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Messages - avirex

Pages: 1 ... 292 293 [294] 295
JB / Re: Jonas Brothers Clan
« on: April 23, 2010, 06:08 PM »
long live the jonas brothaz!

bOr / Re: Windowz 7
« on: April 22, 2010, 02:23 AM »
hehehe monster!!! !haehahehaeha u know u all lloved it.. u all have a lil hehehemonster in u somewhere!

i know roping was invented on w2.. by a couple of guyz... GrapplingHooK.. i think TheHawk.. or TheEagle, lol i dunno, way to long ago to remember who was noted for it... and bng was also invented on w2 but slightly different then w:a bng (no idea who invented it) and t17 although slightly different was a w2 game that Jake invented called "Jake" games lol... original eh?   ahh rope race was also invented on w2, but no1 played it like its played today..

but what about Elite... who made this up?  and hysteria is new, right? lol who came up with this crazy idea.

Tech Support / Re: help
« on: April 21, 2010, 02:47 PM »
im also running on image, i just simply went to t17 official site and downloaded the latest update... and it worked fine...   

my only complaints (if anyone can solve them while they are here) are that when im in AG, and minimize to desktop then come back to AG (either quickly or after a while) my screen is either black and white colors, or froze.. i have to hit esc on keyboard to go back couple screens to unfreeze, then come back to Wnet and AG.. it sux...   

my other problem is 80% of all games i enter the resolution flops.. psycodellic colors :) i have to minimize that then come back in to set it normal... kinda annoying.. but atleast im not crashing lol... just wondering if anyone knows a fix

TdC / Re: Welcome to am0kz in tdc
« on: April 17, 2010, 01:39 AM »
oo.. forgot to do a jk.. that was a jk...   was it a good jk?  thanks!

welcome to tdc amokz :D

TdC / Re: Welcome to am0kz in tdc
« on: April 17, 2010, 01:37 AM »
we are going to have to ask that all games played by amokz be voided... sorry for this, but he was not in the clan league... nicely played but.. void.. we have made complaints to admin already.. gg

Off Topic / Re: picture im working on
« on: April 17, 2010, 01:35 AM »
thanx man!!  i went and got it printed on the photo paper today.. looks really nice!! and yeah.. hes only turning 1 lol. but i wanted to design it so he can grow up with it, and its always cool ;) whos cooler then spidey!?

Off Topic / Re: picture im working on
« on: April 16, 2010, 12:39 AM »

Off Topic / Re: picture im working on
« on: April 15, 2010, 10:53 PM »
update... still not finished though!! so far im very happy with how its coming.

Off Topic / Re: picture im working on
« on: April 15, 2010, 07:06 PM »
well yeah.. the letters right now are just pencil...  im still not done.. its going to be hard to get the letter colors to match well wit the cartoons. but ill figure somthing out..   im doing half by hand, half with adobe photoshop.

Off Topic / picture im working on
« on: April 15, 2010, 06:04 PM »
its a picture for my godson.. he turns 1 year old in amonth :D  it reads "Zaidyn Daniel Lefebvre"  obviously i did not do the cartoons.. just cropped them and put em in with photoshop, but i hand drew all the lettering.. been scanning and printing alot trying to get it just right.. so far so good..

still got alot of work on it.. gonna put a nice Background, and make the letters pop with some outline, and maybe drips, and other effects.. gonna be nice...

anyone into word art??? i been doing it for years.. just never had a scanner... anyone into it let me know.. would be nice to see others work, and any feedback would be cool :D (hope the attachment works)

General discussion / Re: wormnet players and clans history
« on: April 14, 2010, 02:10 PM »
dubs from w2... and ropa, u are too... e-Jason-m  .. thats you, aint it? hahaha

General discussion / Re: erm
« on: April 14, 2010, 02:09 PM »
hey alca.

Tech Support / Re: help
« on: April 12, 2010, 02:09 PM »
i would not trust downloading anything from RAY... he tried to give me a link to W:A.. and... im not so sure about it :X  lol..

TdC / Re: PiTcHBlacK is back
« on: April 12, 2010, 01:16 AM »
lolololol pb sup bitch!!! i just came back bout a week ago myself!  i prolly still got u on my AIM lol.. see u on wnet

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