I already said in my post... combos that are used too often in normal games deserve their own unique name... Like the thing you will say "I'm" instead if "I am" in most of the cases... simply it's just easier when you are using that combo words too often :)

And ye... some things that may not look logical to you after this... names for some tricks here are made from names of that combos because they are tought like that.

"IllbeBack" I don't know what is that... probably that is too old name for me... I'm kinda new roper around here...

Some people consider that pinball is made of many pinies... so when you have one bounce from ground that is pini and when you have multy bouncing that is pinball.

About scrolls you are totally right... I disagree with that naming too :)


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