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Messages - Madden

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Leagues Playoffs / Re: Singles Season 13
« on: September 23, 2010, 06:45 PM »
Hey Artic,

1st, 2nd, 3rd of August sound okay? I don't want to set a time now as I am unsure of my work commitments, but will post again closer to the date. I guess this post is pretty pointless, but hey mods I'm doing something, plx to not be bootin mes!

Leagues Games Comments / Re: Game #39146, Reported by Chicken23
« on: September 17, 2010, 02:32 PM »
Umm hiding on top was less frequent back in CL2K days, I don't agree at all with it being a "new school" thing. I dislike it and wish disease and impotence on those who practice it, but it seems most people don't disagree with it so I'll keep quietly stewing while hiding on the sides huheiheieui.

General discussion / Re: Worms Reloaded ongoing Review
« on: August 26, 2010, 12:42 PM »
Ditto everything HHC said imo. I'm having a laugh but I guess I'll be bored of it in a week or two as there is just no room for "proper" worming...

Have to say the funniest thing is listening to people who don't realise they have their microphones plugged in. Just played some Scottish guy, "ACH NAAAAAAAAAAY!". Hahahahaha xD

Leagues Games Comments / Re: Game #35882, Reported by Dulek
« on: August 10, 2010, 02:06 PM »
f it

Off Topic / Re: Worms Reloaded 4-Pack ne1?
« on: August 05, 2010, 03:59 PM »
f@#! it why not. Sign me up jabroni!

Off Topic / Re: TuS BuS
« on: August 05, 2010, 01:40 PM »

Leagues General / Re: w2rope scheme ***please read***
« on: July 27, 2010, 12:51 PM »
And if it's legal to report games this way, then there's no point of the poll, because it's already possible to agree on a w2roper game, so there's no need to add w2roper "as a second choice to classic roper".

AFAIK ATM you can make any changes to the schemes you want TBH, as long as both players agree on it...IMO. If this gets passed then if someone wants to choose w2 roper, the opponent can't object.


Off Topic / Re: GG hand
« on: July 26, 2010, 02:59 PM »
I think instead of putting yourself at risk where you are in control of the danger.. It might be more fun to let somebody else be in control of the danger.  That is more of a risk... You should walk into a bar, hand somebody an empty beer bottle point at your head and then stick your finger in their eye.  That way you'll get the shiver up your spine, they'll knock you senseless, AND you won't lose your fingers.

That's kind of what happened...

Leagues General / Re: w2rope scheme ***please read***
« on: July 24, 2010, 08:35 AM »
its clear no1 gives a f@#!, they r 2 newb for a real rope scheme.. they just want to continue with sets that are f@#!in dated back 10 years, when W:A players were just learning to rope....

the sets were 15second turns, and 10 second retreat for a reason when w:a first came out, cuz u were all newbs....

i was hoping after 10 years u guyz could adjust the scheme a bit, but guess not.

How about you actually give people a f@#!ing chance to play the scheme before asking for a poll? People don't like change, it's been a week since you've posted the scheme and you're surprised people are voting no? OH NOS TOYS OUT THE PRAM. I love ropers and am not exactly inactive and still haven't had that much time to play many w2ropers to get a good feel for it. As you say we've gone 10 years without w2 ropers and you're trying to get everyone to convert within a week. If you actually left it for a month or two, let people finish the cup (which would surely prove all the best people are winning right?) then maybe you would have grounds to start calling us retarded noobs etc. I dunno wtf you expected.

Leagues General / Re: Random Clan League
« on: July 24, 2010, 08:20 AM »
As much as I love the idea, I'm with HHC and would prefer his idea. If that proved a success then maybe we could progress. The game just isn't active enough; it's often hard to find regular clanners imo.

« on: July 17, 2010, 05:59 PM »


Off Topic / Re: GG hand
« on: July 14, 2010, 09:06 AM »
I was expecting to come in here and say "suck it up pussy" but this is pretty f@#!ed up :o At least it wasn't your right hand amirite?

And please tell me you did the old joke:
"Doctor doctor, will I be able to rope well after the operation? ???"
"It could take a few months but I don't see why not :)"
"Good! I never could before :D"


Leagues Complaints / Re: people avoiding schems
« on: July 09, 2010, 08:39 PM »
You just answered your own question mate, and it's already happened.

ANYONE who avoids, is a pussy, I WILL play any scheme if I have to, I won't turn down a clanner just because I don't like a scheme, I do like more or less every scheme, I just like BnG a million times better.

Can you give me an example of it happening? No one in the singles playoffs has avoided to get there. It happens sometimes in clanners, where some clans won't play certain schemes unless they have the correct members present (CKC have done this on more than one occasion btw!). This is annoying for those who play everyone at everything but it's simply unresolvable.

And I think it's extremely short sighted to call anyone who avoids a pussy. Anyone who has aspirations of becoming an allrounder and/or climbing up the TUS leaderboard should be villified in such a way, but as I mentioned earlier, what's wrong with the more casual player enjoying his shoppers/defaults against other enthusiasts?

Leagues Complaints / Re: people avoiding schems
« on: July 08, 2010, 09:22 PM »
I think it's fine if people don't want to play certain schemes. Not everyone plays TUS to become good all rounders, they just enjoy  competitive games of schemes they enjoy. Does it really matter if people avoid? I don't believe it causes many problems and if a point was made of reporting avoiders, I think that could only harm league activity. There are new players who don't like playing defaults and love to shop, also new defaulters who don't want to rope. I'd rather have them playing a few games than throwing them out for avoiding games.

The only reason I could see this being a problem is if a clan/player was greatly benefitting from avoiding and achieving a higher ranking than they deserve. Is this happening?

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