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Messages - twistah

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Cups and Tournaments General / Re: [Free] Hysteria Cup Groups!
« on: March 12, 2009, 11:49 AM »
i just dont get wheres the problem playing this a bit faster, maybe you dont wanna work so much and rather lean back a month? you know, there are a lot cool other scheme as well that might be wanna played in a cup, with this speed every scheme will be trough in about 2 years, means next elite cup is held in 2 years, cos we gotta wait 5 months for t17, another 4 months for rr, another 8 for bng, lol dude seriously.. XD give me the power and i show u how fast u can get this done and everyone enjoying there games, hysteria done, next scheme cup, good f@#!ing game, jesus christ, so hard to understand? lets just play more stuff on this poor inactive game and not sit in forums 3 weeks after playing 3 games. LETS PLAY WORMS ROFLROFL

Cups and Tournaments General / Re: [Free] Hysteria Cup Groups!
« on: March 12, 2009, 06:36 AM »
Well, cups are just as easy to host as anything else, no need to be some special, last 1 year and has to be only 1-2 times a year.. wtf.. I dont see any fun playing 2-3 games, then waiting 4 weeks, makes me forget about this, makes me not wanna continuing this, take a look at elite, its boring as f@#!, 1 game in a month is just bullshit, wait wait wait, too ling f@#!ing wait, u know, peopla wanna play not watch the tables for a year.

Cups and Tournaments General / Re: [Free] Hysteria Cup Groups!
« on: March 12, 2009, 12:49 AM »
Malov3nt, pusi moj kurac, kurvin sin.

And your picture is very old, my friend, get up to date.

Cups and Tournaments General / Re: [Free] Hysteria Cup Groups!
« on: March 12, 2009, 12:44 AM »
If it's not a tournament, what is it then? A league? ROFL.. XXXXXXXDDDDDDD

Nor I did say the games have to be played overnight, but ROFL @ 5 weeks for 3 games, you will see that EVERYONE is gonna be like, "Ok, I have SO much time, I will play it some later..", in the end, my friend, almost no games will be played at all. Maybe they will in this round, but you gonna see that this tourney is gonna finished in winter if it's gonna be like this, lol.

Why is there nothing wrong with these lenghts? Of course it is, in that time we could play 20 cups like this if the deadline would'nt be like, "YOU HAVE TO PLAY 200 GAMES, DUDES!!".

I don't have to be any familiar with how cups work to realize 5 weeks is WAY too long for a MAXIMUM of 3 games, I point out that this is hysteria and not some BnG on a 66666666666666 pixel wide map, ROFL!!

Why should I want to be removed? Don't get offended me giving you a suggestion about this cup not dying, lol.

I will have fun.

I can watch and play 666 games in 5 weeks, lol. Don't even try to think your 5 weeks for 3 games deadline is SUPER GOOD, rofl..

And, Malevol3nt, could you tell me who the f@#! you actually are? Go back where you came from, I don't need such nubs like you in Worms.

Cups and Tournaments General / Re: [Free] Hysteria Cup Groups!
« on: March 11, 2009, 09:47 PM »
If you can't even play 2-3 games in 1-2 weeks, you should'nt even join a tourney like this, and if you can't play those games in 3-4 weeks, just quit Worms, seriously. Those long deadlines make cups like this die, just take a look at the Elite Cup, nice activity!!

Cups and Tournaments General / Re: [Free] Hysteria Cup Groups!
« on: March 11, 2009, 06:53 PM »
ROFL @ another weak.. If it would be my tourney I would give only 1 week for f@#!ing "maximum" 3 games, what the f@#!?? Dude, we are playing 2-3 games, not 200.. I could finish this whole tourney in 1.5 weeks, no doubt. Whatever.

Ye, deadline, not a long one, tho'.

Cups and Tournaments General / Re: [Free] Hysteria Cup Groups!
« on: March 11, 2009, 08:11 AM »
A month time to play 3 games? Lol.. these cups take way too long, take a look at Elite Cup, you can say it's dead.

Well, then it's just me getting pretty fast hang out of Inter, prolly 'cos I'm playing Elites and T17's for years already.

Not even THAT complicated, tbh, only in the very beginning of your Inter career.

Ye, but he prolly means "basic" as in it's 1 of the oldest schemes around. It's been in the W:A directory for ages, if not already since W:A exists.

I'm against Medal in the next round, I guess.

I can't see an Inter I lost 100% due luck, tbh. All times I lost, it was my own fault. Not to talk about a full Bo3, never lost 2 out of 3 games due luck, hell, can't even remember 1 single lucky game.

Cups and Tournaments General / Re: [Free] Hysteria Cup Signups!
« on: March 08, 2009, 10:47 PM »
Abu? Sign up? It's not full yet, 1 more place to go.

Cups and Tournaments General / Re: [Free] Hysteria Cup Signups!
« on: March 08, 2009, 07:13 PM »
Btw, don't wait till Elite Cup is finished, it's gonna take ages. But make this tourney like the Elite Cup, tho. With groups in 1st round and bla bla.

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