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Messages - Danger135

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When here will be MOLE CHAMPIONSHIP FOR NOOBS, I will join.  ;D

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Cup #1064, May Mole Cup 2018
« on: June 01, 2018, 04:43 PM »
2 or 3 worms? 2 maybe faster :)   
edit: now I see! 4 worms?!  OMG whyyyyyy

OK. I am analysed that fail. Same map, same positions (worm one step up from line stand), same situation. Look attached images and replay. Now tell me, why in one situation miss, and second don't, when it was totally same? Aiming was always totally down (I do not know why is there 1 pixel difference, worm stand on same place).
edit: I am tested it again with aim not totally down, and it hit worm anyway. Some things I do not understand....

Yes. Better players won. It is normal.  :P We almost won one, but ... (Someone do not like long strategy, but prefer fast action instead. Way to win is always long.)

edit: second game: we almost win, but on 27:35 we lost control ...

Coming soon: Quai's fails in cup compilation. It will be big....  ;) ;D

When will be round 2 (or next stage, or what is it)?  On deadline?

edit: the better players won, that is okay.  :)

OK. So: shoot from down right maybe fail, there was land under. And it can be even worse, I could block self there... First shoot away was for retreat time. If I shoot him by first shoot and fall together, dead worm will explode and I lost retreat time+can be blocked down there. But after kill by second shot, is retreat time for run up, then dead worm exploded.  Miss was just bad luck. :P

Still better than all that Quai's stupid fails. Fall from edge by walk... Do not block enemy worm with banana when have nothing to do...
Spoiler! View
All games where I do not tell Quai what to do, we lost even faster.

Why is it BO3 yet?! Now we must lose minimum 8 games!

If I am counting good, we need 4 more players for start?!

We are in, prepare for win.  ;D

Mole cups invasion detected

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #1057, April Mole Cup
« on: April 22, 2018, 07:16 PM »
Quai, please try not lose first this time.  :P
Concentrate, training, and WIN IT!

When start the cup friend ?
By name, on 2018.  ;D

There in upload is watereditor, you can made transparent water, so you can see that land (except last few lines at bottom).

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #929, RIP Bungee Shoppa
« on: April 14, 2017, 05:47 PM »
bleeeeeee this!
Bungee shopper good good, but not this way.

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