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Messages - Madden

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5
Leagues Playoffs / Re: Singles Season 13
« on: July 07, 2010, 11:05 AM »
Changed placements back as it was. Replaced komo with daiNa. daiNa vs Crash.

Appreciated, thankyou.

Leagues Playoffs / Re: Singles Season 13
« on: July 06, 2010, 06:26 PM »
Ohhhhh boy x) This has caused a bit of a problem.

Me and Random00 checked the brackets after the season finished and we were paired together. Didn't bother to check the brackets again because...well, why would we? :P We played today and lucky old me managed to emerge victorious. We both went back to the playoffs page to find the brackets have changed!

I explained to Random00 that as we were paired together at one stage and we played the games as though they were playoff games, I feel I deserve to go through. I would expect the same had I lost.

What do you think? :-X

General discussion / Re: CYA WORMS LIFE...and guys ;*
« on: July 05, 2010, 05:51 PM »

Challenges Comments / Re: Map: Wormiverse_RR_18 in challenge #14
« on: July 03, 2010, 08:44 PM »
Mother f@#!er. I tried for a while earlier today using that ending and flew over the f@#!ing top lol. I think I've had enough of this map, too quick for me :P See you next week.

Leagues Games Comments / Re: Game #32581, Reported by Spaazi
« on: July 02, 2010, 10:54 PM »

Challenges Comments / Re: Map: Wormiverse_RR_18 in challenge #14
« on: June 30, 2010, 08:09 AM »
Hmm maybe. Early days! I'm sure someone will beat it soon :-X

Cups and Tournaments General / Elite Cash Cup!!!
« on: June 29, 2010, 08:43 PM »
In 2006 I hosted an elite cup with a $5 entry.  It was a great success as 8 people entered, there were no complaints and it was completed swiftly. Mablak emerged the winner, taking home a huuuuuge $40 paycheck!

Considering the current popularity of elite and the high standard of competition, I think it would be great to host another one. This time however, I am hoping for 16 entrants with an increased cup fee of $10.

The cup will be invite only. This is to prevent people entering who I deem not to have enough sportsmanship and maturity to play both courteously and fairly! It is also to ensure people are not put off entering due to the possibility of being drawn against some of WormNet’s shadier characters!

The games are to be best of 5 unless otherwise agreed upon. If you and your opponent wish to play the best of 9 (or 3 or X), state so immediately in the first game. If this is not clarified in the first game and a complaint arises regarding the number of games, bad luck :x

The scheme to be used will be the default TUS scheme. If anyone hosts with a non-standard scheme and an argument arises because of it, they will forfeit the game. Don’t f@#! around!

In the event of a crash, both players should discuss what they feel is the best course of action. If nothing can be agreed upon, you may make a complaint.

If you are interested, please post in this thread stating:
-What you think is an appropriate entrance fee. Is $10 too much/little?
-Assuming 16 entrants, how the money should be split. 50/30/20? 65/35?
-Whether or not you are capable of hosting (without WormNat!) on a solid connection. No dodgy dial-up Neanderthals like LordHound please :D
-Any other questions/queries/problems with rules.

If at least 8 people show a genuine interest, I will provide a paypal address and we can get this thing started!

Leagues Games Comments / Re: omforep[mng
« on: June 25, 2010, 11:28 PM »
xxxxxxD I smash my keyboard alot. I actually meant to bash my keyboard and caught the monitor on the way down, oops! Didn't realise when I posted this that I'd cut my hand too, until I saw some blood on the wall lol. Worms  = srs business.

No disrespect btw Borotalco, you played better, deserved the win. I'm just super mad I keep losing close games and making silly mistakes >:(

Leagues Games Comments / omforep[mng
« on: June 25, 2010, 04:38 PM »
Quote from: TiltedMonkey
[Madden`bOr] fffffs
[Madden`bOr] omforep[mng
[Madden`bOr] qbem
[Madden`bOr] to jkm
[Madden`bOr] just broke my monitor


TUS Discussion / Re: Tus Game Awards
« on: June 19, 2010, 10:41 PM »
"Clutch!". A turn full of balls. End of a hysteria with the water lapping around your ankles and you nail a petrol to kill 2 worms xD You have the last turn in a rr. Your mate has done 78, your opponents have averaged 50 and out of nowhere you fly to a 21! heihueiuheiuheiuheiuhieheiuheuiheiuheihe

Leagues General / Re: Updating leagues
« on: June 19, 2010, 10:37 PM »
Perhaps another way to save a click is changing the "your pick" to "their pick" when reporting another, or vice versa. It's rare you report successive games of someones pick.

Clans & Communities / Re: lor Clan Recruiting
« on: June 13, 2010, 03:20 PM »
What the hell? my old wwp clan here,

Yours too? We could make a list of ex-wwp-lor's. :P

Add another ;)

TdC / Re: Tralalalala, it's the world cup s.a.
« on: June 11, 2010, 01:16 PM »

Off Topic / Re: Google streetview challenge
« on: June 09, 2010, 11:01 PM »
8.A construction worker with his pasty-white-belly exposed.

Bonus: a WA playing person = instant win!

I'm on streetview!

TUS Discussion / Re: What do you think about telecow???
« on: May 20, 2010, 04:19 AM »

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