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Messages - franz

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 122
Leagues Complaints / Re: game-144888/
« on: April 27, 2013, 05:42 AM »
Definitely think VoK has advantage with EQ and Nuclear and 2 worms to 1. reN also had a big mistake earlier in the game losing a worm. I'm inclined to let the game stand, but it's still not a 100% win, so probably need to hear other mod's opinions on this before deciding.

Leagues Playoffs / Re: Free league season 13 playoffs
« on: April 27, 2013, 05:34 AM »
Reminder: Round1 deadline - FRIDAY, May 10th
almost 1 week(s) in now -> less than 2 week(s) left for Round1

Dmitry #2/DENnis #3, confirmed this weekend then? can you agree on a day and time? Only heard "every day 14-18 gmt" so far.

Leagues Playoffs / Re: Season 31 playoffs
« on: April 27, 2013, 05:31 AM »
Reminder: Round1 deadline - FRIDAY, May 10th  (Clans Round1 deadline - MONDAY, May 20th)
almost 1 week(s) in now -> less than 2 week(s) left for Round1  (less than 3 week(s) left for Clans Round1)

Berria #1/skOrpuz #8, both of you delaying, need to see extra effort confirming a day and time, because you only have May 5-May 10
KinslayeR #4/Ninja #5, Ninja risks being kicked for showing no effort, where are you?

cFc #1/dt #4, confirmed Sunday 28th at 20gmt?
AeF #2/CAT #3, AeF risks kick, delaying for week(s)? Need to see extra effort offering new times

Gaming Central / Re: Most Addictive Game?
« on: April 26, 2013, 01:46 AM »
I never owned Demon Souls, only played it at friends (I'm console-less), but once its sequel Dark Souls finally went to PC, I had a huge addicting phase just fully exploring the game that first time through, and that was the best part.  Just a great challenging world that kept me wanting more.  Looking forward to Dark Souls 2 :)

Leagues Playoffs / Free league season 13 playoffs
« on: April 20, 2013, 12:57 PM »

Round1 deadline - FRIDAY, May 10th (20 days)
FINAL deadline - THURSDAY, May 30th (20 days)

If only one side is making good effort to finish playoff games, that side will advance.  If BOTH sides make poor effort to finish playoff games, BOTH sides will get kicked out.  Anyone who fails to finish their playoff games and is kicked out will be disqualified from the next playoffs.  After that, they are free to qualify again.

reN`s #1/Husk #4
Dmitry #2/DENnis #3

Leagues Playoffs / Season 31 playoffs
« on: April 20, 2013, 12:56 PM »

Singles Round1 deadline - FRIDAY, May 10th (20 days)
Singles Round2 deadline - THURSDAY, May 30th (20 days)
Singles FINAL deadline - WEDNESDAY, June 19th (20 days)

Clans Round1 deadline - MONDAY, May 20th (30 days)
Clans FINAL deadline - WEDNESDAY, June 19th (30 days)

If only one side is making good effort to finish playoff games, that side will advance.  If BOTH sides make poor effort to finish playoff games, BOTH sides will get kicked out.  Anyone who fails to finish their playoff games and is kicked out will be disqualified from the next playoffs.  After that, they are free to qualify again.

Berria #1/skOrpuz #8
Bry4N #3/guuuria #6
KinslayeR #4/Ninja #5
Lukz #2/Wolfgang #7

cFc #1/dt #4
AeF #2/CAT #3

Leagues General / Re: Team17 for clanners
« on: April 18, 2013, 11:18 AM »
T17 already takes a long time, but make it longer changing SD?  Draws would be even more unbearable.  Maybe the more turns you're wanting are obtainable through shorter turn time.

Leagues Games Comments / Re: Game #144011, reported by marjano
« on: April 16, 2013, 01:43 AM »

Leagues General / Lukz wins Season30!
« on: April 14, 2013, 08:18 PM »

Lukz wins two in a row for his 6th classic championship (he won 3 of the last 4)!  Congratulations!  He beat Impossible who reached his first finals.  (now Lukz is just 1 championship away from Random00 who holds the most with 7)

"maybe next ttrr trl ;)"

See Dulek, I was kinda right ;)

Still.. ugh, 3:0.. felt like our 1st game on my 3rd worm 53 turn I pulled off some fast moves, despite the jump snag at the very start losing 1.6s and then the little fall later. Then my 2nd game 5th worm to outright win it but failing that final fling when one probably wasn't even necessary.

gg's sir, worthy match

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #556, TTRR for Pro's
« on: April 14, 2013, 03:05 PM »
Dulek, I can play 23:00+ GMT weekdays

That's quite late for me especially it's weekdays. 23 GMT is 1:00 am. Cannot you be available today, somehow? I'm free whole day, can even play late.

Sure, leaving my snoop open starting now. Msg me

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #556, TTRR for Pro's
« on: April 13, 2013, 11:43 PM »
Dulek, I can play 23:00+ GMT weekdays

Leagues Playoffs / Re: Season 30 playoffs
« on: April 13, 2013, 06:08 PM »
Reminder: FINAL deadline - SATURDAY, April 20th
almost 8 week(s) in now -> less than 1 week(s) left for FINAL

Lukz #3/Impossible #5, again both risk kick out, still no times given

Gaming Central / Re: Most Addictive Game?
« on: April 12, 2013, 12:55 AM »
World of Warcraft so many fun memories 2005-2008, getting S3 Gladiator was awesome too. Then got into online poker till Black Friday hit in 2009 stopping all US activity ;/  For now it's back to Worms and attempting League of Legends (Gabriel can attest, I've seen his raging in that game ^^) but it's definitely fun learning it as a new challenge for me right now.

Leagues General / chuvash wins TRL Intermediate season 13!
« on: April 12, 2013, 12:47 AM »

chuvash's first championship!  Big Congratulations on winning the very first TRL Intermediate season :)

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