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Messages - Mayhem

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Promotion Project / Re: Steam Groups
« on: May 05, 2013, 07:10 AM »
Whenever i see someone new in Ag and ask them if they are fresh to the game i direct them here. What they do with the information provided on this site is on them.

You can watch a million videos on roping but unless you practice and try you will never get there. Having different groups wouldn't help anything because when any of us join #anythinggoes we are all in the same group. No one has a Steam-Tag on there name or is put into a steam server category. its up to the person on how far they wanna go.

Leagues Complaints / Re: Avoiding i guess
« on: May 05, 2013, 06:56 AM »
Its up to that person to accept. If you don't want to step up, stay in the bleachers.

When it comes to league not everyone can be on at certain times. I know in my clan we have strong ropers and we have strong default players. We have had some tus call outs and have only asked to play defaults, if the other clan didn't want to do that we went back to AG and waited for the next group willing to do so. I'm not gonna send my defaulters in against ropers, and visa versa, that's asking for a loss. If your in a league and your working for points and ranking you want your best in that situation.

The rules state when one game is played the next must be played(if not then you get a free win). If no games are played there is just a disagreement. That's the rules and there is no changing them by personal position. Deal with it or GTFO

Also anyone in my opinion wiling to turn in a free win needs to take a look at themselves in the mirror... If your greed and desire outwieghs your self pride and respect then that's on you.. And trying to kick and scream at the referee because of the call made on the feild doesnt get you anywhere but in the hall of shame. your grown up, you heard the rules, act like a professional and accept it.

TUS Discussion / Re: KEY REMAPPER
« on: May 05, 2013, 06:18 AM »
Low gravity ist to expensive.. Its all about the 2x jump

Leagues Complaints / Re: Avoiding i guess
« on: May 05, 2013, 06:12 AM »
When i only have time to play one scheme i ask for a specific scheme tus.. But i have always seen people ask for certain schemes when spamming for tus.. It hapoens and isnt against rules.

Also anyone who has problems with decisions made is free to make there own league and run it however they want.

Promotion Project / Re: New Roping community idea.
« on: May 03, 2013, 10:58 PM »
TTRR does not count as roping


Leagues Complaints / Re: Avoiding i guess
« on: May 03, 2013, 10:55 PM »
We have ran into this befor, yes one clan if not willing to play certain schemes should say so, but in the end clans should agree to maps and schemes in pregame lobby. This is just a disagreement amongst two clans.

Hall of fame / Re: dS Tours - Comments & Feedback
« on: May 03, 2013, 04:59 AM »
I gotta start them early, or else i am called off for whatever reasons. But yes was really nice to actually finish for once.

TUS Discussion / Re: KEY REMAPPER
« on: May 03, 2013, 04:58 AM »
On this novella of a topic, everyone using a script like this should be hunted down and caned.  Except Anubis, he already has had 10 years of backlash under his belt. 

Anubis is the anti script.

Sign-Ups / Re: ea - Join-Up
« on: May 03, 2013, 04:54 AM »

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #570, Team 17 $$$$
« on: May 03, 2013, 04:39 AM »
I have never seen anyone that is in my group.. Sounds like its gonna be harder to find these guys than it is to play the game arghhhhhh

I'm available mon-fri 5-930pm Pacific time

Public Forum / Re: mother of god, mankind are crazy?!
« on: May 01, 2013, 04:55 AM »

Sign-Ups / Re: ea - Join-Up
« on: April 28, 2013, 10:11 PM »
If thats what he chooses that fine, I am not his overseer. He is still my friend either way.

Sign-Ups / Re: ea - Join-Up
« on: April 28, 2013, 02:59 PM »
wow EA is no joke, if Walrus doesnt make the cut, is it even a community worth trying for?
no walrus no MayheM FTW

Off Topic / Re: Introduction.
« on: April 28, 2013, 02:19 PM »
Welcome, I hope you enjoy your stay.

General discussion / Re: Finger Rollers - Keyboards
« on: April 28, 2013, 12:29 PM »

Sorry for yet another off-topic post but I want to add to that, that none of the top "ropers/warmers" EVER start these stupid f@#!ing who is/was best. I can only speak for myself but the time I cared about my "domination" is like 4+ years ago and nowadays I am glad if I can actually motivate myself to even rope a few hours. Dunno about Mablak and the other "old school top roper", but I don't see them caring or even replying to these threads at all lol.

Just wanted to make that clear, though I would rather see you make threads for the current generation of awesome warmers/ropers like orange, asbest (played with him once, he's insane good for 16 years old) etc.

On-Topic: I only have experience with IBM, Dell and that one Qpad. In my opinion IBM > Dell > Qpad. :)

Anubis STFU your the only one i know that can pick up a kb off the curb dust it off after 5 yrs and make the leet feel like noobs in a 10 min warmer.... finger rolls are a dedicated skill yes, but ropeing in itself is a skill that is learned over time put in and dedicated.  Yes some people learn finger rolls and some learn cross handed but at the end of the day its what you can do with it. i know some one finger tappers that can put rollers to shame. but then i know some rollers that got "style" that can never be touched by the one finger tappers. My great friend volrin was a roller that even to this day on a cold night below 0 couldnt be touched by the greatest. but it all depends on what you can do with it. i know on days im upset from work and whats going on in the day i cant rope for nothing, but on a good day i can keep up with the best. "it all depends on what you do wit it"

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